I get tired of hearing how bad the Lakers are especially when they're on national tv. Yes we know! TNT is especially bad about this as they seem to take joy in dumping on the Lakers with the exception of Shaq but he'll at times get drawn in with the other two. ESPN is a little better as long as Jalen is not on there. NBA TV is probably the best as they just report the facts without the bashing we get from the two jokesters. Unless they pull the game we got one more on TNT.
Actually I think it's the complete opposite. My impression of Byron is that he won't hesitate to say what he thinks even if that's not a very nice thing to say. Very similar to Kobe in that respect. Sometimes that's a GREAT trait to have, but most times it comes off like an ***. I'd have loved to have Byron coach Howard instead of D'Antoni for instance because he'd call him on his ****. Phil was incredible at manipulating people by using compliments, insults, backhanded compliments, etc. Byron won't do that. He'll just "say it like it is" and that's why some players respect him. It's a respectable trait in the short term, but eventually it wears thin. Byron is trying to be and replicate his coach: Riles. Riles was a complete ***hole a lot of the time and that's where Byron gets it from. He's not willing to give his players too much credit and he uses that as a motivational tool to make them work that much harder. The problem is it doesn't always work with today's coddled athletes. It definitely isn't a perfect fit for Lin who can be a pretty mentally fragile character on the court. It's a great fit for a guy like Clarkson and Black though who have excelled under Byron Scott. Anyway, the point I was making was that some people no longer provide a reason to hate on him, they'll just do it. He deserves a good portion of criticism, but at this point we're kicking the tires on why to hate him. Some of it is deserved and some of it is just hate for hate's sake.
I agree actually in a lot of respects. D'Antoni and Scott have had similar seasons with a few key differences. 1. D'Antoni had no idea how to deal with LA media. He wasn't a strong enough personality for it and Byron doesn't have that problem. 2. D'Antoni didn't just alienate his players, but he apparently didn't communicate with them either. D'Antoni drove out Kaman, almost drove out Hill, helped drive out Gasol, helped drive out Howard... I mean Byron can be a jerk sometimes, but at least SOME of his players respond to his personality. I don't remember anyone, even Nash, really sticking up for D'Antoni when he left.
You know, that's entirely possible. It's one of those two things. He's either trying to motivate his guys a la Phil (and not succeeding), or it's just who he is and how he works. You certainly make a good point. Either way, I don't think it's working well for him. It worked for Riley, but the game was different, the players were very different back then. I don't think that's the way to coach Clark and Tarik. In any case, I am curious to see what Scott can do next year; I was hoping that he can be a good transitional coach for our young guys, and once we get a good playoff quality team we find another coach. I still hope that's the case, but with some of his statements lately, Byron is not exactly making me confident.
Actually that's a good coach for some young guys. Kyrie still swears by him. He's still close to Chris Paul. Clarkson has excelled this season and some of that credit has to be given to Byron. Black seems like the kind of kid that would excel regardless of what kind of coach, but Byron seems like a good enough fit to me. We'll definitely see what happens. I don't think the hard*** coach fits the NBA anymore like you said. That's why Byron to me is a stop-gap coach. The hard*** will get us back to the point where we're trying hard again because those last few games under D'Antoni they were trying hard in SPITE of him...
Young people are so sensitive these days. You could probably yell at and curse guys like Rambis, Coop, Magic, Worthy etc. and it would only make them work harder.
Definitely agree. Everyone looks back at the great coaches in college sports and somehow forget that those guys were all loudmouth jerks except Wooden. I don't know when that became so bad though. Now if a coach yells at his kids on camera people get all sensitive.
I'm sick of the waiting. The checking the tankathon website every day. The worrying (I'm a bit of an irrational sports pessimist *lifelong Bengals football fan*) that we have a whatever % chance of losing the pick. Let's just get to the lottery so I can rest easy knowing we are somewhere in the top 5.
I admit I might be one of the dudes you are talking about as far as the Byron bashing wagon. But my recent hate is due to him riding hot handed veterans to meaningless victories, and him questioning our players' heart when they play with a lot of heart most of the time. There have been a couple games where it looked like they were mailing it in, but they are certainly giving it their all most of the time. They just suck. But even back on CL I was totally against this hire. I hated it. With us building a young team like this, I honestly think we could have gone back to a man that did a good job developing our young kids before. Del Harris probably would have only wanted to coach a couple seasons, and he's a good developer of young players.
Ugh Del Harris? Why? Byron is the same guy. He's doing right by the young guys and he's making them work hard. Just because Byron sucks with you know Xs and Os doesn't mean he's not a good fit for a bad team. I stand by my assessment: build a culture of hard work and a good, professional attitude... then go get Ollie from the college ranks.
..... "The random acts of kindness" in the thousands of commercials from the S. Calif Honda Dealers. They're on at least a number of AM stations but if you listen to ESPN you have heard them. Not one of them in their reenactments of the call to the recipient family (of course they're scripted) sounds anything less than scripted. Worst execution ever. Every time one comes on now I grit my teeth and give Honda the "finger" through the radio. Hey..... just trying to keep Travis' thread clipping along and off of page 2......
I can't stand hearing about... Politicians. Anything and everything about any and all of them pisses me off.
I can't stand when Doc Rivers runs his mouth. Shut up and enjoy your 2nd round exit with your team of divas. I'm sure the Warriors are scared of playing the Clippers.
Same guy who insists his "Starting Five" in Boston never lost. Just thank Thibs and three veteran HoFers for your one ring.
I can't stand listening to... hip-hop/rap stations in LA. Power 106 and 92.3 should just rename themselves Pandora Drake Station. 93.5 is good, but their signal isn't always clear.