DOOMSDAY:Cookin The Tears Of The Oposition

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by raviator, Nov 9, 2014.

  1. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
  2. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    good lord, right?
    alam1108 and Cookie like this.
  3. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    You aren’t one to complain about the refs, but you are before the game even starts lol.

    He got handed a 4th quarter rest period instead.

    More like weak in the brain complaining about free throws in a game that hasn’t started.

    This guy has problems.

    Today was not your lucky day.

    Don’t diss a giraffe like that.

    He wasn’t playing good enough to even call him that.

    Tell me about it.

    AD definitely made him dizzy with all the blocks.

    Bus? I would have made him walk home.

    Speak for yourself.

    How about the rest of the team?

    Finally to the acceptance stage.

    Seasons are certainly ruined here when it matters.

    And an IQ of 65.

    AD says that me show you the American step.

    Lakers finally decided they could make a 3 pointer.

    Especially when the heat check comes after air ball.

    You could have a whole platoon of tanks at this point.

    Had to be pretty demoralizing.


    And what a party it was.

    Good times.

    AD scared you sh*tless and your players have block party PSTD.

    Maybe Rui doesn’t like blue.

    You’d never know we are a terrible 3 point shooting team watching this game.

    You need to lower your standards. How about not a brick shot?

    Didn’t matter.

    Sure, here’s another 3.
  4. gcclaker

    gcclaker Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Wherever I am at the moment...
    Cookie is doing double duty...Laker opponent AND Clipper doom.
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  5. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Portland just doesn’t have the same amount of posts that they used to. I guess fans will be back when it’s not a G league team.

    He was definitely your daddy tonight…… How do you like that Malone?

    No we play our starters 35 minutes to win against G team.

    That’s because they’re always amazed that someone’s worse than us.

    True dat.

    Ice in his veins.

    Blazer fans need to recoup some money selling tickets to Laker fans.

    Don’t worry we’ll get some of it back.

    It’s just the blood from LeBron after he sliced you up.

    Well you are missing half your team.

    Think it will be more than a couple.

    The California Pacific Ocean is just much prettier lol.

    Are you describing the Lakers usual first quarters?

    I wonder why.


    Maybe it was you, not him.

    Saving you from yourself.

    It’s a W. On to the next.

    Like taking candy from a baby.

    And we appreciate it.

    That red court had him seeing blood.

    At least he’s good at something.

    Not fair at all.

    Portland Melo, not Laker Melo.
  6. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    “Portland just doesn’t have the same amount of posts that they used to. I guess fans will be back when it’s not a G league team. “

    But like a Marine you adapted, overcame and kicked a**!! ;) :clap: :D
    Cookie likes this.
  7. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    i wonder if they'll be able to move jerami grant for anything. he just refuses to accept his appropriate role, it seems? i thought once he got the big payday, he'd let that go. then again, maybe it's just that portland has no other legitimate option.
    Cookie likes this.
  8. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    It’s nice that doom is still on page 1. It would be nicer if the Lakers would start having some blowout wins so I can
    start doom early.

    Not so fast.

    I guess she wasn’t drinking the good stuff.

    I guess he’s not gonna be on Dancing with the Stars anytime soon.

    It might be coming soon.

    That’s like telling Santa Claus he can’t give out gifts.

    That’s what 40 million will give you.

    Rockets are going to lose at the end. How’s that for awakening?

    Does he have T-Rex arms to go with the tiny hands?

    That’s because we have backstage Lakers shows.

    You can take the boy out of the city, but you can’t take the city out of the boy.

    What did you expect?

    Only one of those players in beating Father Time and it’s not yours.

    Wait till he goes for the steal.

    This guy would be at the hospital for Dehydration if he was a Laker fan with our “offense”.

    One eyebrow, 1 made basket each time.

    Tell me about it.

    We need to tell our PG to treat it as your friend….or you’ll be making some enemies.

    There’s a lot of extra room in there with that pee brain sized brain.

    They had some new names for Reaves.

    You certainly didn’t make valedictorian.

    Old timer be damned. Bron was great this game.

    Wait for it……

    I don’t think Rocket fans like Austin Reaves.

    It’s HIM.

    How about a free throw?

    Still haven’t won a road game.
  9. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    if reaves is an undeserving player, imagine being the team about to give jalen green a max deal next year...

    their fan beat me to it:

    and not to go on a rant here, but this is another reason why it's dangerous to become a lotto team and accumulate high picks. you become sort of duty-bound to pay them based on potential, lest you waste the precious assets you sucked so hard to get. most top-5 picks don't become allstars, but almost all of them get paid like one on their second contract regardless.
    Juronimo, LTLakerFan and Cookie like this.
  10. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Not high enough.

    Boo hoo.

    No reason to stay up for this massacre.

    You are a completely dumb jazz fan and I feel sorry for you.

    Plays like a 35-year-old and not the LeBron 38 kind.

    That floor is bad.

    Yes, basically.

    It was great for the Lakers.

    It’s possible. Especially with how bad you shot the ball.

    Hope not, AD was falling down a lot.

    I guess you lost your finals too.

    It’s gonna happen eventually.

    And the Jazz killer.

    Maybe from lemon pepper wings.

    The announcers were a little overboard tonight.

    That’s good. You won’t be disappointed that way.

    Those women think they look hot.

    Jazz fans should be embarrassed complaining about fouls this game. That is not why you lost.

    I think less than 10 if the announcers had their way.


    As long as he did it within his 10 minutes of allotted playing time.

    They circled the inside of the toilet bowl….or is that the Clippers new arena?

    Wouldn’t hurt.

    A Jazz fan with a clue.

    Phoenix is missing half their team, what did you expect.

    Could be 40, just ask Kuzmo lol.
    gcclaker, Juronimo, abeer3 and 4 others like this.
  11. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    lol. can't imagine being a utah fan this year. they got sold a bill of goods because of the hot start last year, but the team just doesn't have a lot of talent on it and overperformed. there's not a franchise cornerstone in the bunch, and they will be on exactly zero stars' trade wish lists.

    but at least they're very white.
    Cookie likes this.
  12. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I remember when Cleveland had great fan participation. Now it’s like deadsville. Cav fans hate Mitchell and want to trade
    him badly.

    Why is this game important?

    Of course they are. You are playing the Lakers. Everyone gets healthy against us.

    With fans like you, your team doesn’t need enemies.

    Want a Ham for your Turkey?

    Wait till he starts chucking.

    It’s Cleveland, they don’t have to watch sports to be miserable.

    Fans will be hot, but not in the way you are thinking.

    You run it……into the ground.

    It’s called no defense by either team.

    Woods won.

    A LOT.

    And neither team decided to pick up that option.

    Yes Captain Obvious.

    No JB was drawing stick figures and Mitchell said, that looks like me…I’m taking the shot.

    So you think that fall form the sky was faked…smh.

    He was imitating Bron.

    The avalanche came and covered you with snow…..and not fresh snow either.

    5-7, maybe not Ray Allen but damn good for Max.

    One time I don’t mind watching a heap of s***.
  13. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Great blowout game. Now don’t let us down tomorrow.

    They didn’t take your recommendation.

    At least you know your daughter won’t become a Piston fan.

    100 maybe.

    Now that’s a fun stat.

    It’s questionable why they are still considered a NBA team.


    Low bar.

    The Lakers definitely whipped you.

    The coffin has been under the dirt for a long time.

    No chance.

    It was downhill the whole way.

    Wiseman’s a bust.

    That halftime show was horrendous.

    Had to find anything positive to say about a 2 win team.

    You have Stockholm syndrome.

    Pretty much.

    Ask for a refund. You should get hazard pay.

    Not even sure you are G leaguers out there.

    Some leader.

    Who does Cade think he’s fooling with those pumpfakes?

    Quite possibly based on this game.

    It’s called ice in his veins.

    Might be time to bust out the paper bags.

    He’s a 2 way. Why bag on him?

    No he’s looking at a calendar, trying to see how many games till he gets fired.

    More like a black hole.

    Yeap and you don’t have as many toilets as the Clippers will.

    When death is better than the alternative.
    karacha, Juronimo, abeer3 and 3 others like this.
  14. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    I like the Kissinger death smack:Laugh:
    Juronimo, LTLakerFan and Cookie like this.
  15. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    was this about that little dustup on the baseline? thompson was being a punk because lewis had outhustled him to get his hands on an offensive board, and when they both fell to the ground, thompson tried to push him down further, and lewis just grabbed him (i'd have done worse, tbh).
    Cookie likes this.
  16. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    Here’s some brunch doom instead of a late night snack. Lots of complaining about Reaves and the refs in general. I think their fans just thought because of the nice start they were a
    better team than they are,

    It’s the Lakers, our whole team only hit 8 and that’s with Max and Prince hitting 6.

    I’ve got an answer for you. Stop hacking us all night.

    Wait for it……..

    You mean right, he’s going to kick your a****.

    8-25…yep, seems about right.

    Wildcats….yes sometimes he’s like a tiger.

    Maybe you’re in Perth.

    Shocker, your team hacks like a guy chopping wood, Get over it.

    Nothing much about Green works.

    Just a Perth Wildcat going to work.

    It amazes me the hate that Reaves gets by other fan bases.

    So has most of your fan base.

    A rational Rocket fan, who knew they existed?

    That clipper stink will do that to you.

    Dirty socks and onions, sounds like a garbage to me….just like your team.

    Even Detroit has won a road game.

    Can’t even step out to go to the bathroom….Rockets, the reason for Houston’s constipation, problems.

    Don’t know what Reaves would do with dog leashes. His only style is jeans and sweats. Unless you can swing a golf club with them.

    Just a minute ago you said he was “styled” lol

    You lose.

    That’s because his brain is small and has short legs so it can’t run as fast.

    Maybe if you weren’t a Rockets fan you could get a date.

    Not even Detroits play could make your stomach hurt as much as junk food city. Try some real food next time.

    As a Laker fan, I have more experience with this than I’d like.

    I think you for answering your own question. If it walks like a duck…..

    Maybe the tooth fairy didn’t have GPS. Fan bases say the strangest things.


    A new name for Reaves.


    When a member tried to say something nice about Reaves,

    At least you didn’t get a speeding tickets.
  17. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    What did Reaves ever do to them? :Laugh:Cooked them
    LTLakerFan, abeer3 and Cookie like this.
  18. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    the comments like this, coming from a fanbase that unabashedly supported james freaking harden for nearly a decade...gfto...

    ha, joke's on you--he wasn't picked by the lakers. imagine if we wasted a #2 overall pick on someone not as good as him, though...
  19. KareemtheGreat33

    KareemtheGreat33 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The Don whisperer
    Las Islas Filipinas
    @Cookie ready for some glorious doomage:Laugh:
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  20. Cookie

    Cookie The Dame of Doom Staff Member

    Nov 1, 2015
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    I can’t tell you how many post I had to slog through on the reffing of this game. Nobody on the Suns board thinks we won this
    game fair and square.

    And leave the game with the one game losing streak.

    I guess you’re hurling in those clipper toilets since you have to be a lot sick by now.

    Hoover dirtbags for the win.

    Wow this guys a real doomer.

    Silver will be so proud.

    I swear it wasn’t me.

    First half AD.

    He’s just showing him another summer game he won’t want to get doubled on.

    What, you didn’t like all the turnovers?

    The grass was greener on the Laker side of it.

    And in their grill too….at least till D went out the window.

    But you haven’t lost with your big three yet.

    Savage is too good of a word for your players.

    Even more than Zion could eat.

    Looked like a caboose, bringing up the rear.

    He ate it, so they had to get another.

    And Suns fans called their mommies complaining nonstop.

    Not that, you NEED that beauty rest.

    Could have stopped after the first 3 words.

    It’s nice you finally read the rules.

    Waaaaaaahhh, PHX didn’t win so let’s blame the refs instead of your turnovers.

    Don’t think I’m missing your vibe.

    He does seem to really like us.

    Shows what you can do during the summer if you let someone guard you.

    And he had a wet dream all over your team.

    Is that why so hot in the desert?

    What brain?

    Cam did a nice job. Good to have him back.

    I think you covered it all.

    Is this some kind of trick question? Guy only has to wash his uniform a few times a year.

    That book is a loss.

    The voice of reason. Ban this guy.

    Who you calling old?

    Here’s a dictionary, have at it.

    Yes, and you needed a yellow card for some of your flops.

    Well, Reaves is him.

    Lakers are in his head.

    The trauma is only going to get worse.

    Only if they are Prince’s because he really stinks. I did that just for you Zen.

    I guess your team is just a bunch of twigs.

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