Official Marvel / MCU Discussion:

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by ThizGuy83, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    ^ Yep... 10 mins of my life wasted :swear:
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  2. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Good to know. Sitting in the theater from 1:40 am to 1:50 am for nothing would have left me pretty salty.
    trodgers likes this.
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Man, I’m not gonna make Endgame this weekend, going to have to stay off Twitter and stuff completely, I can already see the a-holes popping up trying to spoil stuff for people.
    ThizGuy83 likes this.
  4. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Well that was amazing.
    raviator likes this.
  5. ThizGuy83

    ThizGuy83 - Rookie -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    theyve been trying to spoil the movie since it first came out in china few days ago.
  6. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I liked it, but I'm not going to lie, I didn't love it.
    Helljumper and CarolinaLakerFan like this.
  7. raviator

    raviator - Rookie -

    Oct 7, 2014
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    I liked it. Thought it was highly enjoyable. Takes a minute to get started but the climax definitely had some fist pumping moments. Not my favorite Avengers movie, but it does make my top 5 or 6. I’ll most likely definitely see it again.
    trodgers likes this.
  8. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I liked it but didn't love it as well. Two things that were massively disappointing IMO:
    1.ZERO fighting from professor hulk. I understand his arm was injured from the snap. But the story could have been written where he had some action before the snap, particularly some revenge in hand to hand combat against Thanos. 2. I would have liked to have seen Thanos defeated physically in combat instead of being snapped away. They could have still had Tony need to snap, maybe to stop the army.
    Savory Griddles likes this.
  9. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    There was some over-the-top fan service as well. The movie could have been 30 minutes shorter if they didn't feel the need to make all these call backs to previous movies.

    Also, the part where it was all the women together was so forced and cringy. My wife said she was extremely turned off by it because it felt like Marvel was patting themselves on the back.

    I didn't like how they left Thor a fat drunk the entire movie. I was not a fan of Ragnarok. Infinity War redeemed him a little bit, but then they doubled down and made him seem like a total doofus.

    There was a lot of good in the movie as well, but the longer I think about it, the more I dislike it. It's not going to get to the point where I think it's a bad movie. I liked it. But it felt very manufactured. There was no creativity in the final battle either. Cap and Thor combined their strengths and powers for a short stint, but what makes those battles cool is when they get creative with their teamwork. Nothing in the fight was as cool as when the Guardians, IM, Strange and Spider-man took on Thanos in Infinity War. Other than the short Cap/Thor double team on Thanos, it was all very paint by numbers fighting like in Age of Ultron.
    Punk-101 likes this.
  10. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    So I made it to see it after all.Opinions differ I see. For me it was the most satisfying conclusion I could ever dream of. Still reeling from the losses, still in awe of what they pulled off. I’ve never cheered so hard at a climactic final battle in my movie going life. Not for Star Wars, Batman, Lord of the Rings, or anything else I can think of, it was a thing of pure fan-service beauty. Fist pumping, cheering, “f*** yeah”’s were shouted. What a movie, what an 11 year run, I want the Blu-ray NOW.
  11. ThizGuy83

    ThizGuy83 - Rookie -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    i loved it. i enjoyed it. i see nothing wrong with this movie. definitely concluded the infinity saga. as one review i read earlier which summed it up perfectly, infinty war was the brawn, endgame is the brain with an awesome ending.
    trodgers likes this.
  12. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Man, that all female charge into battle was like 10-15 seconds of the entire movie. Imagine what that 10-15 seconds meant to all the little girls watching this now and in the future, I thought that part was friggin awesome, because marvel showed they built a large cast of female superheroes and they did it right. In the end the men still got to shine though, Captain Marvel didn’t stop Thanos, Tony did.

    I certainly have my own gripes with the movie despite my high praise though, I’m not sure I prefer it overall to Infinity War which was more of a non stop roller coaster. This took an hour to build or so, and with sooooo many characters to have payoffs for some simply couldn’t have enough time, wasn’t possible, but still I think they pulled it off. One thing I keep reading now that I’m looking at spoiler articles though is how the movie did Black Widow a disservice, and I am not getting that at all. Her death was an absolute gut punch, I seriously was sitting there going “no, no, no, come on, no!”, but yeah they did. She and Tony scarified their lives to save the universe, and they kept bringing her up the rest of the film, she got a truly heroic send-off.

    Other than that any gripes I had would be personal taste, the same stuff that can always bug me about time travel movies. Then stuff I knew was coming, because we can’t keep having these actors play these characters until they’re 80, but still it was incredibly hard to see Cap’s story come to an end. I initially strongly disliked the first Captain America movie, but Winter Soldier and Civil War are 2 of my favorites and Cap became maybe my favorite avenger overall. Gonna be tough going on without a chunk of the original team from here on out, but 11 years worth of movies is enough to watch back over and over again, and there’s still characters with plenty of ability to carry the movies going forward.

    You know why this didn’t particularly bother me, although I wouldn’t have minded seeing it? Because the Thanos that wiped out half of all life DID get defeated physically, he got his hand chopped off and then decapitated. I actually did like how they killed the Thanos that didn’t go through years of trying to collect infinity stones and then getting the rest himself. A much more insolent, violent, hellbent on crazy destruction and more dangerous because of that Thanos that hadn’t gone through the sacrifice of killing Gamorah and feeling the weight of wiping out half of all life yet . It was kind of perfect in a way, he got to watch his entire army, all his might turn to dust like he had planned to do, and then finally he got to be dusted himself, I couldn’t have ended it better. I don’t think any Avenger stabbing him or cutting him up would be any more powerful for me, because we saw Thor do that, and at that point for me it felt a little too easy an out. He had to watch it all crumble in despair and disbelief, what he had just threatened to do to earth and then really all life instead of half of it, it was poetic.
  13. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I'm with you on that. I just wish they beat him up more i guess. More of characters letting out their pain on him like scarlet witch while he's actually seeming vulnerable was soooo satisfying. We you ok with no hulk fighting again? I'd have liked if more characters got their turn pummeling away. Rocket and Groot, Hulk, Panther, Iron man, spiderman, should have all got more shots in. Other than witch, the only character that really pummeled him was Cap with Mjolnir. It would have been nice if they had him physically beaten down andd maybe in a headlock like in the beginning, ready to do the same thing, then Tony does the snap, knowing it's what really has to happen.
    alam1108 likes this.
  14. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    It worked for me, for all the reasons I listed before, but that doesn’t mean it had to work the same for you. I was just explaining how I felt about it, not so much trying to change your mind, you felt how you felt. Again, for me, the Thanos that did the snap got his. The Thanos that was here early threatening to wipe out all life down to the atoms had to be dealt with immediately, no chances taken. That he got the gauntlet on again and even got as close as he did to snapping his fingers had me like “no, no way he can do this again” on the edge of my seat panicked. It would have been cool to see more characters get shots in, but I think they did the best they could with what time they had, and I think certain characters like Spider-Man probably learned from their first fight they didn’t want to go too close to him. I was ok with Hulk not really fighting either because he was such a huge part of the movie otherwise. I loved how they handled the Hulk, blended him into one guy, truly the best of both worlds. I need to see the movie again, really, any gripes I had are minor, and I’m wondering if the movie gets even better the second time without all the massive expectations and time to look around and notice more.
    SamsonMiodek and Punk-101 like this.
  15. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    oh I know. I wasn’t trying to change your mind either. The only thing I really really needed for me was from the hulk. Every other complaint was just about making it a teeny bit cooler for my tastes, not that it was lacking.
  16. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    That's the whole thing though. They didn't build up a large cast of female superheroes. There's Captain Marvel, Wasp and Valkyrie. The other's were developed as scientists (Shuri), love interests (Pepper), or people who are skilled at martial arts. Tony having a 20 second conversation with his daughter about the mask he is making for Pepper is not developing her into a female Iron Man. Shuri is a teenage girl. A brilliant one, but she doesn't belong on the battle field with a couple fancy armbands. A more believable (and helpful) scenario would have had her controlling a few jets from Wakanda.

    I would have had no problem with Wasp, Captain Marvel and Valkyrie doing something together in a creative way where their powers complimented each other. It would have been more subtle. It wasn't about women or men shining. Women had great moments throughout the entire movie and they could have had great moments in the final battle too. But having every significant female in the MCU line up ready to fight was patronizing at best, reverse-sexism at worse. I don't want to get too caught up in that moment though. I am just explaining my position on it because I don't want to come off as sexist. I actually think what Marvel did was sexist because of how patronizing it was.

    I was also sad about Cap. He was easily my favorite Avenger ( I actually really like Captain America 1), but his send off was perfect...well as perfect as you can make it considering the time-travel inconsistencies inherent in any time-travel movie.

    I'm kind of with Punk though on the whole Hulk not getting to smash thing. But with him now being Professor Hulk, they have sort of made him evergreen (no pun intended) and can continue to use him forever with Ruffalo just doing some mo-cap.

    I do have a question though concerning Spiderman: Far From Home (the next Marvel movie). So everything is 5 years into the future. Peter Parker is still technically a 17 year old kid. Everyone he was with in high school (that didn't get snapped) is likely graduating college by now. So is it going to be that him, MJ, Ned, and Flash were all snapped? Are we also going to see the fallout for the millions of people returning to find their spouses have remarried and had kids with other people?
    Weezy, alam1108 and Punk-101 like this.
  17. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Here's how I would have tweaked the final battle sequence to satisfy my needs as a fan:
    Right before Hulk snaps, Thanos' ship shows up and blows up the building.
    Thanos beams himself down alone to retrieve the stark gauntlet from the rubble.
    Same stuff from Antman saving hulk and Rhodie from the rubble. Obviously Clint isn't running from the Chtari goons.
    Iron man, cap, and Thor beat up on Thanos for a while as they're all fighting over the gauntlet. Then Antman, Hulk Rhodie, and Clint show up, allowing Hulk his smash rematch with Thanos. Hulk is beating the f*** out of him so Thanos calls in his army and his ships start blowing more stuff up.
    The heroes are getting overrun until Hulk gets the gauntlet and snaps. All the good guys show up through the sling rings like before.
    Cap Marvel shows up to take out the ships.
    Thanos retrieves the gauntlet from a near dead Hulk, punches Marvel into oblivion with the power stone and is about to snap. Tony does his switcharoo and the rest is history.
    trodgers likes this.
  18. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    I would echo the “liked it, didn’t love it” sentiment. I probably need to watch it again with my expectation reset since I just didn’t follow along with some of it.

    Right off the bat, the premise of them immediately killing the Thanos from their universe was a twist that didn’t sit right with me.

    So when they go back in time and beat another universe’s Thanos who didn’t have a single infinite stone, it did not seem as rewarding.

    I also didn’t quite follow how everyone was brought back. Hulk had snapped and it seemed to have a similar effect as when Thanos originally did it. But then they portrayed it as not working. Then a few minutes later all the dead people come back. Did Hulk’s snap do the trick? Or was it just some mystical stuff from Dr Strange that I shouldn’t think too much about?

    And then Iron Man’s snap, what exactly did that do? Everyone was already back alive, yet somehow Iron Man snapping only killed Thanos and his goons while keeping everyone else alive?
  19. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I think you definitely need to see it again, it’s 3 hours, dense as hell, and there is so much going on, it’s literally impossible to take it all in once. What I gathered from my viewing, and from watching spoiler review videos on YouTube afterwards, was that whoever is wearing the gauntlet with the stones controls what happens when they snap. Thanos wanted to wipe out half of all life, so he did. Hulk wanted to bring everyone who was dusted back, but he also couldn’t undo the last 5 years as they agreed with Tony (and whatever else he agreed with the Ancient One maybe?), and he did. I also heard it said that what took Hulk so long to do the snap, why he was struggling so hard and really getting cooked up on his one side, yelling and all that, was because he was trying to bring Black Widow back too, and he just couldn’t, and that took all he had out of him. Later, when Tony did the snap, he specifically aimed to wipe out Thanos, his crew, and all his army. I looked at it as some kind of wishing situation, whatever the wearer wishes for to an extent is what happens. Thanos kind of pointed at such as well when he said he’d changed his goal from wiping out half of life to wiping out all life and starting over. Him being that dangerous is why I felt his death was still rewarding. I also don’t know if I’d call killing original Thanos so early a twist if you look at Infinity War and Endgame as the one long movie they’re intended to be, but I get what you’re saying for sure
  20. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Regarding the female characters stuff, we just see it differently , and that’s fine. I could argue why I do, but it really doesn’t matter, it was how we connected with it personally, I know you’re not sexist. Perri Nemiroff from Collider made a point in the spoiler review video to bring up this scene and how much it meant to her, said it bowled her over, and that she’ll never forget how she felt the first time she saw the shot of all those female characters joining together in battle, so of course everyone will have their own takes.

    As for the Spider-Man stuff, the 5 years later stuff, i think you have it right from what I picked up and have seen online. I assume half of his class (maybe more, maybe less) was snapped, so yes they have to pick up in whatever grade they were in. We saw some of people have to do this with stuff like the shot of Scott and Hope hanging out with his now much older daughter Cassie. Those years are gone, people will have to adjust. How much they show the struggle of that is hard to say though, I would think, it is still the marvel universe and the movies are typically fun above all else. They are so thorough though, I can’t imagine they won’t continue to show the effects of the people that have missed all that time. I have questions same as you though, like what about all the cleanup, because the world was a mess, places like the baseball stadium they showed were in terrible shape, so the world can’t just pick up exactly as it left off, unless Hulk’s snap also fixed some other stuff in the world like that, but I dunno that would feel a little too convenient. We shall see I guess.

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