Militants in Oregon take over federal building

Discussion in 'Politics, Religion and Philosophy -(FORUM CLOSED)-' started by scnottaken, Jan 3, 2016.

  1. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    That doesn't work entirely. You can't evaluate each circumstance on it's merits and decide the authorities took the correct action because in each circumstance the authorities have a number of choices of how to handle the situation and while they may be legal, they are not equal.

    Say the police are dealing with a group of protesters. They have at least 3 options and tell them to you. Both option A and option B sound reasonable, while option C is abhorrent. Now say that option A was to do nothing but make sure they don't get violent, or destroy property and generally keep the peace. Option B is to move in with riot gear, break up the protest, tear gas them, fire rubber bullets, arrest them, and push the protesters out of the area. Option C is to kill all of the protesters. Option A and B are both within the authorities lawful power, but that doesn't mean they are equal in effect, nor that the authorities acted righteously just because they didn't go with option C. They can choose to let a protest continue, and just keep the peace (Oregon), or they can choose to shut it down with extreme prejudice (many BLM protests). That's why while looking at each situation can give some insight, it doesn't indicate trends as a whole that reveal problems.

    And the above doesn't take a grand conspiracy. One person is making the decision to request the national guard and deploy the riot police in each of those situations above.
  2. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Ohhh they're testing the FBI and Sheriff's patience, will they get another stern warning... only time will tell

    "Oregon militia's behavior increasingly brazen as public property destroyed
    Occupiers of Malheur refuge apparently testing officials’ patience: ‘They’re really trying to get a rise out of somebody,’ says local tribal leader


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    The militiamen occupying a wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon have adopted increasingly bold and risky tactics in their protest against the federal government, raising questions about how long law enforcement officials can allow the standoff to continue.

    Now entering their third week of occupying the Malheur national wildlife refugein rural Harney County, leaders of the militia appear to be testing the patience of the local sheriff’s department and the FBI by brazenly commandeering and in some cases destroying public property while escalating their anti-government rhetoric.

    Community leaders and government officials in Oregon and beyond say they fear there could be major damage at the refuge and elevated safety risks for employees and local residents if the militia continues to stand its ground, seemingly emboldened by the continuing lack of consequences.

    “For these people to go in and just be destructive, they’re really trying to get a rise out of somebody,” said Charlotte Rodrique, chairwoman of the local Paiute Indian tribe, who has argued that Native Americans have much more of a claim to the public land in question than the out-of-state militiamen running the takeover.

    “They really want a confrontation.”

    On Friday evening, Rodrique said she was horrified to learn that the militia, led by Nevada rancher Ammon Bundy, had paved a road through part of the wildlife sanctuary. That move came days after occupiers destroyed part of a US Fish and Wildlife Service fence, to allow cattle to freely graze on public lands the federal government controls.

    Militiamen have also removed cameras at the refuge they claim the FBI was using for “surveillance”. LaVoy Finicum, an Arizona rancher and one of the main spokesmen for the militia, showed up to a Saturday morning press conference carrying a basket filled with black cameras.

    “Do you not get tired of the mass surveillance in this country?” Finicum told reporters. “This, in my opinion, is unreasonable search.”

    He added: “I want to call out the FBI and their harassment of neighborhood families.”

    Finicum and other militiamen seemed undeterred by the Oregon state police’s arrest on Friday of occupier Kenneth Medenbach, 62, who drove a government vehicle off the refuge to the local Safeway supermarket in the town of Burns, 30 miles away.

    “Sometimes we make dumb choices,” Finicum said of the arrest.

    When driving their own vehicles, however, high-profile militia leaders have had no difficulty entering and leaving the compound. In fact, Finicum and Ryan Bundy, Ammon’s brother, recently left the refuge and drove out of Oregon and were then able to return to the occupation without facing any contact with law enforcement, Finicum told the Guardian.

    Finicum said he and Ryan Bundy met out-of-state ranchers interested in mounting a similar protest against the federal government, but declined to say where the meeting took place. During his short trip, he said, he felt confident that law enforcement would not approach or arrest them.

    “We did watch our mirrors a lot,” he said.

    In addition to his criticisms of the federal government, Finicum slammed Harney County officials for denying the militia access to a community building in Burns, where the occupiers want to present their plans to local residents. Members of a so-called Harney County Committee of Safety, who have worked with Bundy and say they want to take over his cause, are threatening to file a complaint against the county for refusing to allow the militia to use its buildings.

    Regarding the wildlife refuge, the Burns Pauite Indian tribe and federal government officials said they were worried about possible damage to cultural resources, artifacts, sensitive records and local wildlife habitats.

    The US Fish and Wildlife Service strongly condemned the occupiers for building the new road.

    “It’s deplorable,” spokesman Jason Holm said in an email. “I’m not sure what part of the [occupiers’] interpretation of the constitution promotes the destruction and desecration of culturally significant Native American sites … This is disgusting, ghoulish behavior.”

    Holm also said the fish and wildlife service had received reports that the occupiers were accessing federal records at the refuge, raising concerns about a possibly dangerous data breach. He said the government was now contracting with a data protection and credit monitoring service to safeguard refuge employees whose personal data may have been compromised.

    Rodrique said that when refuge officials undertake projects that disrupt the land, they consult the tribe’s leaders and archaeologists to ensure that there is no damage to burial sites or potential artifacts.

    “There is so much history in that area,” she said. “We’ve gotten to a point where everyone is cooperating and working together to preserve archaeological historical sites.”

    If the militiamen damage or steal tribal artifacts or confidential documents related to Native American history, Rodrique said, she hoped federal officials would prosecute the men to the fullest extent of the law.

    Asked about the tribe’s concerns, Finicum said Native Americans should be working with the militia.

    “We’re here for the natives,” he said. “The federal government has been their biggest oppressor.”
  3. scnottaken

    scnottaken - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2014
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    I'm getting tired of these guys. They're not funny anymore. I was amused at first, seeing how deeply they held their idiotic beliefs, but how is the media not portraying their destruction as barbaric, while similar destruction was universally decried when done by people of color. I wonder, does someone have to die at the hands of these goons before they're perceived as anything other than terrorists?
    Barnstable likes this.
  4. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I thought the media had moved on from this story, so I haven't heard much lately. What kind of destruction did they do?
  5. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    The article I posted says they paved a road through a wildlife sanctuary, Native American history "possible damage to cultural resources, artifacts, sensitive records and local wildlife habitats.", they cut a hole in a fence to allow cattle to roam freely across public land, and they removed/destroyed all the cameras mounted in the area because they're scared of the FBI watching them.

    That's just what has been confirmed. But the media has moved on like you said
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  6. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Sorry, couldn't think of a better place to put this.


    Protesters have shut down the Bay Bridge heading into San Francisco.
    And there is a HUGE traffic jam.

    It's happening right before the tunnel.
    The protesters have five cars blocking each lane.
    And the cars are chained together.

    Some of the protesters are also chained together.

    They have also put up a banner that says:
    “Black Health Matters”

    There message is this:
    "96 Hours of Direct Action to reclaim Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s radical legacy and take a stand against anti-Black racism."

    I can't even begin to imagine the number of cars held up, as this is rush hour traffic.

    Bay Bridge.jpg
  7. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    I have no problem with protest, but you can't block traffic like that. Someone could die if there were ambulances trying to get through.
  8. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Any idea what they're protesting? The banner says "Black Health Matters." I caught a short portion of a radio conversation about water contamination in Michigan and they want the governor to resign. Could they be related?
  9. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Their would be no reason for ambulances to be on the bridge (or any other emergency vehicles). It connects SF and Oakland.
  10. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Well that's good to know. Not sure blocking traffic is the best way to protest, but medical issues would be my biggest gripe if it affected ambulances and such.
  11. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    No idea, but the water contamination area in Michigan is primarily black as far as I know. What the government is doing there is criminal in holding no one accountable and releasing terrible adds to try to downplay the contamination.
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2016
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  12. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    So is it finally over, or how many more are out there in the federal building?

    "UPDATE: Shots Fired During Arrest of Ammon Bundy, 1 Killed
    By KEZI 9 News Jan. 26, 2016

    AP Photo/Rick Bowmer, File
    HARNEY COUNTY, Ore. – The Federal Bureau of Investigation and Oregon State Police arrested several people associated with the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, including the group’s leader, Ammon Bundy.

    Authorities said during those arrests along Highway 395 about 20 miles north of Burns, shots were fired. One person was killed. Authorities did not specify whom exchanged gunfire. No law enforcement personnel were injured. The FBI said they are not releasing any information about that person pending the identification by the medical examiner's office. CNN is reporting LaVoy Finicum was the person killed. He has been the main spokesman for the group aside from Bundy.

    January 13 photo of LaVoy Finicum speaking at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, near Burns, Ore.

    The Deschutes County Major Incident Team will be assisting the Oregon State Police and the Harney County District Attorney's Office with the investigation.
    One person suffered non-life threatening injuries and was transported to a local hospital for treatment. He was arrested and is currently in custody.

    Those arrested include Ammon Bundy, 40, of Emmett, Idaho; Ryan Bundy, 43, of Bunkerville, Nevada; Brian Cavalier, 44, of Bunkerville, Nevada; Shawna Cox, 59, Kanab, Utah; and Ryan Payne, 32, of Anaconda, Montana.

    In a separate event in Burns, Oregon State Police arrested Joseph O'Shaughnessy, 45, Cottonwood, Arizona. Also in Burns, the FBI arrested Peter Santilli, 50, of Cincinnati, Ohio.

    At 8:30 p.m. the FBI's Phoenix Division made a probable cause arrest of Jon Eric Ritzheimer, 32, on a federal charge related to the armed occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon. Ritzheimer turned himself into the Peoria, Arizona, police department. The arrest was without incident.

    The FBI said all of those arrested face a federal felony charge of conspiracy to impede officers from discharging their official duties through the use of force, intimidation, or threats.

    Bundy's group, which has included people from as far away as Arizona and Michigan, seized the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on January 2 as part of a long-running dispute over public lands in the West.

    Bundy is the son of Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who was involved in a high-profile 2014 standoff with the government over grazing rights.

    This is a developing story. Stay with KEZI 9 News for updates.

    - See more at:"
  13. scnottaken

    scnottaken - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2014
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    thank goodness. Now does this mean the headquarters is back in federal hands, because that would mean their "150 people" may have been a bit overstated.
  14. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    This is just insane how much undue respect the sheriff and local law agencies are giving these guys.

    'Come Get Some': Militia Prepares for Battle as Feds Surround Oregon Wildlife Refuge

    By VICE News

    January 27, 2016 | 3:30 pm
    A day after several leaders of the anti-government militia that has been occupying a wildlife refuge in rural Oregon were arrested and the group's spokesman shot dead by police, the militiamen still inside the facility say they are preparing for battle with the federal authorities who now have them surrounded.

    During a livestream from the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge on Wednesday morning, an armed occupier dressed in fatigues is seen holding a rifle. He spoke directly into the camera, seemingly addressing authorities in the aftermath of the arrests and the shooting that occurred on a highway close to the refuge on Tuesday night.

    "You want some militiamen? Come get some," the man said, standing in front of what appeared to be a piece of heavy-duty excavating equipment. "It's what you been training for, preparing for."

    "Media's been waiting for a bloodbath this whole time we've been here," he said at another point. "Now there's going to be one."

    According to militiaman Jason Patrick, at least five or six people remain at the nature preserve, which has now been occupied for nearly four weeks as part of a fierce land dispute with the federal government. Patrick, who has assumed a leadership role after the arrests of the original commanders on Tuesday, said they would remain at the wildlife refuge until there was a "redress of grievances" from the federal government.

    Patrick earlier told media with apparent irony to "prepare for the peaceful resolution," and militia members seen in the live feed seemed to further dim hopes of a nonviolent solution.

    At one point in the live feed, a man spoke on a phone with a person he identified as his mother and offered her reassurance.

    "If I die, I died for my country, I died a free man," he said. "That's how I want to die."

    The man added that his group had "food and everything for the long haul."

    Related: Here's How a Former FBI Hostage Negotiator Thinks the Oregon Standoff Will End

    The livestream, broadcast by members of the occupation, has provided insights into the daily lives of the militiamen. In a series of clips posted to YouTube under an account calledDefendYourBase, members have posted stream-of-consciousness ramblings about their activities and the rationale for their actions.

    In one clip, militia leader Ammon Bundy, who was arrested Tuesday night, discussed a phone call he had with the FBI. In another posted on Monday, Arizona rancher Robert "LaVoy" Finicum, 55, a de facto militia spokesman who was killed in the confrontation last night with police, declared that the occupiers are "not leaving soon."

    "We're not leaving, we're staying," said Finicum, who was dressed in a denim jacket and cowboy hat,. "These buildings do not ever return to the federal government."

    Few details have confirmed the chain of events that led to the fatal shooting Tuesday night. One occupier, Mark McConnell, who was driving with the convoy of leaders at the time of the highway confrontation, posted a video to Facebook describing the highway incident.

    McConnell claims Finicum fled in his diesel truck after encountering a roadblock that consisted of several heavy-duty police vehicles. The brief chase that ensued ended when Finicum's truck met a second roadblock and became stuck in a snowbank. After Finicum exited the diesel truck, he reportedly charged at law enforcement, which is when he was shot, McConnell explained.

    "He charged at the law enforcement… he went after them, he charged 'em," McConnell said of Finicum.

    Ammon Bundy, and his brother Ryan Bundy, 43, who was shot in the arm during the encounter, were both arrested, along with militia leaders Brian Cavalier, 44; Shawna Cox, 59, and Ryan Payne, 32. The FBI said that three others were also arrested separately in connection with the occupation.

    At a news conference in Burns, Oregon, on Wednesday, Greg Bretzing, the FBI special agent in charge of the agency's Portland office, said that the remaining occupiers were "free to leave" the refuge and would be identified at checkpoints manned by law enforcement.

    Related: Oregon Militia Leader Ammon Bundy Urges Remaining Occupiers to Go Home

    "Let me be clear: It is the actions and choices of the armed occupiers of the refuge that have lead us to where we are today," Bretzing said.

    Bretzing said he could not give details of the traffic stop and shooting incident because they are under investigation.

    Harney County Sheriff Dave Ward also did not give details but, with his voice breaking, said, "I'm disappointed that a traffic stop yesterday that was supposed to bring peaceful resolution to this ended badly. Multiple law enforcement agencies put a lot of work into putting together the best tactical plan they could, to take these guys down peacefully…

    "If it was as simple as just waiting out some folks down there to get out of some buildings, we could have waited a lot longer," Ward continued. "But this has been tearing our community apart. It's time for everybody in this illegal occupation to move on. There doesn't have to be bloodshed in our community."

    Those arrested face federal felony charges of conspiracy to use force, intimidation or threats to impede federal officers from discharging their duties, the FBI said. Local news station KATU-TV reported that the detained occupiers were expected to make an initial court appearance on Wednesday afternoon.

    Amid concerns that Finicum's killing could escalate violence, the Pacific Patriots Network, Oath Keepers and the Idaho III% — all self-styled militia groups sympathetic to the occupiers — said in a joint statement they were issuing an immediate "standby" order to followers.

    "During this time, cooler heads must prevail," the statement said. "We do not wish to inflame the current situation and will engage in open dialogue until all of the facts have been gathered."

    Authorities have now set up roadblocks at the perimeter of the wildlife compound, which is comprised of shops, office buildings, a bunkhouse, and a museum. FBI agents at the roadblocks are reportedly armed with assault rifles and wearing body armor and helmets.

    Related: 'We Are Going to Light Up the Whole Country on Fire': The Arson That Led to the Oregon Militia Standoff

    The Malheur takeover, which started January 2 with at least a dozen armed men, was a flare-up in the so-called Sagebrush Rebellion, a decades-old conflict over federal control of millions of acres of land in the West. Protesters say they are defending the Constitution. Bundy's father, Cliven, was a key figure in a 2014 armed standoff with federal officials over unpaid grazing fees in Nevada.

    The arrests on Tuesday angered anti-government protesters across the country, said Mike Vanderboegh, a gun-rights activist active in self-proclaimed militia circles.

    "It's all I can do to keep people from going and shooting feds right now," he told Reuters."
  15. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    Fast forward to the 6 minute mark of the video. Shot in cold blood? I dunno. Looks like he got shot once to me and then reached in jacket and then showed hands again and got killed. Should have showed his hands the entire time, but just like the numerous other police shootings, was he a threat? I'm not drawing a conclusion, because he put himself in that situation and looks like he was reaching for something and in those situations, I tend to support the police.

    What also bothers me is our government is using drones to track US citizens.

  16. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    It looked like he reached in his jacket twice, and before that he almost ran over that officer. It's too far away to really see what he was doing with his hands, but these guys have made it very clear that they are typically armed, so I wouldn't fault the officers for thinking he was reaching for a gun.
    John3:16 likes this.
  17. scnottaken

    scnottaken - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2014
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    No, during this time you let the officials do their jobs. This has nothing to do with your whacko "militia".
  18. davriver209

    davriver209 - Rookie -

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    Didn't think it would get this ugly....
  19. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Acquitted of all charges....

    The leaders were all acquitted of all charges. You've got to be f***ing kidding me

    s*** like this is why I talk about race on here all the time. So when blatant inequity like this comes up, it isn't brushed aside, while BLM protesters are prosecuted all the f***ing time. look at this s*** for what it is. They got off because they were white. Any other ethnicity and they would have been convicted, but white guys storming a federal building with guns is ok somehow.
    Kingsama and revgen like this.
  20. revgen

    revgen - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    ^Yep. As I mentioned earlier in thread, the Black Panthers were never given such consideration for their cause when they attacked Oakland police officers who routinely abused and threatened black communities in the 1960's.
    Barnstable likes this.

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