Official UFO/UAP Thread

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by D-Fish Man, May 1, 2021.

  1. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Stockton, CA
    The fact I haven’t thought of bringing this topic to this forum is beyond me. I’ve literally been following this story since it’s inception, and have been an avid UFO story follower since my childhood. I can catch everyone up, and we can discuss. For any in depth stuff, gotta do the research on your own. It’s too much information to put in a post. We’re gonna focus on the stuff that’s been going on recently and the relevancy of some historic incidents.

    So UFO’s have been seen pretty much for all of recorded history. During WWII strange lights, even unidentified crafts have been seen in the sky. Same for the Vietnam war, apparently, a pilot almost collided with what he described as a “butane tank” shaped craft that was float long across the sky.

    fast forward to 2004, off the coast of San Diego, near Mexico. The Navy warships are conducting training, along with their fighter pilots. The ships were picking up “unknown tracks” on their radar, moving at slow, but unusual speeds. This goes on for two weeks. The objects were descending from 80,000 ft, to near sea level in seconds, then traversing the sea. So they were basically coming from up high; then coming down low, then traveling. During a training exercise for navy pilots, it gets cancelled, and they send the pilots to these unknown tracks.

    they go, and find roiling water (as if something was in the ocean), a large object appeared to be just under the surface of the water. Then, they see a 30-40 ft white tic-tac object darting around the area, conducting maneuvers that are not possible by any conventional aircraft. No details to make out, other than a white, tic-tac shaped aircraft. They chase it, it vanishes.

    another Pilot goes out to look for it, finds it on his FLIR camera, shoots this short video of the object, and it takes off after just floating.

    Nothing comes of it, it gets pushed aside, laughed it off and continued with business as usual.

    fastforwad to 2012 I believe. The Pilots received upgraded radars. They start picking up these anomalies on their radar. They think it’s a glitch, and just conduct their business.

    pilots become curious and during their free time, go and investigate these things. They get to the locations of where these objects should be, and shoot these two videos. Mind you, these were visible on the FLIR cameras, from what I gathered, they were not visible to the naked eye.

    So, during this time, pilots were seeing these unknown crafts for two years on a regular basis. One of the pilots alleged to have almost collided with one, and it was described as a dark cube, inside a translucent sphere.

    So, 2017 comes, a task force had been created to investigate these things, it wasnt being taken seriously, and the man in charge of the program, Luis Elizondo, resigns in protest and helps with the NYT article, along with Christopher Mellon, and the pilots who were in these incidents.

    I will continue this in another post later. HopeTo get some responses or feedback or questions. I’m so interested in this topic, I find myself Talking to my wife about it, who shares no interest in the topic lol.
  2. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    Lots of sighting this year. Way more than usual.

    I’ll be curious to see where it all leads.
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 and TIME like this.
  3. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Stockton, CA

    Yes sir, definite increase. This also isn’t taking into account the military sightings and encounters that will probably remain classified.

    right now, the hot rumor is that there is a crystal clear photo, or a triangular craft rising from the ocean, and flying straight up into space. Haven’t seen, nor heard what branch of military had this photo, but that’s what circulating right now
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.
  4. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    I've heard some pretty far out conspiracy theory type of stuff, and all of it is pretty entertaining no matter how outlandish it is. But I do hope that if we officially get "visited" and they stick around, that it's a peaceful situation and they like basketball.
    JohnnyComeLately2k6 likes this.

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