.... and so it begins .... Cluster**** Part Deux Only hope is that poison pill effort and money other teams would have to meet to take him away, with upping the salary significantly in later years. Has a cap this summer as @abeer3 has pointed out with that Arenas (?) rule if we want to keep him. MLE or some such approximately.
He was really bad against Miami. Looks like he needs to work on his body more: stronger and better endurance will help a lot going forward
Jeez ... he had a bad game. Not that suddenly he's not already doing successfully what you suggest. 15lbs I believe he said he put on over the summer and it HAS shown well most all of the time.
1. everyone told us we weren't going to be able to keep THT, either. remember that plan A for most of the press is to make lakers fans miserable. and they do a good job--have you seen our forum? 2. even if he costs more, i'm guessing we'll keep him. you're not going to like why i believe this (we're going to let russ expire).
I hope we do. I just have a hard time seeing us giving him $40m over 4 years. We're so star drunk and have been unwilling to hand out anything other than one year deals to every single FA, the notion is a contradiction to how the front office operates. The counter to the THT bit is no one saw a future without AC and he's a Bull.
I agree and I think that he looks like he can still put in some muscle and tone up is a good thing. He's got some untapped athletic potential still and not just the skills improvement which comes from being a vet
We need a tsunami of changes from top to bottom, Jazz style revamp, trade our dead weights AD and Bron for second rounders
well, we handed two years to jones and wished we didn't, and we handed three years to THT and wished we didn't. i think lonnie and monk wouldn't have signed longer-term deals at their salaries, so i'm not sure that's what was really at play with caruso. i think due to the luxury tax it was him OR THT (or him OR nunn, i guess?). obviously i hate that and it's not true, but i think it was what was conveyed to rob by jeanie--"can you tell me that caruso is worth basically double his salary? because that's what i'd be paying him." again, i'd have just kept caruso and sorted it out later, but it's not my money. we were told teams were lining up to offer THT poison pill 4/80 deals at this time that year. now we're being told that teams are lining up 4/40 deals for reaves. let's see it happen. i think he'll get caruso level offers, and we'll match or beat them.
He's hit the wall a bit. Thought he was going to turn it around today but the missed open 3s got to him. Just needs to hit a few open 3s and things will turn around for hin
couple more games like this and media will switch from "the lakers can't afford to keep him" to "the lakers sure are stupid for thinking he's any good".
I agree he looked tired on the b2b but it is more then that: teams have paid him the ultimate compliments and have actually scouted him. He's been double teamed with a blitz after driving to take away the spin escape dribble or the spin shot. He's turned the ball over a few times on these adjustments and I don't remember this happening at all earlier in the year Coaching staff needs to show him the film and run a few of these defenses on him in practice so he can get used to and counter. ***None of this matters if he can hit the open 3 which he's been missing. This is think is fatigue