Thank you for these suggests. They look awesome. Questions though, what is the correct order of the Raid movies? Which was the very first to be released? Is that first video you showed Raid 3 or something? I just want to make sure I see them in order, it probably doesn't matter but I'm weird like that.
I went and saw Gone Girl this last weekend. I went into it knowing that a lot of people loved it but didn't really like the ending. I knew the premise, or I thought I new the premise of the movie based on the trailer. I have not read/ever seen the book before. I really got into the movie right away and actually loved how it all came together. Even though you think the whole movie is about a wife being lost and trying to find the killer which is what I thought, the movie is far more than just that. Sure I would have liked the ending to be a little better. But it wasn't as bad as I feared. Spoiler: More detail of how I felt about the movie Like I mentioned above, I thought the movie was going to be strictly about Ben's wife being lost and thus eventually Ben being arrested and having to hopefully show he was innocent. This is how I thought it would be from viewing the trailer. BOY! was I sorta wrong or what. Sure it included all that but I had no idea how much of a crazy B**** Ben's wife really was (that throat cut scene toward the end in bed, I was not expecting that). This is what made the movie even better to me. Going on this adventure where when the movie started, probably the first 45 mins I think Ben is innocent, then midway I think he actually did it, and then of course you find out that the wife planned everything. It was a great ride the movie took me on. As for the ending, the last 10 mins or so I just wanted Ben to spill the beans on everything. I wanted him to divorce her so bad so in that since I was sort of bummed that nothing really happened at the end. But the movie toward the end left me wanting something to happen really bad and for that I think he did its job. I don't know if I will buy it when it comes out but I am really glad I saw it and would recommend it to everyone. It's more than just a mystery movie, that's for sure.
The first one is raid redemption,and second one is raid2, third one hasnt been made should watch them in order...couse second one starts 2 hours after the first one...and the 3rd one should be 3hours after the second one...
I saw Gone Girl last night and I enjoyed it. There are various twists that keep you guessing throughout the movie. The only complain I had was that it was a bit too long. 2.5 hours for this was just a tad too much.
@BadCoaching is it scary or worth it for a Halloween-time spooky film? I'm watching The Hurt Locker in film studies class tomorrow... Saw it before, looking forward to it
Christopher Nolan did it again! Talk about exhilarating, mind-blowing, and confusing a little. WOW! Interstellar, maybe a little long clocking in at close to 3 hours but the soundtrack and emotion was top notch. Definitely recommend it and be sure to watch it on IMAX
Interstellar was amazing... Wanna talk about emotional? Thrilling? Thought-provoking? Confusing? Nolan did one helluva job.
i am still excited for this movie...but the trailer made the movie appear pretty cheesey. some of the dialogue was just...bleh. interesting that it looks like they're taking an Alien approach to the plot.
Absolutely loved it. Already one of my fav movies of all time. It was right up my alley. I just listen to the soundtrack all day now.
I love the soundtrack as well. Hans Zimmer can do no wrong. My favorite song from the soundtrack is "Mountains". Love that so much, great during workouts.
Just saw Interstellar and the new Hunger Games movies. I'll talk about Interstellar because it was the better of the two. Awesome awesome movie. Not on my favorites of all time list, but it was really good. I especially like how they didn't do a big info dump at the beginning telling you everything about the world in the first few minutes. Things were kind of revealed over a bit of time which seemed less contrived that the usual method of delivering info. On the down side, I think Matthew McConaughey is just weird lol, and I did guess the twist at the end almost from the beginning. I was only confused by two things: Spoiler: Only Read if you saw the movie 1. How was that 5th dimension at the end created by him? Was it an infinite time loop where he had created that room again and again in the future? 2. Why did old Murph tell Cooper to go and get Brand? Why had no one else just gone to get her? How did she even know Cooper cared about Brand in the first place? There was no romantic anything on earth before they left earth when Murph was 10."
Watched Interstellar for the second time last night. I still struggled to hold back tears during some scenes, and a big reason for that was definitely the soundtrack. Great movie. Obviously with a movie that ambitious, there are going to be some scientific holes but it's science fiction. Definitely one of the most original blockbusters I've seen in a while and even though it's 3 hours, it still seemed to go by pretty quickly.
I actually like McConaughey now. Dallas Buyers Club and now Interstellar solidifies himself as a great actor to me. Spoiler 1. I dont think it was created by him, just humans from the future. They vaguely explained it but for some reason humans from the future who have transcended our 3 spatial dimentions, and 1 time dimension, hence they exists in 5 dimensions, cannot communicate directly with us so they made that room for him to find. But yes it would a be time loop, known as the Bootstrap paradox, where Cooper's future self sends information back to his past self, who in turn in the future will do the same. 2. I'd assume it was just general public knowledge that Brand was on the new habitable planet and that was where everyone (all of humanity) was heading in the giant space ship at the end.
Agree to disagree about McConaughey. His accent is a little funny, but after seeing him in True Detective and then this, he's becoming one of my favorite actors. Spoiler 1.) I'm still not sure about the whole time travel thing. I think it's supposed to be ambiguous. I don't think it was him who created that space though. Just humans far into the future who were advanced enough technologically to manipulate higher dimensions. 2.) I just asked about this on another forum too. According to Nolan, after Cooper comes out of the blackhole, the wormhole was closed. So they can't just take the wormhole to Brand's planet. They have no idea where it is or how to get to it. Instead Cooper goes into one of those newly designed spaceships to try to fly to Brand the old-fashioned way. Why? Because he's an explorer and wants something important to do. There was nothing romantic between them, but he still spent a lot of time with Brand. I'm still not entirely sure how Murph knew about Brand's planet. I thought you couldn't communicate from that far, but I think Brand was still able to send out some basic signal that let them know her planet was inhabitable. Just like at the beginning, their team had an idea of which planets to visit. I don't see how Murph would specifically know that it was Brand, but she probably just assumed so because that's the only other person on board that she knew.