look at the list of teams with space. i guess miami is appetizing, but i don't see it. the others...why go back to the situation you just demanded out of?
Lebron and AD mesh perfectly. Lebron is also in the right time in his career for AD. Nearing the end of his career yet still able to contribute and partner with AD (as seen by his MVP during the finals). AD can chase championships as Lebron passes the torch, and with Rob manning the phones and interviews we can search for and find a younger talent to manifest his talent as AD takes over fully with Lebron falling to a third place as he ends up his career. All the time with success breeding success and ring chasers giving us a championship discount with a chance to play with the smoothest championship duo in contention with Bron and Brow and their 3peat kapow. Leaving a championship team is so last year and I can't imagine AD doing it now. The Snake has made his play in the Garden of Eden that is the NBA and the calcifying milk snake that is Kawhai is more a cautionary tale than a role model (to put it in Robiblical sermonese). Relax, we get this. Let's enjoy the new jewelry and wait to see what new brat pack Rob can get us for Lowe, Lowe money high value contracts.
I cant for the life for me figure how AD didnt win DPOY. He's as dominant as I've ever seen anyone defensively.
I still can't figure that one out either. My guess is he will get it this year as a, we messed up last year.
Yeah. The media will remember this postseason when they get ready to hand out awards next season. They will be reluctant to give any award to Gianis again. Getting knocked out once in the playoffs could be considered a fluke. Getting run out early two years in a row? They now know Gianis might be fool's gold. While that's a little unfair to Gianis when you consider the players he has around him, it will still sit in the back of voters' minds.
we need to get him some of those Forrest Gump leg things so his legs get stronger and he quits falling down so much. he's going to end his own career accidentally
yeah, and the trade demand compounded it. had he just joined up, or had he demanded his way to say, houston or orlando, he'd have gotten it. it's ok. everyone watched what happened. he was a fire-breathing dragon on defense all postseason (all season, too). they rightfully scurred.
He can come train with me. I would have him do squats and deadlifts until he doesnt fall once on the ground. You can BALEED that!
Back to back with us before pairing with the King in Chicago in order for Bron to tie MJ on his territory . Just kiddiiiiiiiing