Just might be the best show on tv. the actor that played Gus recently said he threatened to kill VG if he didn't put him in the show. And that got me thinking how good would a show be about Gus' rise to power?
The finale was a great setup for next season. And here's a fun BB easter egg from the episode http://uproxx.com/tv/2015/04/did-yo...ad-easter-egg-in-the-better-call-saul-finale/
The finale was a great set-up, but it was still underwhelming to me. Even though Odenkirk acted those scenes very well, I couldn't get myself to really care about Marco. It's disappointing that the finale focused so much on him when he barely had a role earlier in the season, and clearly he won't have a role in the future of the series since he's dead. I know this isn't Breaking Bad, but I just expected something a bit more dramatic and action-packed. Some kind of twist or legitimate cliff hanger. I know it doesn't make any sense to have that kinda stuff within Saul's storyline, so I would've liked something exciting to have happened with Mike. Still, overall it was a great first season and I'm looking forward to the next one.
Walter White will show up eventuality http://m.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv/bryan-cranston-better-call-saul-article-1.2256518