After replaying Final Fantasy X Re-master, I've been replaying Final Fantasy IX on my Vita. I really wish Square would go back to their roots. The demo for FFXV was atrocious. Apparently they took the complains to heart and fixed the combat, but I don't really have high hopes for the game. So all I can hope for is for Final Fantasy XVI to finally fix things. I want a world map and turn based combat.
Yeah I hope they have fixed it, high hopes for the FFVII remake as well. Playing atm: Last of Us, Dark Souls III and NBA 2k16 (became free to ps+ members) Days gone also looks ridiculous.
Apparently there is a wait mode in FF15, so if you want turn based rpg, its closest thing to that in a modern FF. I use to be a huge FF fan. I've played all of them except for 3,11,14 but my interest in it has fallen a lot. My favorite rpg's of late have been Witcher 3, Dark soul series. I'm really excited for the FF7 remake though. FF7 and 6 are my favorites of all time.
I just finished the second major ending in Undertale, and I highly recommend getting this game while it's still on sale until tomorrow morning. It has a great plot, fun battle mechanics, and it messes with your mind in many incredible ways. Just don't get dunked on, or you're going to have a bad time
The last FF I played was 12 which I didn't mind too much, 6-10 are pretty fantastic, hoping the remake of 7 and/or 15 bring back my interest.
I restarted Witcher 3 after 23 hours logged in. I stopped playing it a couple of months ago and I was totally lost where I was in the story, so I figured, just restart it again. I'm now total 50 hours into it and I don't even think I'm halfway thru. Such an amazing RPG. Definitely worthy of all those game of the year awards for 2015. It's unfortunate the Ultra settings make my current video card cry. Also... any of you folks play Overwatch?
I guess there are no other Undertale fans in here I thought about getting Witcher 3, but I just don't have the time for a game like that. That's why I tend to favor shorter games or at least ones that are broken down into short segments so I can stop after a shorter time. A large open world with endless quests just wouldn't work for my schedule, but that's life.
Dragon age inquisition and witches 3, incredibly long games I need to find the time to play. Unfortunately whenever I do I have time, I find myself going back to 2K or GTA
The new area Toussaint in the latest Witcher 3 expansion is beautiful. It's the most advanced (or at least most jaw dropping) lighting I've ever seen in any unmodified game. The lighting system was redone and its completely different then any other area in the game. Dont watch videos on youtube, its just not the same with the compression youtube uses. You have to play it to see.
I don't get Pokemon Go. Downloaded it a few days ago. Started the game and threw some Pokeballs at Charmander. Then it brought up a map, I'm guessing I'm supposed to walk around outside. So I had my phone out while walking my dog and found a Mankey. I couldn't figure out how to bring out my Charmander to fight him. All I could do was sling Pokeballs at it, and the mechanics are pretty annoying. None of my Pokeballs hit so I got bored and turned it off. So what's the deal? Can you use your Pokemon to hurt Pokemon you encounter in the wild to make them easier to catch? Can you use the Pokemon you catch to battle other people? Or is it literally just walking around and collecting Pokemon with nothing to do with them?
No you just catch Pokemon you encounter apparently and then you train them somehow and take them to a gym to fight them or a friend I guess. I couldn't find anything! I walked around for a while and found nothing so I gave up and deleted it.
You catch the Pokemon you see walking around. To fight you have to find gyms, usually located at "landmarks" like parks or college campuses. It's mostly just collecting. It's Pokemon's attempt to get everyone out and about and healthy. It's been fun on my hikes.
Were you walking around your neighborhood? I found one after spending half an hour walking around mine. I then went to a mall nearby and there were pokemon everywhere. I think the more popular the place, the more there are? Great way to meet new people. I find mostly people around my age playing, 23.
I walked around my work and home and found nothing. My wife downloaded it though and caught three pokemon in 10 minutes so maybe I did something wrong.
Also just read that if you're using an Apple product, you need to block Pokemon Go from your google account. Right now the game requests full access to your google information. Blocking it from your full account info doesn't change gameplay, but it will help protect you.
I think they updated that. So revoke access. Update the app to the latest one. Then, when you sign in, it will ask for basic permissions only. Also, Pokemon Go at the moment is fairly basic, but I think the plan is to keep things simple (grab as large of an audience as possible) and gradually roll out the features that they most likely already have in battling others and trading. At the moment, you can't really battle except at gyms.