Lol. We're not trading AD for f***ing picks. Stop with that nonsense please. The guy is allowed to have off games and he's carrying us as best he can without LeBron. 26 and 13 gets you "traded" nowadays....let's at least give the new look Lakers a shot with LeBron/AD next year before we call for heads.
Good news...AD will play in the Clipps game. Also interesting AD got to pick which back to back set to play in. Right choice, but our medical team is... interesting.
You meant "off weeks" right? Also... LOL Not even a little bit. Just shows that you don't watch the games.
you must have hibernated during that abortion of basketball that was "developing the kids". good lord i could barely maintain any interest at all. no reason to have nothing but mle players going forward, either. that was the russ trade talking. also, that's what happens when you try to rely on building via cap space. it takes years to get back to operating way over the cap like all the contenders do. you need to gtfo with this repeated assertion. others watch games and could easily claim that your ability to miss the giant positive that is anthony davis would suggest that you have little grasp of what winning basketball is. btw, is damian lillard carrying portland? everybody's pined for him for years. every time we play them, everyone wishes we'd trade AD for him. welp, his a** is in 13th place, and he just publicly quit on the season. AD's playing with the league's highest paid player in streetclothes for the past month. he's carrying a team to a +.500 record with the other next best player missing several of those games. his theoretical trade replacements will not be doing that. and the picks recovered from such a deal will have about a 1% chance of yielding a player of this stature. that is not an exaggeration. you would need to first win the lottery and then hit on the pick. we tried that for several years and got nowhere close.
by the time luka can credibly route himself out of dallas, he's probably traded for AD as the primary salary filler, tbh. in the interim, we can suck less if we don't move AD. the nonsense will never stop. even when he has monster games, it's "why don't you do that every night?". because nobody does!!! jesus! then it's "BUT WILT CHAMBERLAIN!" great. you win. trade everyone who's not wilt chamberlain. those guys all suck. watch soccer. he's missed 25 games this year (which we'll never, ever, forget!) and still has more 30/15 games than everyone else in the league. but we need to get out from under this albatross and get some guys who definitely look like they're playing hard and will never miss time. or get some magic beans.
AD's lack of mental toughness is a real issue. As good as he is, no defense should limit him so easily. True superstars are not containable the way he seems to be.
@abeer3 Useless to argue. We'll be back here in a year. Just like it was useless to argue Westbrick. Time will set all the records straight. Unfortunately for us... it'll most likely be too late. And no... I will not GTFO with the assertions... people who claim "AD carries as the best he can without Bron" do not watch the f***ing games.
and yet he averages 25ppg. and he's a superstar because he's also probably the league's best overall defender. the fact that he can also drop 50 here and there is the cherry on top. i don't know what's going on with his clutch FT shooting, but extending this to some sort of generalized "mental toughness" characterization is a reach. he's also hit several clutch shots to help us win games this year.
Nice one. Wanna make this personal? Go for it. Never would have expected to put you on the ignore list.
all i've done is respond in kind (directly in kind) to your tone. and you hate it. this should tell you something.
I know people are down on AD but he still plays elite defense. His offense can be nullified a bit when teams send him doubles. He's not Embiid or Giannis on offense but he's better than both on D. (Much better than Embiid, and better than GIannis by a bit who has the luxury of Lopez, and Jrue out there.). I know you guys hate numbers but 26, 12, 2.5 and 2 blocks on 56% and 62.6 TS His Raptor Ratings are +2.0 on offense and +5.2 on defense OBPM 4.4, DBPM 1.8, and BPM 6.2 He's in a slump offensively and his clutch ft shooting has tanked but he's still a superstar. Awful ending against Dallas but we move on. When James is back that should open things up for him more with the starting unit. Next year I want to run it back 1 more time because I feel with this roster, AD and Lebron can be managed a lot better. No more 40 plus minute games they were playing earlier.
not trading AD is certainly NOT a no brainer, if we can get kd or gobert type return, it should be seriously considered
no way anyone can call the last 3yrs team a "championship" team, expecting bron/ad to stay relatively healthy for the season seems low likely hood
Well DUH! Last year's team sucked plus was the first and even worst year of Westbrick. My point is without superstar level players, typically 2 these days plus other high performing players around them, the chances for all the Ring Is The Only Thing types here .... to actually win a ring is zip. We finally have a new bunch of younger and talented guys that we can enjoy and root for surrounding the 2 guys that give us a punchers chance always, if healthy, to compete for a ring. Am not going to sit here and continue to argue this against those who are dead set on breaking everything up pre-maturely to be right back in the hell we were with NO chance at a ring and NO free agents wanting to give us the time of day. The same as any other team that hopes to win a ring, with their superstar franchise players having to be healthy, and NO guarantees for any team period.
phx, philly, clippers all have to hope against hope that fragile stars stay healthy, too. even giannis has started to miss time (and middleton's injury killed their chances last year!). denver's top guy and boston's top two guys have been iron men. everyone else has had to be nervous, just like us. i'd rather that than be houston right now, hoping the lotto balls fall my way or some FA magically joins a cellar dweller. i'm guessing we'll have plenty of time for that in the post-lebron/AD era.
Ehhh. I honestly feel like the big thing I see on offense is that teams are swarming AD and forcing other guys to beat them. He needs to hit his free throws down the stretch. I also think the defensive mistakes against Dallas are more a bad game than habit as he's been playing well on that end of the floor.
The consensus about AD playing hurt seems to be growing around here. What I kinda wonder about is: when Darvin says AD has an injury but isn't "in pain" it feeds into the "AD as a guy who slouches some games." If he's hurt - and I think he is - let's take that under consideration when he has non- 30/15 games. And yea: he's either being doubled or a defender is sagging off his man, ready to smother AD when he gets the ball in the post. Outside shooters could make 'em pay, and I think we'll see that. He may not be "in pain" but playing on the brink of that foot giving out, and if that happens: forget about everything that has to do with Laker wins.