I actually dont have a problem with that video at all. Daddy long legs dont bite us and are harmless. I have tested this out myself when I was little. Sure they do look terrifying maybe when there are so many of them but that video doesn't really bother me.
I would pay you money to go in there! I know they're harmless but that many of any insect in one spot... ewwww
Saw that yesterday and wanted to post it too. W.T.F. That's like sci-fi level %$@#% right there. That's supposed to be it's tongue to latch onto prey and may also be poisonous as well.
It's actually a Nemertea or Ribbon Worm. http://www.smithsonianmag.com/ist/?...-fun-facts-about-marine-ribbon-worms-3156969/
I spent all weekend killing three nests of wasps I found in my side yard... I hate them... I hate them so much.
Yeah...good idea since those things can really hurt people and pets. That Asian Hornet I posted though is huge...about 20 times the size of a honey bee. They originate from Japan but have been seen in other parts of the world of late. Been watching "Monster Week" on Animal Planet when the doc about them aired late last night.