DOOMSDAY:Cookin The Tears Of The Oposition

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by raviator, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    no, we won.
    LTLakerFan and Cookie like this.
  2. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    No, we were all waiting for the eventual Laker collapse:Laugh:
    LTLakerFan and Cookie like this.
  3. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I’ll do a bit more doom tomorrow. I just finished reading 30+ pages of complaint about the refs and the discrepancy in free throws. I just can't deal with these biased a** fans tonight.

    It was like an all you can eat buffet for AD.

    It’s was the butler with the candlestick and the unibrow.

    We the North should change to we the wrong.

    Well, so are you.

    Thad Young been around since the dawn of time….bam bam.

    He held AD to only 9 points in 4 minutes lol.

    Nothing funny about these quotes. Just included them because their fans don’t really like Dennis and want him gone.

    Sooooo, does that mean you don’t want to trade for him?

    The unibrow is one big line.

    Does that mean, everyone should Wang Chung tonight?

    He already retired on defense.

    Our secret is out. We the bricklayers of the West.

    You have watched Davis this year?

    That’s because it is the opposite.

    Now this is more like it.

    I guess this is where all you whiny fans get it from.

    You have snow. That can be good if you need water.

    Yes and the script is every teams we play, their fans complain nonstop about the refs.

    Does he have grit and knows how to find a foxhole?
    gcclaker, Ceteris21, abeer3 and 5 others like this.
  4. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    The meltdown is real on Twitter, these Raptor fans can’t get over the fact that they kept on fouling on the last minute and think that it does not count in free throw attempts:LLLLLebronlaughing:
    SirJunkyBen, Cookie and LTLakerFan like this.
  5. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    “This hurts. This and the Kings should have been W’s. Why can’t I have anything good in my life.”

    You have snow. That can be good if you need water.

    KuzmoBall17, gcclaker, Cookie and 2 others like this.
  6. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Really wasn’t much more I could find this morning. Just A TON of complaints about the refs.

    There’s dyslexia and then there’s just plain dumb. Maybe you have both.

    You’re fired.Best wishes, from your Laker boss.

    You're up in Canada by yourself. Start your own league. No one would notice.

    Biggest Whining award goes to Raptor fans.

    We’ll take you up on that offer. Rest is good for old man LeBron.

    Yes Mr.Silver, I will take that fine with pleasure….still a yes man.
  7. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
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  8. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    i haven't seen the 4th quarter yet, but i also haven't seen anyone, anywhere, really point to plays that indicated ref bias--just the FTA count. i mean, if you're playing AD with a bunch of smalls, you're going to have to foul. i get that the refs let some teams get away with it, but not you tonight.
    Cookie and LTLakerFan like this.
  9. KuzmoBall17

    KuzmoBall17 - Lakers Starter -

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Darko wasn't complaining when Cavs had 26 FT and Toronto 40 in game on New Year or on November ,26 with same Cavs team Toronto had 29 to 6 FT advantage and BTW they still lost that game
  10. KuzmoBall17

    KuzmoBall17 - Lakers Starter -

    Jul 18, 2017
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  11. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    not great angles, but the only one that would have tripped my alarm bells in real time was the one for reaves (and i think he got fouled, just a late call).

    the moving screen was obvious. if they don't call that, we're justifiably complaining to the league.

    you can tell the author knew he was going to get killed, so he hedged hard on there being a bunch of ticky tack fouls. particularly given that he admitted that the refs missed zero fouls against the raptors.

    maybe the raptors should have kept their hands to themselves like the lakers did? adapt to the officiating?
    Cookie likes this.
  12. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Not a lot of good quotes from OKC fans tonight.

    Someone’s not happy.

    It’s you, not her.

    First time I’ve read that Reaves is a classy player from another teams fan base.

    Not everything. Nobody was hurt. Be thankful for that.

    Must have been lost in remote learning.

    Not shooting 15-49 from 3?


    And what a nice 1 minute it was.

    That’s the way a huh a huh, I like it, a huh a huh.

    And now you will go to bed mad.

    Thank you sir for your donation.

    Like losing to the Clippers is better.

    Did your retinas get scratched from the clothesline because you are blind as a bat. Men in Mars could
    see he was gets star treatment and than some.

    Leaves Bron’s invitation in his “stats”.

    That’s because it was like last month’s issue and we’ve read it before.

    Adam Silver made you shoot 49 threes? lol
  13. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    2 wins in a row. I don’t know what to do.

    Well, it’s not like he’s going to be younger by the end.

    You have turned into the Laker curse team.

    Bueller, Bueller?

    He isn’t, both stunk.

    It’s ok, even his brother would shoot under 30% if he ever played for us.

    It’s not like the second half went any better.

    Yes, but did he take kicking in the balls for extra credit?

    Wankers for the win.

    Sure you can. It’s Ham’s specialty.

    As long as he’s hitting he can look anyway he wants.

    La La losers.

    Better than hearing Doc’s screeching voice reading it.

    Isn’t that the definition of a game thread?

    Luka would be better served by keeping his emotions in check.

    We can take him off your hands anytime.

    It’s better than our guy who died.

    Oh so you want actual real world trades. What fun is that?

    Yes but did you win this in season tournament?

    I Vacillated on whether to include this but decide to. Sorry if I offended anyone. I try to stay out of anything political.


    Vanderbilt actually hitting something is definitely wild. Laker fans are shocked too.

    Purple and gold look much better with his skin tone than blue.

    It’s like Ham had a Kidd.

    It’s certainly an art.

    You being behind 20 points is my favorite part too.

    The Suns don’t want him either.

    Your players could stand on the rock to be taller and cover our eyes with paper so we couldn’t see.
    Sounds like a promising plan to me.

    Picked a nice time to do it.

    1 800 you’re fired.
  14. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    abeer3, LTLakerFan and Cookie like this.
  15. Zoyd Wheeler

    Zoyd Wheeler - Lakers 6th Man -

    Nov 7, 2021
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    Some Mavs fan:
    >Bob Myers Literally reading the box score live on the air. Great analysis.<

    >Better than hearing Doc’s screeching voice reading it.<

    Too effing true. Damn that guy is rough to listen to. And not at all interesting.
    Cookie likes this.
  16. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Bron could play for CB if it wasn’t for the playing hard part.

    Did Billups go to the Ham coaching school?

    Don’t guys ever get lonely out there?

    Yep, getting moved to another team. What a bust for the #1 pick.

    Ask and you shall receive.

    Sure he’ll try to pad his stats.

    Well crime is up in Portland. Was it in the back of your Kia?

    Have you been living under a rock? That’s Bron’s MO.

    Yes, something really good.

    Yes CB wanted to turn Ham into bacon but couldn’t stick him in the frying pan because he was too wide
    with his hands in his pockets.

    Hate to let you in on the secret but the upcoming draft sucks.

    Yikes and the’ve had some higher picks.

    They have Suckities or perhaps, inflammation of the losing record.

    Better than no passes and still brick three-pointer.

    Now if Dlo could only catch the defense gene.

    Ayton…waste of a pick.

    I’m available as long as it doesn’t affect my sleep schedule.

    That’s what you get for having an Atari.

    Explains why there’s a lot of conversations about practice.

    When the Lakers beat you at threes, you know you have a problem.

    Left out.

    That’s going to be your motto for a few years.
    puffyusaf#2, abeer3, gcclaker and 3 others like this.
  17. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    lol atari smack.
    Cookie likes this.
  18. The Showtime Mamba

    The Showtime Mamba - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Bull Doom from the the Bulldom, the land of his airiness and the long last eagle Caruso.

    AD will swallow Vuc alive. (Anthony "Deep throat" Davis getting mythological like the father of Zeus)

    Let Drumm take him into the post and his bones will explode. (Counter point Drummond's pigeon toed arthritis is contagious)

    If we win, we'll have the same record as the lakers. (Give or take a dozen championships or so....oh)

    Zo sighting (He got lost on his way to the bank, and thought he would drop by, his credit rating is "undefeated, never lost"

    Dlo has been spending the last 2 weeks trying to trick the Lakers into keeping him. He has been solid. (He will ending up having someone buy (while he is) high and then have them sell DLO)

    Don't mind AD taking jumpers and flopping unsuccessfully (AD flops so much, he should probably be the Cialis spoke person when he retires)

    Reaves looks like a 1982 7th grader (Reave's says "I know you are so what am I' . He actually did in that hoodie thing).

    Lonzo has aged. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve seen him. He physically looks older. (Puts the pro in progeria).

    Carter is a rough watch (and in reposte) Dude is broke. And he’s small. (Like a modern day Gary Coleman, that is what I am talking about Willis)

    Carter is gonna be unplayable if he keeps this. Well he already is unplayable when we are healthy. (Carter useful only in times of bubonic plague)

    why Carter thinks he should take more shot than Coby? that last shot ... ugh.

    Probably felt pressure to shoot after DeMar yelled at him for not shooting. (the reverse of his daughter)

    Vandy doing his thing that’s not what we want (Vando going Commando today like the Austrian Oak Arnold)

    Rui feasting because nobody besides Pat is physical enough to guard him. (Pat is more of an emotional defender tbh he is the Dr Phil of D)

    Reaves flailing like he got tased (probably got toxic shock from exposure to an old HAM)

    Prince and DLo have been better as of late but they still can't shoot as a team. (posted for truth)

    Gotta love how Billy just refuses to make adjustments. (Is he a Ham disciple?)

    Not sure why the four other guys on the court thought it was a good idea to let Coby guard LeBron 1 on 1 (you got the wrong Kobe son)

    Watching pat williams play nba basketball is so depressing. I am so done with him. And watching javon carter makes my eyes bleed (Javon' nickname should be "basketball ebola")

    It’s been bad. The only hope is they don’t Colin the 3rd quarter like they usually do and they can get back in it. The Lakers are hitting everything. (quoted for the rare time the Lakers are hitting everything)

    Dlo has been on fire lately. Too bad this team is in the middle of his hot streak. (slushie in his veins)
    abeer3, Cookie, puffyusaf#2 and 2 others like this.
  19. The Showtime Mamba

    The Showtime Mamba - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Javon Carter should be moved. I don't think he's bringing significant value to this team. He's like a poor man's version of last year's Gabe Vincent for the Heat.

    We need to package him with Zach to get better value. (ouch those are fighting words around here)

    Holes and here there? Compete at all high level? How are we gonna fix this gaping m holes? And what is your definition of competing at a high level? Keep in mind that we have no assets other than one we might possibly unload for basically if they are stupid enough to do that. Spurs will probably get our pick 2025 because we will do just enough to remain mediocre.

    We have no avenue to really improve unless Patrick Williams makes a Coby level jump. (Doom bahahahhahahahah)

    No one wants Carter. He stinks and everyone knows it. His value is likely negative. He is only good salary matching which we likely don’t need for Zach. (Carter smells like a diaper recycling factory in August or a rotten HAM)

    If the Bulls trade Zach to the Pistons I hope they get more assets than Bogdanovic. (Interesting trade talk)

    Reaves is a solid offensive player but he is among the worst defenders in the league, maybe the worst. Now imagine him not being protected by a DPOY caliber player like AD behind him. This fan base would hate him. (Reaves the one way HBK)

    Letting a team shoot 60%+ the whole game is wild. That was the highest points LA scored this year. None of their guys are gonna shoot that well ever again
    (Sounds like us when the scrub o the league teams play us)

    Dlo couldn’t miss. He hit a bunch of contested 3s. However everyone else was pretty open the whole game. (He was harnessing his hate for Darth Ham the dead eye master)

    Austin Reaves is a poor man’s Zach. Even worse on defense. Possibly worst defensive wing in the NBA. Only thing he has going for him over Zach is being cheaper. He’s so good that the Lakers are under .500 with two all-stars. Doesn’t seem like a player that helps win. (Damn Taylor Swift go right a song about it, don't post on the Bull's message board if he did you wrong)

    Austin Reaves' basketball IQ is on a different planet than Zach's. If you think he's the reason the Lakers are struggling, you're not paying attention to what is actually wrong with this team. Reaves was critical to their unexpected playoff run last year. He also has produced better stats without LeBron. His defense is bad, but he has shown some defensive ability in the past and does compete. I think this is an area he can and will get better at. (Sounds like an undercover Laker fan to me)

    Again, Reaves has a track record of playing just fine without LeBron. I think he's talented enough to be a starter but even if he is a 6th man, what is wrong with that? Are we suddenly too good for that? Can we not use that? Funny enough, I was going to say that Reaves sort of reminds me of a SG version of Kukoc. Yeah, Toni wasn't necessarily a guy you'd build around but he just **** made you better and sometimes that's a good place to start. (an interesting take)

    Not a bad lot of posters all things considered. Fairly rational. I guess it's hard to get dressed up and ready for the Bulls when you have already had your LAST DANCE.
    abeer3, Cookie and KareemtheGreat33 like this.
  20. The Showtime Mamba

    The Showtime Mamba - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    This is dedicated to the memory of Doris Burke's love life.

    at least we don't have to worry about Draymond getting any flagrants tonight. (Yes it seems Green returned to the NBA with MMA contact rules, as I said in game chat, a cat has 9 lives a Green has 99 fouls) (This game is dedicated to the memory of the referees eyesight and integrity)

    So Klay hit 14 straight warm up 3s.
    Let’s see if that means anything for in game 3s. (Yes Klay started the game with 42 points because of his hot pre-game shooting and his weird beard)

    wiggins running like he is 30 pounds (somebody replied what does this even mean. It is a head scratcher)

    Kerr is playing a lineup with Klay as only scoring option, you know whats gonna happen (The Show TIme Mamba will open his big mouth and Klay will go through a geriatric renaissance in his scoring)

    Cut to CP3 after Podz 3pt play: Damn, I ain't getting my job back. (lol, not even state farm will be there for him)

    Has Klay hit a floater like that in his entire career? (check the GSW bathroom stall 1g)

    basketball isnt as hard as Kerr makes it seem sometimes.. between stuff like this and his AI-like sub patterns, he's holding the team back significantly
    (Ham-like substitutions? AI? would that make Kerr.....SPAM?)

    Another Klay Thompson attempt where his feet flail wildly. Team worst -17 when the next worst is -6. Steve Kerr needs to get his head out of his a** or he needs to be fired. (We Kerr we Kerr a lot as Faith no More would say, coach swap?)

    Klay goes for the Jordan Poole shot with 5 seconds left in the shot clock. No, Poole would have dribbled it out of bounds off his foot before he even got a chance to shoot. (Retrospective and historical doom hate for Poole)

    fire that impostor on the bench at halftime. (Is this Laker doom or GSW doom?)

    Looney is toast. Just let him go on a retreat or something with a hyperbolic chamber and see if he can come back before the playoffs. (lol the hyperbolic chamber is what spawned the bandwagon GSW fans)

    Any other player, but klay gets benched on this team.
    Klay will start the 2h and get his 30+ minutes. (Klay is a PRINCE among men except he has kinda paid some major dues)

    I love Klay, I really do, and I hate being negative, but he really is one of the worst players in the league today. (Yeah what has he ever done for GSW)(and then a fan posts Jordan Poole says "hi", damn they are at vendetta level on the Poole hate.)

    Halfway through the 3rd:

    Dray +28
    Kuminga +19
    Wiggins +19
    Curry +20
    Klay +1 (did not fact check this, but it is impressive we won. Sure they cherry picked some stats and we were down a dozen or so, but damn)

    Standard Day-to-Davis incoming. (the truth hurts, but only can the truth physically cause a bruise or a tear like it does for our giant AD).

    Yeah, looking at the replay it looks like a strain. Doris is a moron and is sticking with the knee to the groin. (Wrong groin DB)

    I guess Doris is the authority on what a knee to the nads is like. (ouch..)

    Podz is the hardest player to hate in the NBA (and someone said Although Warriors fans are resourceful. They will find a way.)

    Dray the mvp this game. Just a masterclass in controlling the game. (He should get either the golden gloves, a black belt or a diagnosis for tourettes for his game today)

    Klay is the worst player in the league and his nipples smell like cabbage. (posted from some bath house I assume)

    The Klay/Trayce combination is reminiscent of Stockton/Malone. (posted for the proposterous notion the unmitigated audacity)

    Doris just said the defense is overreacting to Curry but he's on the bench. (We probably have Bron putting roaming cover on him tbh) and then someone said Curry’s gravity has no limit! (lol)
    Cookie and SirJunkyBen like this.

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