2024-25 Team Developments: Trades / Free Agents / News / Rumors / Ideas

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by TIME, May 22, 2024.

  1. Pioneer10

    Pioneer10 - Lakers All Star -

    Jul 4, 2019
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    Not only is he popular but he actually knows what he is talking about which is more then 95% of what is left on ESPN. Sad
  2. KuzmoBall17

    KuzmoBall17 - Lakers Starter -

    Jul 18, 2017
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    Luxury tax 2024-25: How much is each NBA team projected to spend?
    1.Phoenix Suns

    2024-25 Payroll: $220.4 million

    2024-25 Luxury Tax Payment: $188.49 million

    2024-25 Combined Payroll and Luxury Tax Payment: $408.89 million

    Minnesota Timberwolves
    2024-25 Payroll: $205.56 million

    2024-25 Luxury Tax Payment: $105.62 million

    2024-25 Combined Payroll and Luxury Tax Payment: $311.18 million

    The only team other than the Suns with more than a $300 million combined in salary and tax bills are the Wolves, who have also cemented themselves in place with a hugely expensive Big Three.

    5 Los Angeles Lakers
    .2024-25 Payroll: $188.19 million

    2024-25 Luxury Tax Payment: $53.16 million

    2024-25 Combined Payroll and Luxury Tax Payment: $241.35 million

    The Lakers are also paying repeater rates, and the difference between their combined commitments and Milwaukee’s above speak to the punitive effects of the repeater rates. For a mere $5 million less in salary, they are projected to be spending more than $30 million less
  3. KuzmoBall17

    KuzmoBall17 - Lakers Starter -

    Jul 18, 2017
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    2024-25 Payroll: $176.60 million

    2024-25 Luxury Tax Payment: $14.61 million

    2024-25 Combined Payroll and Luxury Tax Payment: $191.21 million

    Over the last decade, the Warriors have blown all manner of NBA luxury tax records out of the water. By way of example – but not the only example – they paid $170,331,194 in luxury tax in the 2021/22 season alone, a single year payment by one team only that was nonetheless bigger than the cumulative amount every team paid in any prior season except in 2002/03. They pioneered paying nine figures a year when very few were paying even eight. And they dragged the rest of the top half of the league along with them.

    Those days are over, however.

    12.LA Clippers

    2024-25 Payroll: $173.28 million

    2024-25 Luxury Tax Payment: $6.16 million

    2024-25 Combined Payroll and Luxury Tax Payment: $179.44 million

    Having been taxpayers in each of the last three seasons – and paying more than $220 million purely in tax penalties the last two seasons, even before any salary payments – there is no reason for the Clippers to do so again.

    Cookie, abeer3 and LTLakerFan like this.
  4. sk2408

    sk2408 - Lakers 6th Man -

    Jun 26, 2022
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    I haven’t enjoyed Lowe’s podcast quite as much the last couple of years as I used to. The quality of his guests have really declined, way too much Bobby Marks, Tim Bontemps and other ESPN guys. I hope he lands at The Ringer, I still really enjoy when he collaborates with Simmons. I really liked the Grantland stuff.
    Pioneer10 and ElginTheGreat like this.
  5. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    ...nicely done there.
  6. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Yeah. I think Lowe lands on his feet very quickly.
  7. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    Yet the incessant bashing and whining about cheap Jeanie needs to sell the team. We've stayed in the repeater tax, but not near deeply enough for that contingent.
  8. pika1708

    pika1708 - Lakers Starter -

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Yeah, I think ESPN shows are a bit empty of depth and there's a pursuit of hype and drama that damages the quality of the discussions. Hoop Collective is also one I wasn't able to follow too much time because of that.
    I really liked Lowe's questions to JJ, I think he's quite good in understanding basketball
    Cookie likes this.
  9. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    That depends though. A no brainer to us isn't necessarily a no brainer to Rob. I'd give up a first for Kessler without hesitation. If Rob isn't there, I have a problem with his pick valuation and management. RW3 i'm not that high on, but I am looking at tanking teams who have gettable players and Blazers aren't keeping 3 Cs. Compared to a two way addition though, i'm VERY interested in him.

    Problem with Hayes last summer is the same with him this summer and if we had an injured Wood on the roster, I'd have zero interest in Hayes as a FA. Redundant rag doll centers. All those I listed have mass and can hold up to another center better. I'll take any of them over Max Lewis' wasted roster spot and based on roster construction, over Reddish.

    I'm not suggesting an every night, 18 mpg role for any of them. But you need viable depth and options. Injuries, foul trouble, fatigue... anything close to that creeps up and it's Bron as backup C. Just what that 40 year old body needs.

    I mean, Rob's counting Vando and Gabe as additions...:LLLLLebronlaughing:

    Their wings have a lot of length though and they can really get after it defensively and that's before Murray who I think can be a culture shifter on that end. I think if they push pace, they can be really difficult on both ends. I think they're hoping if they keep it simple enough for Missi he can do Lively lite things for them at backup C. And if it doesn't work then BI is getting moved for the best big they can find.

    I don't know if they're necessarily moving in the opposite direction of that but giving it more of a blend. Marshall and Dinwiddie can both defend, so can several of their existing role players. Lineup balance will be key for Kidd. A full year with Gafford and Washington will matter. I think the ask for Klay will be so small he's going to really thrive in the role with two of the best passers in the game setting him up for really easy looks. THJ in the playoffs was god awful.

    They did get worse but I'm actuality more afraid of this version of them, especially when Kawhi sits. Depth, no expectations and nothing to lose. They've been successful in that position before. With Kawhi and PG, you knew the choke was imminent.

    Because the front office is a 2 man show. We don't employ a capologist and can Rob really fit in the time to read 676 page CBA and still ride all the rides at Disney Land?

    It's always existed but there's fewer paths to dumping them and tighter restraints keeping us at certain cap ceilings.

    How is it overblown when that's what locked us in to the roster as it stands? You remember those automatic coupon dispensers they used to have in the grocery story? That was Rob giving out player options to minimum players who if they didn't have those options, would not be on a NBA roster heading in to this upcoming season. Maybe just let someone else get that guy next time, Rob.

    My ongoing issue with Rob's roster builds is the margins for error, injuries or s*** happens is non existent. That's a Vegas gamble that you will lose almost every time. With injuries, we're 5 deep and then you hit questions, maybes and hopefullys.

    Hopefully Gabe is back to playoff Heat Gabe (ha!).
    Hopefully Max is ready for the leap he has to take for us. We haven't seen it (thanks Darv!) so who knows
    Hopefully Vando and his feet can get healthy enough for him to help us (reoccurring feet issues for someone with his style of play is worrisome)
    Hopefully Knecht can be passable on defense.
    Hopefully JHS can be a NBA caliber player.
    FrontOfJersey22, TIME and abeer3 like this.
  10. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Kwame, MDA, Mike Brown and Pat Bev take that cake.

    But yeah, I'm definitely quite irritated. Between the complete inaction to seeing AD and Bron be the two best players on Team USA and their reward is coming back to a team fighting to avoid the play-in. That's not OK in my book.
    FrontOfJersey22 and lakerjones like this.
  11. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    i just whine about it in response to people whining about roster quality. phx has a better roster because they're willing to spend more. minnesota is outspending us by a mile. we've made many moves that were purely cost-cutting over the past few years (e.g., letting caruso, beasley, and bamba walk) that limited our ability to make impactful trades like, say, the clippers have. we wouldn't be fussing about player options on vet min contracts if we had a couple more 10 million dollar salary slots to move around.

    anyway, once lebron's gone, we'll be down where the clips and gs are, payroll-wise for a couple years.
    TIME, Barnstable and LTLakerFan like this.
  12. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    you're borrowing trouble a la the bloggers here--you're assuming he turned down a deal for kessler and then being mad about it.

    what was the path to williams (again, not interested, but curious)? for us to get a center in the 10 million range, we need that salary to trade. they taking gabe? vando? what do we have to add? is that worth it when the return might be on par with hayes and/or wood?

    most we're discussing couldn't be had just by dumping lewis or reddish (both of whom i'd dump yesterday, and one of whom counted you as a huge fan in the not too distant past i might add). most that could aren't really bruisers. like robert williams isn't going to guard jokic, nor is daniel theis.

    if i took these views regarding the lakers, i'd be called a shameless homer?

    i'm asking for the evidence that rob/the lakers don't "know the cba". i've seen literally none in the whole time he's been in charge.

    i really think they were the tax for signing guys that most people thought were worth more than the minimum. had we played hardball and they signed elsewhere, people would have been whining: "how come we didn't just offer the extra year? it's just a vet min slot!" again, zero fussing about this on this forum when those deals went down. if it was so foreseeable that we'd want out of all those contracts, you'd figure one person would have seen it.

    it's what happens when you have two guys making 50+ million per.

    btw, the C Bags were built on razor thin margins last year. denver also won a title the year before with like 5 total legit nba rotation players. nobody has a roster that can withstand injuries. those teams were a horford/holiday or kcp injury away from being ringless, too.

    once lebron started really showing his age (and he has, and yes i saw the olympics...), we were going to be relegated. christian wood's player option isn't the reason we're a play-in team. the past couple of years when we've played sensible lineups (dlo/reaves/lebron/AD/rui or vando) we've won at a nice clip. we just have aging/brittle stars and apparently a very brittle supporting cast!
    pika1708 and LTLakerFan like this.
  13. pika1708

    pika1708 - Lakers Starter -

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Great discussion. Don't agree with JSM but he's making his point with mostly sound arguments, so fair enough.
    But really double down on what Abeer is writing. I'm reading JSM and thinking about a reply, just to scroll down and see Abeer say it
    Great stuff by both!
    lakerjones, TIME and LTLakerFan like this.
  14. ElginTheGreat

    ElginTheGreat - Lakers MVP -

    Oct 15, 2014
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    Ehh. They’re okay. I guess.

    LTLakerFan likes this.
  15. JSM

    JSM - Lakers Legend -

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    Oct 5, 2014
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    Not exactly. At least not until I have more info, that's why I said "I want to know..." and "if." Judging on how Rob has valued the picks thus far, I have ideas but they're only that at this point. I'm not mad about those until it's a missed deal for a lesser package or something we could've easily offered. At the same time with the bad press Rob is getting for a hands-in- the-pockets off-season (Ham style), if he had made a good offer and the price was unrealistic, it would've behooved him to leak that unrealistic ask to the media so at the very least, it'd look like he was trying. Instead of the big empty promises and continuing to kick the can until Bron retires and we're in a retool.

    I'd do Gabe, Lewis (if they want a "prospect") and a few 2nds. Gabe for his career only averages like 6 more games a year than RW. If you're only getting half a season from a player, please give me a big who's shown signs of really important front court defensive contributions with blocks and boards who also has bulk vs a small point guard who's had one really good playoff run and is milking that until the return shows what he's shown in the rest of his career. Also one is a position of need and the other is a guard behind DLO, AR, and Max... oh yeah, Bron also handles the rock and AD is going into hub mode. And we have this kid in JHS that people are trying to sell us on that he is good, we're now entering the second camp where he's getting rave reviews. If any of that translates, Gabe is expendable.

    Still riding for Reddish but I value getting AD some sort of help over my support of a 3rd string SF. He also has a less realistic path to playing time with what's invested in our wings vs the pennies invested in what's currently considered "help" for AD.

    Compared to what we have, those would be our bruisers and they absolutely would play against the big Cs. Like how Beas was the wing stopper for the Bucks last year. The best bad idea can still be an improvement. They have mass and either are or flirt with 250 lbs. In the playoffs, if that's all we added then sure we're probably back to Bron and Rui playing Joker but for the 82 no, one of those heavier pickups would get burn.

    Either he lacks foresight, is bad at his job, or didn't understand the implications of the CBA and the landscape that would present itself as a result. You can pick which door you think he's hiding behind.

    There was not a market for Cam or Hayes. Wood there was a little competition, but we would've been better off missing out on that "prize." Giving end of the roster players that much power and control over your off season is beyond foolish.

    No fan fussed or foresaw the issue because no one would fathom that would be why we couldn't add one single NBA player to the roster this off-season. Those Vegas odds would be along the lines of Woj retiring two weeks before pre-season. Roster improvement is the job. Find a way. Full stop. We're hoping for strictly internal improvement on a worse roster with older franchise players.

    Helps when you have the best player in basketball and he's in his 20s. Bron did that time and time again.

    C Bags, age matters too. White just turned 30. Zingis (even if some of his parts are 10 years older), Tatum and Brown are in their 20s. I was surprised the ductape on Horford held up. When you're thin or have minimal room for mistakes BUT have father time in your side, you can shoulder the load or the mad dash to get out of a hole. When Father Time is at an arms reach, you have to better compensate.

    You're right. One min locked up roster spot on an injured big isn't the difference between 5th and 10th. BUT the margins can be. Winning on the margins is a must in the new CBA and when the entire West is separated by a handful of games. I have seen nothing from Rob to suggest he knows how to win the margin battle against his peers.
    FrontOfJersey22 and TIME like this.
  16. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I don’t want to fully jump into this argument, but I will say if we lost out on Valanciunas because we prioritized Klay, that’s an indictment on the FO and/or Rob as well. We need a big body in the middle, rebounding, Jonas isn’t amazing, but he’s the best you’re going to get at the MLE. Klay fit zero needs here other than another name to sell tickets, he’s not a good defender anymore and his shot has started to fall off some too.

    Now if we want Valanciunas we’ll have to wait til December plus give up assets and players when we could have just signed him outright. Ever since we won the title we have gone away from what worked, prioritized the wrong things like offensive players over defensive, and tried to get players to fill big roles at the minimum. You’re not going to find a backup center that can score, rebound, protect the rim and block shots for the minimum, Dwight was a very special case in 2020 and a gamble that happened to pay off. Ever since then we’ve been trying to find a player to fill that role at the minimum and it’s just not going to happen.
  17. 432J

    432J - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    ESPN has become all about shock value and hot takes. nothing of actual value anymore

    not even worth watching these days
  18. pika1708

    pika1708 - Lakers Starter -

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Just one thing: Valanciunas is not a rim protector. He has around the same blocks per 36 as Hayes, and he's less mobile too. He's a worse defender than Hayes lol But yes, he's still a big body you can throw at a few centers and save ADs body for some minutes

    I wouldn't trade him for Gabe (if he's healthy). He's our only POA defender and fixing a hole while opening another isn't the approach I prefer.

    Also, I think Bron had the biggest say on Klay vs Val. I mean, it would only happen if he took a pay cut so I imagine he was the one deciding for whom he would do it. If he was only doing it for the flexibility, he would have done it anyway.
    And as abeer pointed out, he had to take a cut of over 20m, just to get Valanciunas. It seems a bad decision from his standpoint to be honest
    wallangong and TIME like this.
  19. lakerjones

    lakerjones Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    La La land
    I also think they hung on too long to the Klay thing and should have switched to getting Valanciunas because he fit an obvious need at MLE money that we weren't going to get as a vet min. But who knows exactly what happened there? No one really. That was my big beef for the summer as I mentioned. My ideal would have been getting Grant and Valanciunas and I would have been satisfied with those moves. We ended up with neither. I understand that Portland's ask (two FRP's) is too high for Grant. I just thought we could have met in the middle on that one with one. But again, who knows? Didn't happen. I guess we'll see where we are at in December.

    In the meantime, I don't mind the starting lineup as mentioned although I wish Vando was healthy enough to start instead because he shores up the D. Rui is still better to me as a bench scorer than a starter. The good news is with either Rui or Vando and the rest of that starting unit we've won 65% of our regular season games the past two years. Doesn't solve our playoff meltdowns vs. Denver but it should be good enough to get wins and keep us out of the playin theoretically.
  20. PurpleAndGold88

    PurpleAndGold88 Guest

    May 31, 2023
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