Discussion in 'Open Discussion' started by John3:16, Aug 22, 2016.

  1. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Thanks to Alam1108 for last weeks round of this off-season thread. Alam1108 picked The Supreme Fuzzler, Commissioner Extraordinaire, LakersBall creator / owner / kingpin, the ladies love him, men want to be him, the one, the only, Notorious BARNSTABLE!!! After this week, Barns will pick someone new.

    Same ground rules: Ask questions to get to know the member. Not limited to the Lakers, basketball, or sports, but those are to be included. If you ask something he deems too personal for whatever reason, he can simply choose not to answer.

    I'm starting it off with the same generic questions I asked the others.

    Have you ever fired a Gun
    Been Married.
    Fell in love.
    Swam in an ocean.
    Gone on blind date.
    Skipped school.
    Watched someone give birth.
    Been to Canada.
    Been to Hawaii.
    Been to Alaska.
    Been to Europe.
    Been to Las Vegas.
    Been to Washington D.C.
    Been to Nashville.
    Visited Florida.
    Visited Mexico.
    Seen the Grand Canyon in person
    Flown in a HELICOPTER.
    Been on a cruise.
    Served on a jury.
    Been in a movie.
    Been to Los Angeles.
    Been to New York City.
    Played in a band.
    Sang karaoke.
    Made prank phone calls?
    Laughed so much you cried.
    Caught a snowflake on your tongue.
    Have children
    Have a pet.
    Been sledding on big hill.
    Been downhill skiing.
    Been water skiing.
    Rode on a motorcycle.
    Rode a motorcycle.
    Jumped out of a plane.
    Been to a drive-in movie.
    Rode an elephant.
    Been on TV.
    Been in newspaper.
    Stayed in Hospital.
    Donated blood.
    Gotten a piercing.
    Gotten a tattoo.
    Driven a stick shift vehicle.
    Driven over 100 mph.
    Been scuba diving.
    Lived on your own.
    Rode in the back of police car.
    Got a speeding ticket.

    Best movie you saw this year (so far)
    Last book you read:
    What was the last practical joke you played?
    Favorite Laker moment?
    NBA player you hate:
    Nba player you think is overrated:
    Nba player that youi think is underrated:
    Nba player that you love:
    Nba player you secretly love:
    Favorite Nba player of all time:
    Nba G.O.A.T is:

    I'll be back to ask more questions.

    Everyone else, please feel free to fire away.
    alam1108 likes this.
  2. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    Thanks for the nomination Alarm.

    Have you ever fired a Gun: Nope. That will change if I become a cop
    Been Married.: Technically no. I was common law married with my ex, but never had an official big ceremony.
    Fell in love.: Absolutely. I love being in love, even with the pain that comes with it sometimes.
    Swam in an ocean.: Yes when I was a kid and didn't know any better. Now I value my life and will never give the sea a chance to kill me again.
    Gone on blind date.: Nope, but I would be open to it I guess
    Skipped school.: All the time in High School. I absolutely hated High School, had horrible grades, but I always wanted to go to college. Luckily I could draw.
    Watched someone give birth.: Watched all of my children's birth and cried every time
    Been to Canada.: Lived in Canada for about a year. Would move back to Vancouver if I could and if I could stand the cold up there. Best city I ever lived in just outside actually)
    Been to Hawaii.: Nope
    Been to Alaska.: Nope
    Been to Europe.: Nope, but I always wanted to visit Ireland
    Been to Las Vegas.: Yep. Had a girlfriend that lived there, so I would drive to see her all the time when I lived in LA. Vegas is great for about 3-4 days, then it gets old.
    Been to Washington D.C.: Nope
    Been to Nashville.: Nope
    Visited Florida.: Nope
    Visited Mexico.: Tiauanna when I was a little boy
    Seen the Grand Canyon in person: No, but I want to. I planned a trip with an ex GF and it never happened
    Flown in a HELICOPTER.: Nope
    Been on a cruise.: Nope
    Served on a jury.: Nope
    Been in a movie.: I use to work for a popular location, directing the film crew, so I can show you the column I was standing behind in scenes of Mystery Men, The Italian Job
    Been to Los Angeles.: Born and raised
    Been to New York City.: Lived there off and on for about 2 years. Eh
    Played in a band.: No musical talent as far as I can tell, but I always wanted to learn the drums.
    Sang karaoke.: I love singing. I'm not very good, but it feels great singing karaoke
    Made prank phone calls?: Nope. I'm not a prankster
    Laughed so much you cried.: All the time when I'm with my best friends in LA
    Caught a snowflake on your tongue.: As a kid
    Have children: 3 boys. Twins and a third
    Have a pet.: Not in a long time, but my current girlfriend has 2 cats that I like. I want to get a dog though soon.
    Been sledding on big hill.: It seemed big as a kid, but I'm guessing it was just a mound of snow in Chicago
    Been downhill skiing.: Nope and never will
    Been water skiing.: Nope
    Rode on a motorcycle.: I thought I wanted a motorcycle as a kid until my mother's friend who had one drove me around on it. I no longer wanted a motorcycle lol
    Rode a motorcycle.: Nope
    Jumped out of a plane.: Never will
    Been to a drive-in movie.: I love drive-ins. Get a gallon of ice cream to eat with your girl, a blanket so no one can see what you're doing and that's all you need for a good time lol
    Rode an elephant.: Yes actually at the circus
    Been on TV.: Probably at some point. I've done a lot of things that have been televised working in and around theaters and big events.
    Been in newspaper.: Not that I know of
    Stayed in Hospital.: Nope. I've been lucky to be pretty healthy all my life.
    Donated blood.: Yes
    Gotten a piercing.: Nope
    Gotten a tattoo.: Nope, but I want one, but the first will be a Lakers tat when I do get one.
    Driven a stick shift vehicle.: Yep. I can drive a stick no problem
    Driven over 100 mph.: No. I'm not attracted to high risk adrenaline rush kind of activities.
    Been scuba diving.: That's in the sea right? No, I will never go scuba diving
    snorkeling.: Lol
    Lived on your own.: Since about 19 lived with my ex. Lived on my own only a few years because I usually had a girlfriend, or roommate living with me. I prefer people
    Rode in the back of police car.: Nope. Clean as a whistle
    Got a speeding ticket.: Nope

    Best movie you saw this year (so far): Captain America Civil War without a doubt
    Last book you read: The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching: by Tich Nhat Hanh. Some great insight in there
    What was the last practical joke you played?: I haven't played any
    Favorite Laker moment?: Horry for the win against Sacramento
    NBA player you hate: LeBozo is still tops for me, even though I'll put some respec on his name for this last championship.
    Nba player you think is overrated: Still LeBozo
    Nba player that you think is underrated: Tough one. Maybe Paul George is better than he's given credit for
    Nba player that you love: Another tough one because I'm only an NBA fan by osmosis, because I don't really care about the rest of the NBA, so I would say Russell
    Nba player you secretly love: Huertas actually
    Favorite Nba player of all time: Kobe, Shaq, Magic
    Nba G.O.A.T is: Another tough one. I'd say Jordan, but I'm not a fan, but I have to acknowledge his greatness
    raviator, alam1108, gcclaker and 2 others like this.
  3. gcclaker

    gcclaker Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Wherever I am at the moment...

    Do you believe there is life outside of Earth?
    If you won the lotto would you tell anyone?
    What type of music are you into?
    What genre of movies you mostly watch?
    Be a legendary musician or an accomplished actor?
    If you had a choice of profession, what would it be?
    Are you easily bored?
    Do you enjoy solitude?
    Are you trusting or are your wary?
    What is the funniest scene in real life you ever witnessed?
  4. trodgers

    trodgers Administrator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Dis gone be good.
    alam1108 likes this.
  5. SamsonMiodek

    SamsonMiodek - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Family guy
    When was the last time you had contact with Clublakers? Do you think/know if he's checking out lakersball or even decided to register?
    Has lakersball met your expectations? Why yes/no?
    Are you a religious person?
    How old are your sons? Are they into basketball?
    Are your kids living with you or their mother(s?)?
    What is your favorite book, movie and song?

    Haven't "participated" in the previous two editions, but I love these threads. Great idea John!
    Battle Tested20 and John3:16 like this.
  6. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    If you could have one super power what would it be?
    If you won the lotto and tomorrow became a 1%-er what would you do with the money?
    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was paid to chuck wood?
  7. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    5 - 10 years from now -- what do you expect LakersBall to be like (# of members, apps, media access, etc) ?

    If someone wrote a book about your life, would anyone want to read it?

    Most underrated Laker ever?

    Someone has a gun to your head and you have to convince me to vote for Hillary or Trump. What do you say to convince me to vote for that person, without mentioning the other candidate or that person's party. (good luck)
  8. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    Do you believe there is life outside of Earth?: Absolutely. There are too many galaxies and planets circling their own version of the Sun for there not to be alien life. I think it's a certainty. Are they technologically advanced enough to visit us, and have they visited us? I don't know.
    If you won the lotto would you tell anyone?: My closest friends and mother yes, because my closest friends are like family to me
    What type of music are you into?: Mostly hip hop, but my taste is so eclectic it's better to say what music I'm not into. I don't like most country, no electronica, no house or anything like that, no heavy or doom metal
    What genre of movies you mostly watch?: My girl friend is into horror, so I've been watching more of that lately, but in general, I don't like movies as much as tv series, so I don't watch many
    Be a legendary musician or an accomplished actor?: Probably an actor, although neither appeals to me much. I have no desire to be famous.
    If you had a choice of profession, what would it be?: In my old age, I want to do things to help people, so firefighter would have been top of the list if it weren't for the politics, and the fact cities are now having firefighters act as paramedics which I don't want to do. Blood and guts every day isn't for me). So being a cop is alternate 1A
    Are you easily bored?: Nope. I can entertain myself pretty easily. I rarely get bored
    Do you enjoy solitude?: For a while. Maybe a week max, then it would drive me crazy I think.
    Are you trusting or are your wary?: Trusting by nature, but wisdom allows for me to temper that at times.
    What is the funniest scene in real life you ever witnessed?: Wow. I don't know. Never thought of that before. I'll think on it some more and let you know if I think of something
    gcclaker and trodgers like this.
  9. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    When was the last time you had contact with Clublakers? Do you think/know if he's checking out lakersball or even decided to register?: Never. I've never contacted him directly. KB24 and a few other admin on CL were the connects. I was but a humble mod on CL, so I had no connection to him.
    Has lakersball met your expectations? Why yes/no?: Yes! My primary reason for starting this site was I felt it was only a matter of time before CL went down and I felt we created to great of a community to allow us all to get split up, so I'm happy most landed here
    Are you a religious person?: Nope. I'm Buddhist, but that isn't even considered a religion by some.
    How old are your sons? Are they into basketball?: The twins are 11, and my youngest is 9. My oldest twin loves The Lakers and wants to watch every game with me. His brothers can take it or leave it lol
    Are your kids living with you or their mother(s?)?: I have joint custody, so I have them on the weekends, often during the week during Summer and winter vacation, and some other times.
    What is your favorite book, movie and song?: Book: I don't have one. Movie: At the moment The Avengers. Song: My mind changes all the time with music. Right now my favorite, that I can listen to over and over is Mad World by Tears For Fears
    SamsonMiodek and gcclaker like this.
  10. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    If you could have one super power what would it be?: Whenever I dream that I have a super power it's always super agility, where I'm flipping around like Night Crawler from the X-Men, so I pick that
    If you won the lotto and tomorrow became a 1%-er what would you do with the money?: I don't believe you just give it all to charity because a lot of them are scams. I'd probably want to start my own foundation to build wells shelter and sustainable farming in Africa.
    How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck was paid to chuck wood?: I'd chuck as much wood as a woodchuck could if a wood chuck could chuck wood at $23.50 per hour.
  11. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    5 - 10 years from now -- what do you expect LakersBall to be like (# of members, apps, media access, etc) ?: CL had about 10k members after what like 10 years. I hope to get those numbers, but the speed at which we grow is directly tied to how well the team does. If they start winning championships again, tons of new fans will be oining as they did with CL.

    If someone wrote a book about your life, would anyone want to read it?: Probably not. I'm not that exciting IMO.

    Most underrated Laker ever?: Sedale Threatt. That guy was just so solid all the way around

    Someone has a gun to your head and you have to convince me to vote for Hillary or Trump. What do you say to convince me to vote for that person, without mentioning the other candidate or that person's party. (good luck): Damn you :Tabarnak:

    I guess I'd say vote for... damn I really don't know. I might say Trump before Hillary, but I don't want to
    raviator and gcclaker like this.
  12. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    You said you are more of a TV series guy, what's your top 5 best, top 5 worse?
  13. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I haven't read through the rest of the questions to see if it's been asked yet, but what is the meaning behind your username?

    Also, how is it supposed to be pronounced? Like the two separate words "barn" and "stable" or like it rhymes with "constable"?
  14. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    You said you are more of a TV series guy, what's your top 5 best, top 5 worse?:

    Favorite/Best TV shows in no particular order:
    Firefly (Yes it is only 1 season, but I loved it)
    A Game of Thrones
    Justified (Criminally under rated writing and acting)
    Breaking Bad
    Not sure about the last. I watch A LOT of TV shows I love, so I'm not sure what # would be

    Top 5 Worst:
    Fear The Walking Dead
    Fear The Walking Dead
    Fear The Walking Dead
    Fear The Walking Dead
    Fear The Walking Dead
  15. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    I haven't read through the rest of the questions to see if it's been asked yet, but what is the meaning behind your username?:

    This is Barnstable:



    I've told this story a few times before, but longer story semi short: There is this worst horror movie ever made (IMO) named God Monster of Indian Flats. Most of the movie doesn't even deal with the monster, but the main character named Barnstable. He's a black dude that was hired by a land development company to convince the residents of the town of Indian Flats in Nevada to sell their land. So he goes to their town strutting around and all the men hate him, partially because he's black, and partially because all the white women in the town are falling all over themselves to be with him lol. So the men concoct a plan to lynch Barnstable by claiming that he shot the sheriff's dog (which made sense because Barnstable just randomly pulls out a six shooter and fires in a random direction n the town earlier during Halloween to show how cool he is lol) but he didn't, the sheriff just taught the dog to play dead. So they try to lynch Barnstable, but he escapes. The next day Barnstable comes strutting back in town like he owns the place like nothing happened. They try to kill Barnstable like 4 more times, and Barnstable just keeps escaping and coming back in town while all the white women fawn over him. It's ridiculous, and a terrible movie, and Barnstable is my hero lol.

    Also, how is it supposed to be pronounced? Like the two separate words "barn" and "stable" or like it rhymes with "constable"?: Pronounced like "constable" but with the word "barn" at the beginning.
  16. Savory Griddles

    Savory Griddles Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 7, 2014
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    Excellent choices. All 4 are in my top ten. And you are absolutely right. Justified is CRIMINALLY underrated...[​IMG]

    As for questions...

    Being active in the political thread...if you could pick anyone (politician or not) to be president who would it be? (They have to be alive)

    Would you rather have Charles Barkley's career or Robert Horry's career? (speaking strictly as a basketball player)

    You are given creative freedom to do a Marvel Series on Netflix of a presently yet-to-be introduced character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Who do you do?
    Barnstable likes this.
  17. Barnstable

    Barnstable Supreme Fuzzler of Staff Member

    Aug 31, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    Being active in the political thread...if you could pick anyone (politician or not) to be president who would it be? (They have to be alive): Bernie

    Would you rather have Charles Barkley's career or Robert Horry's career? (speaking strictly as a basketball player): Probably Barkley because he played with fewer teams. I'm not a fan of going from team to team to team. I like it when a player sticks with a team for a large chunk of their career if they can.

    You are given creative freedom to do a Marvel Series on Netflix of a presently yet-to-be introduced character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Who do you do?: Ohhhh good question. I'd like to see a Netflix show about Venom. I think they could do something really interesting with the Villain turned kind of hero dynamic with some cleaver writing.
    Savory Griddles and raviator like this.
  18. alam1108

    alam1108 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Laker Land
    How would you fix FTWD?
    I've watched all of season 1.
  19. John3:16

    John3:16 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    Game 7, five seconds on the clock, down 1. Who do you give the ball to?

    Favorite restaurant? Favorite meal?

    Do you workout / martial arts ?

    What is the best piece of art you've created? What is the most you've sold a piece for?

    Why are the famous artist "famous"? (I've never understood why, when I see other artist of no fame who can create the same, if not better)

    How many hours did you spend creating LakersBall before it was open for business?

    How many years until the Lakers are contending for a title again?
  20. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Las Islas Filipinas
    Chicken or Pork?

    Do you collect things?

    And lastly, my "go to" question, have you ever been arrested?

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