I don't think it's that bad for Dany. It somewhat evens the playing field for Cersei, but she still has her own army and dragons, aka nukes.
One of those dragons is going down though. I pray it's not Drogon, but one is taking that crossbow to the eye. No reason to dedicate an entire scene to it if you're going to be shooting something at the dragons that won't ever hit them. There is also this magical horn in the books that can control dragons. Wouldn't be surprised to see the Lannisters end up with it.
Spoiler I'd have to rewatch that scene but I don't think Euron would kill Yara so easily, probably torture her and use her as an example?
Spoiler: spoiler I think this will just reinforce what Lady Olenna was speaking to her at the table about: "I can't remember a queen who was better loved than my granddaughter . . . and what is left of her now? Ashes." She adds, "Commoners, nobles, they're all just children, really. They won't obey you unless they fear you." It's time for Dany to stop playing nice and tactical and release her dragons on King's Landing.
Spoiler It's not just about her "playing nice" or being ruthless. The last Targaryen to sit on the throne was a lunatic who wanted to burn everyone. Dany can't come in there as a Targaryen burning everyone she sees. Her armies follow her because she is different. Her allies align with her because she is different. Don't listen to Lady Olenna at this point. She has lost her entire family line. She is in the final years of her life. She is probably one of the worst people in Westeros to listen to at this point if you are Dany. Do you think Olenna cares about leaving Westeros a better place? Do you think she wants what's best for the people? No. She wants revenge. She wants ruthless, crushing revenge. She wants everyone that had anything to do with what went down at the Scepter to die horrifically. She isn't siding with Danny for the good of the realm. She is siding with Danny because it gives her the best chance of turning Cercei into ashes. She doesn't have Danny's best interest at heart. She has bloodlust.
i heard that after this 3rd episode, GOT will be 80mins...i hope its true this is hands down, the fastest hour on tv
My favorite parts were Arya finding out about Jon Snow and her interaction with her dire wolf. I was pretty sad she didn't stay with Arya but she has her own pack now and I don't think its will be the last that we see her and the wolves.
Spoiler: Episode 3 The world of GoT is finally getting smaller. Less families involved and those still alive are finally crossing paths. Davos may not be the best wingman but he's an awesome hypeman. Jamie got it hard from Euron and Lady Ollena and he better hope Cersei wiped off all the poison on her lips before she bent her knee. (was that a body double?) Jon Snow: "I'm not a Stark." Cue dragon entrance. Honestly thought Cersei was going to torture the Sand Snakes even more. Tyrion honestly steals every scene he is in. Has Little Finger ever said anything and it wasn't creepy? Also Bran is being weird, probably for good reason considering the secret he is holding. Another miscalculation from Dany at Casterly Rock.
Spoiler I'm impressed by the new teleportation technology this season. Where journeys once took several episodes, now they happen within the same episode or quickly in between (Jaime from Kings Landing to Highgarden, Jon Snow from Winterfell to Dragonstone). On a more serious note, I was a bit let down by how easily Highgarden fell. I understand that the combined Lannister and Tarly armies outnumbered the remaining loyal Tyrell soldiers, but it went too quickly for a siege. I think a lot of the "rushed" feeling stems from cutting the season down to only 7 episodes, which is a bit of a shame. However, the scene with Olenna more than made up for the lack of a siege. For someone who was about to die, she certainly "won" that moment with Jaime left in utter shock over her admission of guilt for killing Joffrey. I predict this is the beginning of Jaime turning against Cersei, who will likely still want to destroy Tyrion despite his innocence. I wonder if history will repeat itself, and Jaime ends up killing Cersei to save many innocent lives... Btw, I love how Euron was asking Jaime for pointers on how to satisfy Cersei. He's filling the overly violent and crazy villain role quite nicely formerly occupied by Ramsay Bolton. As always, all scenes with Tyrion are a joy to watch even of all he does is talk with Jon and Daenerys. I'm sure Jorah will be rushing back to be by Daenerys side, and I won't be surprised if he takes over the military strategy from Tyrion who has bumbled away a huge advantage by losing the navy and now stranding the Unsullied far away from where they can be useful. Definitely as others have said, this is the fastest hour of television matched only by shows like Breaking Bad and Hannibal. I can't wait until next Sunday!
Spoiler Dany is going to turn on Tyrion soon. And as much as we love Tryion, she honestly should. The dude's battle plan has quickly lost most of the Navy and the entire Tyrell house, and now the Unsullied are probably a bit screwed. Tyrion made good decisions in theory. The plan honestly sounded very sound when they were at the war table, but it has gone to s***. I feel like Tyrion's failures are happening as a way to force Dany to form an alliance with Jon.
Spoiler I was getting annoyed with Danny. Calm down! If you were so tough, this thing would be over already. Collaboration is so much more effective when you have a common enemy. Try to recruit Jon instead of subjugate him and maybe he'll help you. Sort out the "King of the North" stuff later. Do you really need more enemies?
Spoiler: Ep3 Bran has probably seen and absorbed so much information that he really can't be normal again. He's seen too much. Can't wait for him to break the news to Jon Snow. I wonder how that'll play out if Dany finds out. He'll be the rightful heir to the throne and she'll have to bend the knee to him. But like Jon said, he doesn't want it and will probably pass it off to Dany anyway.
I wonder if that'd make things smoother or if she'd view him as even more of a threat? Probably the latter.
As Tyrion has advised her, she wouldn't want to make more enemies. Based on how Dany was playing historian with him to get Jon to bend the knee, I would think she would fall in line with the lineage. But based on what she knows that Jon doesn't want to be a King really, she'd probably still get to lead. Spoiler: Tidbit The other interesting thing that Dany caught Davos' mentioning how Jon "gave his life" before Jon cut him off. I'm sure she is now aware of the prophecy of the Prince that was Promised, even though Messandei has translated otherwise to be Prince or Princess, but should she catch on to Melisandre's prophecy, and with the knowledge that Jon is actually Targaryen, may be that Prince afterall.