To reiterate, when you absolutely, positively have to tank, accept no substitutions. Keep Wesley on the court, one million dollar tanking insurance guaranteed, or your lottery balls back. Break glass in case of victory. Wesley you are The Tank Mamba.
This. No Wesley never developed into the player the Lakers (and obviously myself) wanted him to become. At this point he's unlikely to make that transition. He's still a decent role player though. He's still worth the minimum to come in and be an athletic player.
I don't get dumping on Wes either. Of course, my view of Ding is he is a hater so I may be biased towards the writer. In any case, Wes has shown he is very good in the right situation which we saw when we were a fairly healthy team. He isn't the guy that is going to carry the load as a #1 or 2 option but a guy who can light it up playing off of other guys. He should be in that Ariza role IMO.
I don't think he can embrace Ariza, but he could maybe be like Shannon Brown. He can be valuable in a small, limited role for sure.