I played it at a friends place and liked it. Wish there was more variety to the Titans but it was fun, different from the usual first person shooters. I think what made it underrated was being an Xbone exclusive. Glad the sequel is going to be multiplatform. In other news, E3 is right around the corner.
I'm going to EA Play on Tuesday so I get to try out Titanfall 2, Battlefield 1, Madden 17 and FIFA 17. Pretty excited for the Xbox Media Briefing tomorrow as well.
I heard EA's latest presentation was weak even though they announced a variety of Star Wars projects. I finally bought Uncharted 4 and I think I'm probably 2/3 of the way through it. It's not as difficult as the others, but the visuals and the plot have been just amazing.
Sony had a great E3 Press Conference New God of War, Kojima game starring Norman Reedus, Star Wars and Batman VR, the new CoD looks insane with its space combat, Resident Evil 7, Crash Bandicoot Remastered, an awesome looking new Spiderman game, a few cool new IPs, and release date for The Last Guardian
I just finished Uncharted 4 and it was fantastic. It wasn't as hard as all the other Uncharteds, but the story and visuals were all top freaking notch. Great game. I'm still patiently waiting for The Last of Us 2.
I'm sorry, but Sony and MS have screwed all early adopters with this Scorpio and Neo crap. I didn't expect next gen consoles to have 3 year lifespans. This isn't the PC market where you can upgrade, when you make a console I expect 5+ years of great support for it. Personally, the Crash Bandicooot remaster is the most exciting thing I've heard so far, that's actually a reason for me to get a PS4 again later if it's done right. I play the original 3 all the time, I was playing number 2 today in fact. If whoever is developing it messes with the controls even slightly though, I'm out, as they are perfection as is. What ruined all Crash games after 3/Kart Racing was a new developer and awful controls and level design. So if it's a gorgeous new version of the exact same old games, I'm in, if it's meddled with, I'm out. I'm also not interested in any new Crash games if they aren't done by Naughty Dog or at least people from those original teams that may have come from ND, which I doubt is likely.
My understanding is that both systems will continue to support existing Ps4 and XBox1 games... Also Scorpio isn't due for release for over a year from what I've read.
I'm not a big fan of the Scorpio/Neo stuff either, but one way I heard it described was as a way to kill the very idea of "generations" with huge gaps in between them. Like they're following the model of cell phones and going with incremental upgrades. iPhone 7 will be more powerful than iPhone 6 and have more features. Most new apps will be compatible with both versions of the iPhone but the iPhone 7 will have slightly better performance. By the time iPhone 9 comes around, it will be able to use all the old apps with better performance, but iPhone 6 will no longer be able to utilize the new apps. I don't think that model necessarily screws early adopters. I have an iPhone 6. I guess in the back of my mind, I wish I had an iPhone 6s, but I'm fine with my current phone because I know the slight boost in performance isn't worth the money yet. In the same way, I'll probably skip out on the Neo and wait for the next upgrade they release in another 3 years or so. I'm not gonna stress that there is an upgraded version of my console playing the same great games I am at a slightly higher FPS or resolution.
I don't buy it. It's only a matter of time before developers make the game amazing on the new hardware and if suffers horribly on the old, no matter what they promise in the moment. The PS4 has a crazy high installed userbase though, so they'd be wise not to do this to tens of millions of people too soon. As for the iPhone analogy, I get it, but I don't agree with it. I can have an iPhone 4S still and do most stuff I can do on a 6S, but if I do want to upgrade, I can usually do so for a very good price when sales come around. With consoles, you don't get an upgrade from a carrier deal, you have to shell out $400-$500 every 3 years if they do this. I can't afford to be doing that. Also with cell phones, games are a draw, yes, but not a major one. Performance is the draw, and while older phones are slower, they'll get the job done for most people. With consoles, you want the absolute best graphics and framerates you can get, that's one of the major draws next to exclusive games. So if PS 4.5 comes out and it's games come out and blow away my regular PS4's graphics, I'm gonna feel like crap, it's going to ruin my experience knowing I don't have the best looking, most immersive version of that game on a console. The only thing iPhone 6s has on 6 is 3D Touch and a better camera, nothing about it makes me pissed off I don't have it over my 6 Plus. So that's where the analogy loses me. A couple new features are cool, but when we're talking major graphical upgrades and the ability to play VR games that actually work, that's a different world of a console. You might as well call it PS5, apologize to all early adopters, offer a trade in plan to upgrade for a like $100 and move on. But of course there's no chance in hell that'd ever happen, it's all about making more money. Now people that want the best console experience have to shell out $400 again 3 years later, while here I am still playing my PS3 daily 10 years into its life and still loving it.
Well I guess we'll have to wait and see how powerful these upgrades systems actually are. We don't have much info about them but from what I've read, the main upgrade will be the ability to output games at 4K resolution. I don't have a 4K TV so I'm not worried about it. I really don't think it will be so powerful that it will have exclusive games that have terrible performance on the regular PS4
They are very powerful upgrades. Might as well just be "PS5" and "Xbox Two" http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/digitalfoundry-2016-xbox-one-project-scorpio-spec-analysis http://www.ign.com/wikis/xbox-one/Xbox_One_Scorpio_vs._PlayStation_Neo_Comparison_Chart The way I see it, this is all intended to keep up with PC gaming, which was never the point of consoles. If that's the way gaming goes in the future then the PS4 will be my last console purchase just to play games like Uncharted 4, Hot Shots Golf 5, Last Guardian NBA 2K, and a few others. I've no interest in upgrading consoles every few years like upgrading a PC, consoles were supposed to give you bang for your buck and be pushed to their limits for years.
I never realized how tiring E3 was gonna be. I went last year but it was only for one day and only for a couple of hours. I used to work at a company that put on large events like these but I never actually walked the floor all day. I walked around 5 miles and only sat down 2 or 3 times in 9 hours. Today was only when I was scoping everything out figuring out what I'm gonna do on Wednesday and Thursday too. That being said, it was still pretty fun. Battlefield 1 and Titanfall 2 were really fun and I can't wait to try out more games tomorrow. Sea of Thieves is one game I really want to play but the line was the longest out of all the games that I walked by. Almost wrapped around all of Microsoft's floor space and they have the largest space in their particular hall. I also swished a free throw to get a free gold Kobe coin and code for NBA 2K16. It was funny watching everyone else brick the shots worse than Dwight Howard and Shaq combined. Oh and I'll check this booth out tomorrow for science
That looks awesome Chook! How does one get into E3 anyway? Do you just have to pay for a pass or something? @Weezy I agree with you on PS4 and I actually believe they're going to work hard to keep the PS4 relevant as long as possible even a year or two into the life of Neo meaning you'd be right around that 5-6 year period for PS4. Every press release I read says that Sony is SUPER conscious of their built in client base and they don't want to alienate them. It's mostly an upgrade so that PS4 users can integrate VR into their systems and then some cosmetic changes go with it. Same with XBox 1S. I don't buy Scorpio will be a cross platform though. I think we hear that rumor every time and it never happens with brand new systems and Microsoft advertised Scorpio as a brand new operating system and everything.
Wait, where have you heard that you'll need Neo to use PlayStation VR? The VR comes out in October and Neo hasn't even been officially announced. If that's true, I'd be really disappointed. I'm really excited for VR.
Everything I have read says one of the major reasons for Neo is so that VR games can run smoothly enough to actually work, and not make people sick with awful framerates. That to me implies that while regular PS4 will play VR games, they will run like s***.