Ghosts And Paranormal Discussion

Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by Barnstable, Mar 7, 2017.

  1. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    If you’re crazy then so are millions of other people. Maybe we aren’t crazy, maybe people just live in denial that there’s more to our reality than what we can see. Sleep paralysis has been around forever, it’s created legends in cultures throughout history, and it’s probably the basis for at least some of the really monstery looking ancient cave art. The funny thing about this stuff is most people don’t believe in it, or at least admit to believing. But, if you ask someone about it, after they say “I don’t believe in the paranormal”, they’ll usually finish with “but I did have this weird experience one time I can’t explain...”.
    Barnstable and therealdeal like this.
  2. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I do think it's important to realize that most of what is actually researched isn't chocked up to Casper or Ghostbusters. The unexplained is simply that: unexplained. It's entirely possible that whatever we've experienced has a completely rational explanation that doesn't involve ghosts. It could certainly be ghosts but maybe even ghosts are something that can be explained. I don't know. It's never as simple as "such and such" doesn't exist.
    Weezy likes this.
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I believe there are entities that exist that we can’t normally see, but that do interact all the time with us. Whether it’s a dimensions thing, ghosts are dead people, extraterrestrial life we don’t recognize as that, glitches in “the matrix”, or something no one has ever even thought of I have no idea. I don’t think there’s any way that none of it exists, it’s all in people’s heads, or it can be simply or rationally explained by science, as much as they’d love that to be true. Science is great, but I think too many people believe they have all the answers, when really they have a lot of theories they try to make work and often they don’t in the end. A lot of today’s science fact will be outdated in the history books over time as it always has been, we always think we know everything in the moment, because we’re man, we’re aweome!

    Maybe someday we will find the answers to this stuff, but I don’t know if we will, and I don’t think it’s happening anytime soon. It’s been happening to humans forever and we haven’t figured it out yet. It’s fun as hell to read and think about though, like your story, that’s crazy stuff. Mystery is part of life, I like not knowing everything, or pretending like I do.
    therealdeal likes this.

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