Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by John3:16, Aug 7, 2016.

  1. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Kirby Pls 24 Thank you for answering these personal questions, man.

    2014 with 13 posts? Mr. Kirby, you gots to come by more often! Hopefully this new regime and exciting young players will reinvigorate the Laker fan base and keep them coming back once the season starts and there is newsworthy stuff to talk about.

    I've noticed @LakerGIFs has been slowly gaining an audience... have you had any notable responses/follow from the Laker heads you tag these photos/gifs in? Any funny stories you care to share with this?

    Thanks, it's been fun, and I needed a platform to save the work and categorize because I've actually made quite a few files now, and it grows nearly every week. I've had a few fun shares or comments from media personalities/reporters, and one guy mentioned I needed to be getting paid for my work after posting the "blindsided" Byron gif below. That was a huge compliment, but I admit the fun part is seeing fans like us post funny comments about the work, share it, and watch it get shared many times over. Makes you realize how many others feel the same way. One that got shared nearly as much was one that surprised me, and it was the Clarkson one below after Kobe said he was driving to the basked like a "light skinned dude"

    By the way, "Grandma" found that Beverly Hills Cop clip and sent it to me when she knew what I was looking for, and I thought it was pure genius. She gets a kick out of my hobby, and is always sending me stuff. Some of it is pretty darn good too. Is this woman for realz? I think DAR liked one of the posts I tagged him in, but I think in general, players are very cautious about anything they post that can be accredited to them. Part of me wants to PM them for responses, but I doubt most would respond for the same reasons. However, I LOVED getting blocked by Byron Scott on Twitter, and would love to see the reactions of players to GIFs I tag them in that aren't necessarily complimentary. You know these dudes are somewhat narcissistic, so they do check up on what people say/think about them. I've been kind harsh on Dwight Howard lately about how he needs to accept he is basically Tyson Chandler, and needs to accept that role in Atlanta. Told him he'd probably never even be able to average 15 points again, even in the Leastern Conference.


    As always, keep up the great work man. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and I can't wait to see what you've got in store for this upcoming season

    Thanks for the kind words, It's been a lot of fun to contribute to this site and community, and I'm looking forward to this new year too. The players make this whole thing fun, and as we get more and more pictures of our young players making great expressions for the cameras, the options for new gifs become limitless. If anything, it's easy to have too many, but especially of guys like Kobe and Shaq because there is so much material out there. It will be interesting to see what players set themselves apart and make themselves emoticon worthy.

    ***I'm actually considering commissioning a LakeMoji keyboard for smartphones soon because I love using the Laker Emoticon Smilies in conversations. I'd love to get your guy's feedback if you think it's something that might take off. It's easy to be a bit myopic about your own work when you get a kick out of it, but emoticons in general have blown up, and I get a kick out of stuff like Bitmoji. Be cool to see if the Laker fan community would get a kick out of it in general or not.***
    Battle Tested20 and trodgers like this.
  2. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    That's awesome. I have a big smile on my face. She might be a challenge, but no way she beats you in a gif war. NO WAY!
  3. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Cheers mate :Beertoast2:
    This really did put a smile on my face, its like a chick flick waiting to happen.
    Congrats Sirron, wish nothing but the best for you two.

    .... When do we get our invitations?
    :Shaqlaughing 2:
  4. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

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    Good stuff, man. Keep 'em coming :)
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  5. Punk-101

    Punk-101 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I'm happy for you! Everyone's amazing in the beginning, and only some continue to be amazing. Sounds like she will continue to be, but proceed with a realistic heart and mind.
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  6. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    What if she ages overnight and becomes decrepit? I'm a vital young man!!!! I'm too young to push a wheelchair.

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2016
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  7. Battle Tested20

    Battle Tested20 Moderator Staff Member

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    Happy for you man! You deserve it, and now for the real question...... where does here basketball allegiances lie?
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  8. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    She's a TX native, so by default, it's been the Mavs. Since the Dirk era is ending, she's convertible.

    However, even if not, SHE'S a BASKETBALL FAN!!!! Score!
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  9. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    What's the perfect date? Long walks on the beach, a picnic in a park, romantic dinner, movie, Netflix and chill ?

    Do you regret getting out of the Army?

    Apple or Android?

    You just hit the lottery: What is the first thing you do?

    If Barnstable handed you the keys to LakersBall, what would you change?
  10. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    What's the perfect date? Long walks on the beach, a picnic in a park, romantic dinner, movie, Netflix and chill ?
    All of those! I think the key is to mix it up, keep them guessing, feel thought about and special, and picking things that you know they like to do. If I had to pick something that would speak to me today...... The day would start with a little relaxing kayak excursion enjoying the sun and water, with possibly a light hike and great conversation. I'd follow that with a service opportunity together, but only for a couple of hours so as to not be worn out - does the soul good to put others first. We'd catch a theatrical production at a small community theater that couldn't seat more than 150 or so people right after a nice dinner at Outback Steakhouse where I got the bloomin' onion I crave every so often. The evening is cool outside, and we'd have a short walk to the car where we'd enjoy chatting outside for a bit before getting back in the car. We'd head back home to catch one of our favorite episodes that had a cliffhanger episode right before it, and of course, we'd chill.

    Do you regret getting out of the Army?
    Not a single day, but that had mostly to do with being enlisted under poor leaders and feeling like there were a bunch of games being played. I have very little stomach for that, or for tolerating an environment built on tenure to decide pay vs effort. The captain for my platoon was a chubby, nerdy, awkward dude that did not have the respect of any of his subordinates. It was sad to see, but it definitely didn't fit what I envisioned as a leader I would follow into battle. I do wish I had taken advantage of different training, and for a bit longer. I thought I wanted to be a fireman when I went in the army, so I became a combat medic to get my EMT license. Turns out I REALLY DID NOT like medical, so I chose not to go that route. My active duty training, since I went in as a reserve, was shy of 6 months to qualify as VA, so I would have changed that too. My ASVAB (sp?) opened up some pretty interesting options, and they tried to move me toward intelligence....which I admit was intriguing, but I was stuck on the goal of being a fireman at the time, and wouldn't even listen to them. Sirron coulda been a spy. :) Everyone would have felt really safe at night fer sure!

    Apple or Android?
    I've only used Apple since converting from blackberry back in the day, but mostly out of habit. I've used droid tablets while testing lighting audit software on different platforms, and I liked what I saw. Ultimately apple has worked for me, and saw no reason to change it up.

    You just hit the lottery: What is the first thing you do?
    I pay off my ex's house, because ultimately that benefits my children, and it's where my heart is at. I also sum up all the amount I committed to give her for spousal support and child support over 10 years, and give it to her up front. This would allow her flexibility to approach things a little differently, and also accept blame for all of her poor choices moving forward. There would be no more excuses lol.

    Next, I'd pay off between 10-20 rental homes set up as owned by individual corporations, and put them in the hands of a property manager to take care of. Future income issues solved, and off my plate. I would then pick either one or two established non profit organizations that I'd like to invest some time in on a volunteer basis regularly, create an amazing bucket list, and work on writing children's books with an interesting twist.

    If Barnstable handed you the keys to LakersBall, what would you change?
    I really like how things are run here, and @Barnstable does a great job keeping this community going in a positive direction. If I could change ONE thing, because I am personally invested in it, and maybe because I'm a little OCD about it, is I would resize some smilies after the fact so that they are more uniform in size. Most people probably don't even notice. For some reason this really bugs me.


    Right next to each other, it's very obvious these head sizes are all different sizes. Every time I open the smilies it bugs me lol. It hurts really deep. I can't sleep. I kick kittens whenever I think about it.

    I would like to fix it so the heads sizes are more similar on most smileys more like this below. They come in all sizes and shapes, but we've kind of narrowed down to 2-3 main size smilies really. These below all look pretty uniform in size, and it puts me in my happy place. I even kiss ugly old ladies passing by when things are uniform. The world is a better place.



    I. NEED. TO. FIX. IT.

    Please helpppp.

    And of course, I'd add a few more that we desperately need in the site collection so people don't have to go to to use them. I mean, how do you pass up using some of these? (After uniformly resized of course)

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    To be fair, I've already created more than can be used or space allows without being overwhelming, so it allows Barns to be very picky on ones he wants and feels fit our community today, how it reflects our new team moving forward vs a bunch of legacy players, etc. Always nice to have options, but after I started making them, I knew I was going to have to host them if they weren't used on the site, because there are sooo many emotions to express, and only so much room to host them in a smilie section. Some are meh and don't turn out so great, but some I couldn't wait to use.

    So I'd probably add a few, remove a few that don't get used, and resize all that remain to be more uniform. Possibly even reorder some of them...because I apparently have OCD in graphic areas. it happens to me on websites I build too. Like I'd put all the gifs in a row that don't have transparent backgrounds. I wouldn't break them up. Probably put them all on the bottom so I know where to scroll to right away if I want to use one. Helps the look in uniformity too.

    :LukeSuperman::Kobe Speechless::Nope::Josecalderonlink::Shaqlaughing 2::Shaqsurprised2:

    So it's already great, but it could be a little tiny bit better. That's all I'm trying to say. :Fishwink::Shaqwink: I just want this to be the Laker News/Message Board/ Forum site that people think about first when they get on the web. Since I'm helping with graphics/smilies, it's easy to feel like I have things less than buttoned up for all of us for prime time when it's not perfect. It feels like I've left a job unfinished.

    But let's be honest....would you let an "alleged" serial practical joker have access to the back end of your forum admin panel to make changes? Baby steps. :) And Barns took this on to save our community when he really probably didn't have time to do so. It's a labor of love managed in moments of time in a busy life, and the reality is we are off to an amazing start a couple of years in.

    I'm working on some SEO stuff for the site, and our ranking is increasing already. Soon we'll be on the front page for searches for "Laker Forum". (Page 2 currently) I bet we double in size next year or more with excitement of fans logging back in to discuss the progress of the fresh faces on our team. In the process of looking at competitive sites/forums, I can tell you that visually no other site's platform or functionality really compares to what we have here. After visiting here, if I was looking for a Laker forum to call home, get news, and discuss my favorite team, and then went to other places....I'd be back. I'm now totally spoiled to what we have here, and anything that comes across as less than complimentary really is nitpicking. It has really been fun and been an honor to contribute to the site in this way. As much fun as you guys might have with it, I have 10x as much fun watching people get a kick out of using the gifs to express feelings about anything and everything. Pictures say a 1,000 words. And apparently I can get long winded, so it's best I use pictures.


    The custom Laker gif smilies definitely makes this place unique among all sites out there, but the board functionality and platform is top notch. We have a great thing going here.
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2016
  11. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    How long do you think you could last in prison before you cried, broke down, went crazy, or became someone's wife?

    Have you ever seen Gone Baby Gone? If so, I want to ask your opinion on the moral dilemma at the end. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. One of my favorite movies that most people haven't seen.

    Your girlfriends parents are coming over for dinner. What do you cook to impress them?
  12. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    How long do you think you could last in prison before you cried, broke down, went crazy, or became someone's wife?

    I can't even imagine what it would be like really. I would imagine I would fight until overpowered and end up in the hospital. I would never accept being someone's biotch, and I'd be doing whatever it took o prevent it. Likely that would drive me crazy or I'd end up dead after gouging out eyes, eating them in front of inmates, etc. I'd probably lean the crazy route since I've never tried drugs.

    That'd be a trip. And my butt would be sore.

    Have you ever seen Gone Baby Gone? If so, I want to ask your opinion on the moral dilemma at the end. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend it. One of my favorite movies that most people haven't seen.

    I haven't seen or heard of. Trailer makes it look pretty darn interesting though. Looks like my kind of movie.

    Your girlfriends parents are coming over for dinner. What do you cook to impress them?

    The trick is to date women old enough that they don't have parents. I'm close, but I'm going to have to show more commitment to the process. And if I'm using food to impress them, I'm probably taking them out to eat.

    Absent that option, I've been preparing some pretty good salmon and tilapia dishes recently. If they weren't fish people, I'd probably go chicken and buy something already marinated. I'd make steamed or lightly grilled fresh mixed veggies, a salad filled with all the good stuff that makes you almost forget it's a salad, and I'd make Grand's biscuits just for fun.

    If they were vegetarians, I'd find a new girlfriend. Kidding. Sorta.
  13. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    ^^^ chicken and biscuits? So many jokes there.

    Yeah man, check out Gone Baby Gone. It's really good. Ben Affleck directed it and he did an amazing job.
  14. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    This looks fun?!:giggle:

    Have you ever travelled outside of North America? Where and did you enjoy it?

    Have you ever shoplifted and get caught? Have you been arrested for anything?
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  15. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    This looks fun?!:giggle:
    Have you ever travelled outside of North America? Where and did you enjoy it?

    I went on a cruise several years ago to England, Ireland, Scotland with a stop to Paris. Got to see a bunch of old castles and historical areas. One old falling apart church we visited in Ireland had tombstones older than when our country was "discovered" in 1492. Such a different perspective on the world when you think we live somewhere old. The castles were just freaking awesome. I wanted to get some armor and run through there with a sword like a big kid. I took almost 3 years of French in Jr High/High School, so I was pretty excited about getting to visit Paris. Unfortunately when faced with conjugating sentences in a language you haven't used for 20+ years, I had to settle for being happy interpreting different signs lol. Don't lose it, you lose it. Absolutely loved the trip,and would like to do again. Can see wanting to bring my grandkids someday to one of those castles, buy them fake armor, princess dresses, and play all day letting their imaginations run wild.

    Have you ever shoplifted and get caught? Have you been arrested for anything?

    Yes, I went through a period of time as a youth where I was a klepto unfortunately. I picked up lose change, helped myself to a couple small things I wanted, etc. I got caught twice before I decided I didn't want to be that guy any more. When I was real young <10 I think, I got caught stealing a pack of baseball cards. In high school, I got caught trying to take some clothes from a mall shop.

    I have been in handcuffs twice. Once I was part of a sting operation by Southern California police trying to go after unlicensed contractors. Back then, the rules were you could not do any jobs over $500 unless you went through the process of getting a particular license. I ran a small irrigation repair company, and didn't have repairs over that very often, so I never bothered. More of a service call business. Anyways, they baited me with repair, and then once on site, asked me to do some additional work to get the number over $500, and then gave me a ticket after cuffing me. Later I found out stuff was thrown out because the way they went about things was illegal. I'm not certain that counts as an arrest or not.

    The other time was on the heals of a practical joke involving the high school kids I coached for Cross Country. I told them I was retired from stuff, but they begged me to go out with them for mischief. Turns out that University of California Riverside campus police give way to local police on the weekends, and they didn't think the joke was all that funny. They put me in a campus security office for about an hour cuffed to a wall, and then let me go with a warning and telling me I was banned from campus. Threatened to charge me with Aiding and Abetting the delinquency of a minor x 5 I think, but ultimately they were just irritated we ran them around campus for awhile because they were chunky. :)
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  16. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

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    Arrested doing a prank? Why am I not surprised.
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  17. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Cuffed does not equal arrested. If I didn't have the teens with me, I'd have disappeared without a trace. It involved underground tunnels, spider webs, and no lights, but some of them left their panties at home.
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  18. Battle Tested20

    Battle Tested20 Moderator Staff Member

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    I can confirm this and agree that its the perfect movie for you Sirron.
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  19. pound4pound

    pound4pound - Lakers Starter -

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    what would you give a proper tuna melt?
    sirronstuff likes this.
  20. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Man, you are my favorite person around here @sirronstuff :Noddingyes: are you sure you're not rooscoter or bonk?
    sirronstuff, John3:16 and sirronstuff like this.

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