Not sure where to post this. Came across this on YouTube and being a huge fan of all the games, I’m of the feeling this movie needs to happen like yesterday. Or at least more of this. I’m wondering if this was put out to test fan reaction, much like they did with the Deadpool film.
I meant to post this too and completely forgot. This is a fan made film, and I bet you it’s better in many regards than what Hollywood can/will do with an Uncharted movie, because Hollywood is freakin stupid when it comes to video game movies. People have been saying since like 2008 or so that Fillion would be the perfect Drake, that all he’d have to do is get in shape and it would work. But no, Hollywood screwed around and wasted our time floating out names like Mark Wahlberg, and now I think we’re getting like a young Drake movie with Tom Holland. Young Drake is not interesting though, his parts of the games are the most boring. I doubt this movie actually happens, but Fillion has just shown he CAN do it if they still take a chance. Yes, he’s getting up there now, but that leaves it open for them to do an older an even older version of the character than they ever have and tell an entirely new story. He’s perfect for the role, and I’d go see the movie for sure. But if the fan movie is all we get, it was still super cool and Fillion is awesome for doing it.
I want to see a movie that stars Nathan Fillion, Ryan Reynolds, The Rock and Chris Pratt. The banter would be amazing.
I gotta admit, Nathan did pretty good in this one. Yeah and I agree with the opinion of the parts with young Nathan Drake. Couldn’t wait to get through those parts. As far as the movie with Tom Holland...yeah I don’t know. Maybe they’re gonna explore the relationship between him and Gabriel Ramon in which the first game pointed toward a history between the two. In which case maybe it would work. But it still doesn’t displace the fact that Nathan Fillion makes a PERFECT Drake and a movie or at least a series with him needs to be done. In any case this video proves there’s a right way to do a video game movie, especially Uncharted. There were a few nuances such as the acting and cinematography that I noticed that made this video great. One can only hope Hollywood looks at this, observes the fan reaction and takes note.
Looks pretty damn good. I’m glad Split was such a success, because while I don’t think Shyamalan was ever as good as he was hailed as early on, he was also never as bad as his lowest lows. He seems to have found a really good balance with modestly budgeted films to work with.
I need an underrated film to watch. Something like Sideways. Subtle, smart humor. Anything under the radar I may like?
I watched the movie Dunkirk this weekend for the first time. Wow, this movie will not blow you away with it's repeated action sequences but you talk about the perfect combination of soundtrack and tension building film work by Mr. Nolan..... I thoroughly enjoyed the movie which often times left me breathless given the tension and feels you get visualizing yourself in those moments. Many times during the film there would be no words but the music flowing. Not many films like that and I appreciated how different it was in that way. Another true, unique masterpiece from Christopher Nolan and company.
AMC A list. Love it. Three movies a week for $20 a month. We rack up rewards points for free drinks, too.
Bad Times at the El Royale. I highly recommend this film. Invited a friend to a movie, then needed to scramble to find something to actually watch. Looked at the trailer, and it seemed really solid. Went to the film with a group of friends. We all really enjoyed it. Tense slow burning interesting start, cool characters, strong acting, some beautiful camera work color composition, and is a unconventional enough to be different while still being a mainstream film. Really clever. Definitely worth giving a chance if you want to take a chance on a film. I give it a solid 8. Some nice character work.
Imagine if you watched it in IMAX with that amazing IMAX sound and screen, like I did, twice! I rank it as my #2 all time favorite, behind Interstellar. Incredible movie.
Creed 2. I'll give it 3 out of 4 stars. Starts off slow and picks up. The ending is really good. If you're a fan of the franchise, you'll enjoy it.
Was really glad to hear Lebron mention the movies Man on Fire and John Q. Both of those movies don't get talked about nearly enough as they should. I would even go as far as saying I prefer both the actor Denzel plays and the movie itself Man on Fire to any of the Equalizer movies.
Watched a really cool movie from September called The Dawn Wall. It's a documentary about rock climbing of all things, but the story (which I didn't know going in) is real deep and far more interesting than I would have imagined. I don't want to say too much because I went into it pretty cold (friend's recommendation) and it blew me away. Everyone I've recommended it to has loved it.