Good thing that what people decided to hate on this team is the 13th guy who's 20 yo. There needs to be someone so it's a good sign it's him
And Colin “this” season as soon as one of AD, Hayes or Wood goes down for a bit. Unless for foul trouble or a strength match up for one of the latter two above Ham decides to try him earlier. He’s got him to dress for 50 games. I’d give him the Max Lewis deal now for the 15th spot. If his agent would let him commit to bargain dollars for that long. He’s got AR’s agent.
Could have had grabbed an Anthony Edwards clone for the 17 pick but the Lakers went with a guy who can't jump or shoot. Sigh
As I-said before, the so called geniuses in the front office overthought the process of drafting the best player available. The Buss kids believed their own hype (finding diamonds in the rough late in the draft and undrafted pool), and passed on a much better athlete and shooter. A chance at a projected top 5 pick and they blew it to get a poor man’s rookie Lonzo without the athleticism or semblance of a shooting touch.
I think we passed on the next Kobe, still finished with 15 pts and plus/minus of +24… his bad game ladies and gents
@Barnstable Can you block a thread? I would love to not having to hear about Cam GonnaBeInChinaIn2YearsWhitmore ...
So, this love affair with CamShouldaBeenaLaker is going to last all season, isn’t it? Haven’t any of y’all heard?: ”Ain’t no point in crying over spilled milk!” Get over it already and just move on.
Funny thing is that if he flourishes, everyone will remind you. If he busts, they won't say a word. Best take in the world lol
he probably wouldn't get any playing time here to develop, so it's kind of interesting worrying about it Hope he succeeds and proves his detractors wrong - except when he faces the Lakers of course.