Official 2016 Free Agency Thread

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by LaVarBallsDad, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. Battle Tested20

    Battle Tested20 Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    THe thing that some scouts and former coaches have noticed and I even witnessed this watching Heat games in the playoffs. He's a fantastic help defender when it comes to blocking shots, but he rarely block the shot of the guy he is guarding despite the long arms and high block numbers.
  2. OX1947

    OX1947 - Lakers MVP -

    Jun 3, 2016
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    I would say if this were the 90's or before, that would be a consistent problem. However, the lack of skilled big men in the NBA, that issue isnt as blatant. Plus, the most impactful blocks is when a player thinks he has his man beat and some guy comes out of nowhere and blocks his shot. I still believe if Bogut doesnt get hurt, the Warriors win the title. The lanes opened up for the Cavs and they exploited it once they knew a guy who was getting 3 and 5 blocks a game wasnt going to be there.
    LTLakerFan likes this.
  3. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Bogut played like the 1st 7mins of the 1st qtr and few mins in 3rd qtt, never comes back in late games...he was of little significance
  4. Socrates

    Socrates - Rookie -

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    I don't know all that much about him, I hardly ever watch or listen to him, but from little i have seen, this statement is pretty much exactly how I had him pegged. Lol.
    therealdeal and trodgers like this.
  5. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    He was actually getting owned by val on the blocks one on one during their series against tor
    Battle Tested20 likes this.
  6. Khmrp

    Khmrp - Lakers Legend -

    Jun 10, 2016
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    Hes a professional troll just like skip
    tada, trodgers and Socrates like this.
  7. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    :KobeConfused: These guys would have to be wannabe Eskimos. Compared to the talent, coaching and excitement we now have building with the Los Angeles Lakers in comparison, they should fighting over trying to come to L.A. rather than scheming how they can both stay there.

    Signed: the Homer
    abeer3 likes this.
  8. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Yeah it feels like there's just not as much excitement around LA in players who are outside of LA. We as fans know we've got something cooking, but it feels like players want to see the proof before the jump in. I understand that.

    Still, it's a little annoying that we've been reduced to the league looking at us sideways. Byron Scott and management really did a number on our image.
    abeer3, RushDelivery and LTLakerFan like this.
  9. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Wow!! Looks good on my manly sized Samsung phone. :clap:
  10. D-Fish Man

    D-Fish Man - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 22, 2014
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    I think I'll actually be MORE upset if we whiff this year. Sure, we're in a much better place with our developing talent so we're better off than we were two years ago. But while striking out recently on the top FAs was humiliating, we never really had a credible shot at landing Melo or Aldridge, so it was forgivable. But now we had tons of cap space and promising young talent. If we can't land one of Horford, Whiteside, DeRozen, Noah or Batum, that represents a major failure on the part of our front office.

    I know there's been a lot of positive vibes circulating here as of late and I'm all for it. We have some genuine studs under 22 on our roster, we have a new young coach and the future finally looks bright. And I will concede that our scouting has been great, resulting in some stellar draft picks (Clarkson, Zubac, and even Russell over bumfights Okafor). But we have to keep things in perspective: our FO has done nothing to make us think they're not the same sad sack of Jimmy-led dolts they've been the last five years. They trade away draft picks, they let people leave for nothing and they can't sell any valuable FAs on coming and playing for the friggin' Lakers. So to me, this summer is a MAJOR test of their ability. And if they can't close on any of the top FAs, then it's time to clean house, timeline be damned.

    Having said all of that, I'm sorry for injecting any negativity into this discussion because I'm more excited for this team than I've been in years. And I am hoping for the best come Thursday. I really hope Mitch and Jim step up and win the day. If we get Horford/Whiteside and another top FA, I will run naked through the streets.
    abeer3 and LTLakerFan like this.
  11. Lakers2015

    Lakers2015 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 2, 2015
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    I don't see it as a failure. As attractive as the Lakers are now they'll be much more attractive in a year or so. It's still a lot to ask of a big time free agent to possibly leave money on the table and play with a young core that is still a couple of years away from really competing in a loaded West. Some like Whiteside probably don't care others like Durant or Horford are in the prime of their careers and can't afford to waste any time.

    I also don't see how the front office hasn't done anything. That's ridiculous. You just alluded to how great they've been at drafting. Finding two absolute steals in Nance Jr. and Clarkson and possibly another one in Zubac and you could even argue Randle at #7. All three are at least gonna be solid NBA players and definitely have shown they should've gone higher. Russell showed he's at worst the second best player in this draft. He had a very solid rookie year despite playing for Mr. Incompatent.

    Then of course there's Luke Walton. They made the perfect hire. A modern day basketball game who has a great understanding of the game itself, how to build relationships, how communicate with the younger players, how to implement and adjust a system that puts them in the right position to succeed and suits their strengths, has a clear plan in place and is gonna change the culture.

    No they haven't gotten any free agents, but I'd rather have this great young core. We get a Carmelo or Aldridge in free agency and we're stuck with that contact for years and mired in mediocrity. At least now we are rebuilding the right way through the draft.

    Also think of everything they've endured. The Chris Paul debacle, Kobe's Achilles tear and dramatic decline, Phil Jackson retiring, Nash's back problems, Dwight not being who we all thought he was, and yet they've still made it out with a promising and great young core and future. I don't see how anyone can say with a straight face the front office hasn't made any progress.

    Cleaning house makes no sense. Yeah that'll sell to free agents that we have such great stability. How do you think that's gonna look to Luke? The front office has done a great job in the draft, they've rebuilt what was once a talentless roster into one of the most exciting and talented young teams in basketball, and they got out of cap hell.
    abeer3 and LTLakerFan like this.
  12. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Didn't read all of your post carefully because you lost me with there needs to be proof of some kind that they aren't still stumbling around strategically in running the Lakers. I give you exhibit A in that Mitch and Jim acted decisively in the small window of opportunity they had to fire Byron Scott's sorry a** and hire Luke Walton. I totally hopped onto their bandwagon at that point, taking into consideration how amazing they have been with their draft picks and personnel moves last 3 years.
    TIME likes this.
  13. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I guess I just don't agree with FA being the test anymore. I was with you a while ago, but my mind is changed. They've already shown me a few things:

    1. They've been tanking. Painfully and obviously even if they lied about it, the Lakers never had any intentions of being competitive while Kobe was on the roster. They literally brought Byron in to be tank commander and the times when we suspected they were losing on purpose... they were. Very much so. That means all the negativity they've created, they did it knowingly. That's obviously both good and bad. It's good in that at least it was incompetence. It's bad in that they've both tarnished our reputation permanently and have created an atmosphere of such dismal basketball that even when LA is free and available for the taking no one wants it.

    2. They're no longer tanking. If they were still tanking, the tank commander would still be here. Now it's about coming back. Now we see the difference between purposely losing and trying to win which will cement whether or not they're failures. Now where we disagree is you think the final test is this summer getting a FA, but my final test is now beyond that after seeing how critically damaged the franchise has been left after the tank jobs.

    We're simply too unknown right now for anyone to jump in. We're not getting Durant or LeBron. Guys like DeRozan and Horford are likely to turn us down just like Greg Monroe did last season. We will be lucky to get someone like Whiteside on the team. Otherwise, we're probably taking another salary dump. That's just the truth. I blame almost all of that on Byron for making our young roster look so awful, but some of that is on Mitch for letting it get to that point.

    Basically what I'm saying is what from the outside looks like chaos was actually an organized retreat. Now we're about to go back on the offensive and we'll see how effective we can be. I don't think it's a failure to miss on Durant or LeBron. I think it's a failure if anything if we max someone like Ezeli or something. There's opportunity for success this summer without a giant name attached.
    KareemtheGreat33 likes this.
  14. Lakers2015

    Lakers2015 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 2, 2015
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    I don't see how our reputation is tarnished forever. We had some bad years. Big deal. So does every franchise. Every franchise has gotten to where we've been the last few seasons. It happens. With them now rebuilding correctly there's no reason their reputation can't be built backup.

    I don't agree that our young roster looked awful. The roster as a whole did, but anyone with a brain and who watched last season could see they weren't being used right or at all and for the most part the young core still played pretty well. Nance Jr, Clarkson, Randle, and Russell all had vey good seasons.

    I don't see why there's so much doom and gloom. I really don't. Even if we don't get a free agent so what? Okay we suck again, but we at least will see great progress and improvement and we'll be in a better and much better position next season. The moment we got Ingram I honestly didn't care if we got a max free agent. Don't need them. We have a great, great young core that is gonna be outstanding in just a few seasons and is gonna be a joy to watch.
  15. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I don't feel like typing a long response. Easy answer: we're the Lakers. That stuff was beneath us for 30 years. I don't know how old you are, but the Los Angeles Lakers have never been through what they've just been through ever in their franchise history. It's what made the Lakers unique: their staying power. Taking us down to the level of every other franchise is precisely the point and why we can't even get a meeting with Durant right now. We're just another stupid franchise. We're not the Lakers.
    It seems you're implying I don't have a brain. I do actually. I'd take a picture, but I don't have the equipment on me right now. Anyone with a brain can see the Lakers won 17 games last year, they've won 39 games total the last two years, they've missed the playoffs the last three years, and they've done nothing to show that they're worth more than 30 wins next season. Do you think Durant wants to win 30-35 games next season? Or do you think Durant, who has been to one Finals, wants to win a ring next season?
    That is precisely what I said in my post. I don't care too much if the Lakers miss out on FAs. It's okay because we've now made our bed and are going to lie in for the next 2-3 years at least. I'm excited to go in a new direction and see what there is to be seen about these young players. That doesn't mean we can't be pragmatic about the way OTHER people see the Lakers and it certainly doesn't mean we can't look and see what other players might think when they see the Lakers. If I were a young star in my prime, I'm not coming to the Lakers alone right now when I can go to a more competitive team. If I'm Durant and I can sign with GS, OKC, or SA I wouldn't meet with the Lakers either because like you said we're now where "every franchise has been". We're not the Lakers who get FA meetings with stars even when the team sucks with little hope of recovery. We are now "every other team". If you're not bitter about that, you probably should be. The Lakers have been humbled and while that will make the return that much sweeter, it doesn't mean I'm forgetting everything that happened on the way down. You don't learn from history if you don't remember your history first.
  16. D-Fish Man

    D-Fish Man - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 22, 2014
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    Our front office has done a few things right and a lot of things wrong. They threw all of our draft picks into trades and got virtually no return. They also let Pau and Jordan Hill walk for nothing (same with Dwight but I understood the strategy with him at the time). It's for this reason that we haven't been in any relevant trade discussions for the last three years and it's the same reason we haven't been able to lure any free agents. We've had zero real assets. And the teams that make smart moves do. I'm sorry but the brain-trust that hired D'Antoni over Phil (after Mike Brown and before Byron Scott) got NOTHING for Hill and Pau, failed to stockpile draft picks, got dragged kicking and screaming into the world of advanced metrics and hired Tobey Macguire to narrate the desperate free-agent sales videos has to do a lot more to earn themselves back into my good graces.

    But hey, if Jim Buss has impressed you with his tenure as VP of basketball operations, then I'm glad one of us is looking forward to his continued stewardship of the franchise I have been watching since I was a kid in the 80s.
    abeer3 likes this.
  17. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    Where are you drawing the line at?

    I think the mentality of the team really shifted after the Chris Paul-nix because that's when things really unraveled. They had a (really great actually) plan in place to get Howard AND Paul to team with Kobe as Kobe waned. It would have made us a contender at the time for sure. Then in 2012 we make the massive mistake with the Nash deal all in the name of winning now, right? Well that is a disaster...

    So after that we're in the 2013/14 season which was the nail in our sucky coffin as the Lakers trusted their brand to hold on to Dwight and then failed to move Pau for anything.

    Since 2014 we've been tanking outright and have made nothing but moves that make sense since then if you look at them as trying to lose games. Everything before that I absolutely crush them for too. I think they were reeling from a combination of NBA sabotage, the death of Dr. Buss, an internal power struggle with the kids, bad injury luck, and on top of all that bad decision making. Those years were really what cost us the last two, but honestly we made it out of there in one piece somehow. Tarnished and bruised and beaten, but in one piece. The scouting department is the only thing that hasn't let us down at all.

    The problem is the tanking has ruined our image for FAs so now attracting someone will be extremely difficult even with the extra cap space. I still don't think it's a failure if we miss out on big names, but I'll wait and see how the summer goes. If we start throwing out bad contracts, then I'm right with you. Time to clean shop. The least they can do is preserve cap space while giving the young guys veterans to build with. That's the bare minimum I expect this summer.
  18. TIME

    TIME Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I'm not defending the FO. They deserve a fair share of criticism for how we got here. But, they did not "let" Pau and Dwight walk. They made a solid offer to Pau to bring him back, and they made a Max offer to Dwight and even put up a freaking building sized pathetic plea for him to stay. Pretty much the opposite of letting him walk.
  19. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Ah. I see. I was glad when Herd left my morning drive. I like DP and Lebatard isn't horrible for when DP goes to commercials.
  20. D-Fish Man

    D-Fish Man - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 22, 2014
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    I think it was clear that Pau was going to leave after the way he was treated. I believe the writing was on the wall and we should have known that and tried to get something for him in return. And none of this explains letting Jordan Hill leave for nothing.

    And if we went in to tank mode, then I don't understand why people like Nick Young, Lou Williams, Brandon Bass and Roy Hibbert were still on our roster by the end of the season.

    The only area this FO has impressed me in the last few years is our scouting.

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