This is a few weeks late, but a fan on Reddit made a video of the unfair treatment that Jeremy Lin has been getting by the refs. Video went viral, and you can watch it here: Former NBA ref / Director of Officials retweeted the video: Tom Haberstroh also tweeted a video that states that Lin is the only guard who received that many fouls and no flagrants during that time span (813 fouls / 0 flagrants). NBA responded, and a few days later, Lin, who averages 3.7 free throws per game, shot 10 free throws in just the first half! Is Lin getting unfair treatment? If so, how much (if at all) do you guys think it's because he's Asian?
The video makes a really good point (though incident #4 looked exaggerated for effect), but I can't come up with a reason in my mind that the refs would target Lin. I can't come up with a rationale, I can't think of how this benefits the refs by not making these calls for him yet making them for others. Do you really think it's because he's Asian? I can't come up with a reason why that would be the case. I'd think maybe him flopping a lot would be a more reasonable conclusion as to why the refs don't take a 2nd look at his plays, the whole crying wolf thing.
Lin is not being targeted. At the height of Linsanity, he had calls going his way. I am happy for him that he is playing well and making some impact in the playoffs.
Funny enough, Dudley kind of had the opposite take. He said that Lin needs to act more. Basically, he said that this is an acting sport, and players are taught to fall on the ground and stay there. To him, Lin doesn't exaggerate the contact enough for the refs. That was only 7 games though. Lol. During that 7-game Linsanity sample, he averaged 8 FTA per game (definitely a lot). If he somehow maintained that throughout the season, that would have been 4th in the league in FTA per game (right above Kobe's 7.8 lol). I think...we all do.
It could be race. I like to think it has more to do with him being too nice about it. He's a nice dude and the refs walk over him because of it.
It was unfortunate that it dissipated shortly. I did enjoy that phenomenon. It was good for The League.
I don't think it is because he's Asian. I think it's because he's quiet and doesn't complain like some other players. You know.... Squeaky wheel, gets the grease.
Refs are Kung Fu movie fans. Chops to the arm without breaking are fair play. If JLin doesn't bleed or his head doesn't topple, the game goes on.
Terrible stuff ... There is clearly a negative bias towards Lin ... He's too nice so he's the perfect scapegoat for teammates , fans ect ... Of course the fact he's Asian is playing a role here .... Asians are often "described/laughed at" as men with little virility by the rest of the world . Fans around the league like calling Lin soft .... The way he keeps attacking the rim and willing to take physical hits is anything but soft
Its likely a combination of the above and the fact that he doesn't exaggerate contact enough. He's having great series though, Im happy for him. I do think he's a great bench guy, borderline starting guard.
Expect for Philippines Kareem the great so you all good Plus you all seem to like B-ball and the Lakers