2019/20 Players' Transactions: Breaking News , Trades, Free Agents, And Rumors

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by LaVarBallsDad, Jan 5, 2017.

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  1. tada

    tada - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 31, 2014
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    Kawhi is in the same "superstar when healthy but may not fully recover" bracket as Boogie at this point. Do not want.
    johnnyboy and OmarE like this.
  2. johnnyboy

    johnnyboy - Lakers 6th Man -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Im Satoshi Nakamoto
    Orange County
    I think if he was healthy, it would be easier to accept parting ways with the young guys.
  3. Kenzo

    Kenzo - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Year ago i would kill for Kawhi, i have my doubts now. Not only his quad concerns me but also his head.
  4. Alcindor

    Alcindor - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    Rancho Cucamonga
  5. wcsoldier81

    wcsoldier81 - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    I would trade for Kawhi before he's a FA .

    Lakers and big name FAs , one of the biggest "myth" in the nba .

    We signed Shaq and.... Ron Artest in the latest 21 years.

    I also think some Lakers fans are overrating our young players quite a lot . Sure progression isn't always linear and you could get a surprise but as of now , we are looking at 3rd-4th best players on a championship team in best cases scenarios
    KB24, abeer3 and svtzr like this.
  6. ZenMaster

    ZenMaster - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    You are crazy, my friend... BEST case?
    Toklat and Kenzo like this.
  7. wcsoldier81

    wcsoldier81 - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    The main hope is Ingram imo , it's unlikely he will become an elite player like Leonard but not impossible .

    As for the others players , Lonzo has so many improvements to make as a scorer off the PNR ( and in general) , Kuz the same when it comes to D .

    I'm not sure I'm that crazy
    abeer3 likes this.
  8. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    I wasn't willing to go in on the Star Wars, so I feel like I owe you at least one reply haha!

    I don't quite understand the comparison of houses to a car, it's apples to oranges. Who is the house and who is the Lamborghini? Do you own a house already? Do you need to travel somewhere fast? Too many unknowns. What I will say is, where I'm currently living a Lamborghini costs 1/4 of a house. So I would absolutely trade a Lamborghini for a house!

    But back to basketball, no trade is done before medicals check out. So we can knock that right out of the equation - no one is trading for damaged goods. It's been widely reported that Kawhi wants back to LA over the last fortnight. If we can suspend our belief and accept George wants to be here, we can do the same for Kawhi so that's not a deal breaker.

    Which comes down to a critical point. Will he resign? I assume someone that is as knowledgeable as Rob on agent/player/front office dealings will have assurances that the said player will re-sign if points x, y and z are met. Those will probably be, offer the max, make the playoffs and trade for another high-quality player. That's up to us to meet those criteria and I see no problems achieving them.

    As abeerstradamus said quite well, history shows us quite clearly that players very rarely leave the team that trades for them. I have no qualms about taking that chance, it's what Dr Buss knew, get them here and they'll stay. Dwight had beef with Kobe and he wasn't the right one - let it go.

    Kuzma is a good 6th guy right now. I think it's safe to say he has the potential to become a fringe All-Star or a 3rd guy on a winning team. Can he explode further? Sure. But it's also not super likely. He can just as likely top out as a great offensive player for the rest of his career and be a great 6th man. Nothing wrong with that and where we got him in the draft.

    Are we really going to compare the offensive impact of Lebron James, John Wall and Russell Westbrook's first seasons with Ball's? Because their offensive games projected way better than Ball's does.

    Yeah, they shot poor efficiencies, but they all shot over 75% on FTs and all scored between 15-20 points across at least 70 games. Ball shot 45% from FTs. He can't shoot.

    Secondly, Wall, Westbrook and James didn't shoot a large volume of 3's, 2 attempts as rookies, compared to Lonzo's almost 6 per game. So them shooting 30% from three isn't as big a deal compared to a player shooting below 30% for most of the season apart from a 2 week period. All 3 could get into the lane, finish and get to the FT line for 5-6 attempts per game, Lonzo got there 1.4 times per game. What that tells me, is Lonzo obviously can't barrel into the lane like the mentioned players can, he can't draw fouls at a high rate, so he settles for more than half of his shots to be from a few feet behind the arc. This doesn't project well.

    James, Westbrook and Wall still aren't great shooters after 10 years. So it doesn't fill me with hope that Lonzo will become one. Now you mentioned Kidd as well - he is a player who learned to shoot later on and basically one of the only ones to add a respectable J late in his career. But he isn't a player with great offensive efficiency across his career and I wouldn't use him as a great example of shooting/finishing percentages, to me J Kidd has always hung his hat on his playmaking. Which Ball mirrors.

    Lonzo has great instincts. No doubt. He can have all the instincts he wants, but that doesn't change that he can't shoot and he isn't super athletic like others at his position. I question what kind of impact he will have when teams take passing lanes away and ask him to beat them on his own during crunch time in a playoff game when the pace is slowed down. I also don't think anyone is as natural a creator as Lonzo in the league, the way he moves the ball is unique. But then in the playoffs, I'd rather someone who can break other teams down in the half court to handle the ball, like a Lebron or a Durant type. I think Ingram can become that threat, that can score and assist from multiple places. I don't see Lonzo getting a bucket in the playoffs in crunch time, time and again.

    I certainly appreciate that Lonzo got a nice amount of steals, his instincts are great there, but let's not act like Ingram didn't defend the other team's best player every night he was on the floor. Your point on blocks is moot, 0.8 to 0.7. Turnovers is moot too, 2.6 to 2.5 for this season, you can't compare two of Ingram's seasons of turnovers to one season of Lonzo's and say he had half as many turnovers across two years - that comparison makes no sense because they had the same amount of turnovers this year. So it comes down to Lonzo's playmaking which is great - 7.2 assists to 3.9 - against Ingram's scoring which was borderline great 49% FG and 39% 3FG. The thing I would say is, Ingram can handle the ball and play point as we've seen, and I think he can average more assists if he has the ball in his hand more as he showed when he played point. So he isn't a total bum on the playmaking end, whereas Lonzo was one of the worst scorers in the league.

    How on earth is that roughly equivalent? Kawhi is an MVP caliber player. So it's like trading Mozgov(Deng)/Russell(Lonzo)/Randle(Kuzma)/Two Late 1sts/2nd for any other top 5 player, let's say a Lebron, Curry, Durant, Harden or Anthony Davis. These players don't come around very often, so if your medical team says they're healthy, you make it happen. Or you can just hang around as a first round exit for the next 3 years, happy to have cost controlled early 20-something-year-olds with the hope they develop into the players you could have traded for. Which if they do, they won't be cost controlled anymore anyway so your advantage is done.

    EDIT: I forgot to say, in my scenario, we can be the only other team apart from GSW to have two MVP candidates on the same team in Lebron and Kawhi. PG is a great player, but he ain't that guy compared to Kawhi.

    With a Kawhi and Lebron team, you don't need some star PG. Ingram is more than enough. You also don't need another forward in Kuzma. You can use Hart that can guard PGs and SGs and rebound well. You can use Randle and Lopez to have a nice front court while getting a potential shooter back from SA in the exchange. You've also got the MLE to get a microwave PG on the bench. If it's available and possible - sign me up... and I won't be crying over trading the kids.
    abeer3 likes this.
  9. abeer3

    abeer3 - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    as is often the case, i'm with svtzr. i probably like lonzo a bit more and ingram a bit less than he does, but the general sentiment is the same i've had for a long time.

    i kinda feel like it's been so long since we've seen a bona fide young superstar in a lakers uniform that we don't know how to distinguish. there's almost nobody outside of lakers fandom/front office (and i'm certain they buy what they're selling) that believes ingram, lonzo, kuzma, or randle will one day be a legit mvp candidate.

    this is ok; there are like, 5 of them in the league at any given time. when one's available, you better go after them, particularly if they're in their prime.

    again, if leonard is really hurt in a way that compromises his future, your medical team can find out and you can pull offers. thus, you just assume you're getting kawhi leonard in these hypotheticals. then it becomes: how much do you care that he's sat out? i'm not sure i care that much, honestly. even if we find out he was just protecting his max contract, i'm not sure i care that much. i find it hard to believe that leonard--after years of being a model citizen--simply had something akin to a psychotic break this year.

    so yeah, offer a lot. and do not wait until next summer with the hopes that a bag of cash and the hollywood sign will get the job done.
    svtzr likes this.
  10. svtzr

    svtzr - Lakers Starter -

    Nov 13, 2016
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    I agree with this all.

    I should note I‘m probably being too harsh on Lonzo with my comments. I do in fact like him a lot. I do think he is a great playmaker and has the knack to be a great defender. Also it’s not all roses with Ingram, he really needs to take a big leap next season and become more durable (both of them really). Would I be sad to keep Lonzo over Ingram? Not at all, I just think Ingram will end up the better player long term and I have my preferences.

    Onto the point of trading for an MVP candidate - provided health is good - how can you pass one up that is 26?! Usually MVP candidates don’t become available - if ever - till their desperate after their second contract around that 29-32 year old point. We could get 6 MVP level years out of Kawhi if we trade for him now.
    KareemtheGreat33 likes this.
  11. Helljumper

    Helljumper - Lakers All Star -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Los Angeles
    If hypothetically it turned out that all the drama between Kawhi and the Spurs this year was specifically because he really wanted to become a Laker does that change anyone’s thoughts? Let’s say he’s generally healthy but made up his mind that he wanted to become a Laker and so doesn’t wanna risk aggravating the injury for the Spurs.

    So that’s a healthy version of a 27 year old who is a Finals MVP and 2x DPoY, and the only reason for his unprofessionalism is because he’s so enamored with the idea of taking the Lakers throne.

    Still object to trading some of our young pieces for him in that scenario?
  12. OmarE

    OmarE - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 12, 2014
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    Anaheim, CA
  13. lakerjones

    lakerjones Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    La La land
    If Bill Plaschke says it then I'm not in favor of it. The guy knows nothing about basketball.
  14. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I agree in principle, but only if Kawhi is a) healthy, b) signs an extension contingent on the deal going through, and c) can explain in a way that isn't concerning why he quit on his team (as in- the Spurs doctors did him dirty and then they decided not to offer him the supermax). If he quit on his team all year just to get out, that's a concern for me. Will he do that again to us if things go poorly?
  15. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    I'd prefer the SW convo. :D I really would like to debate with someone about the merits of the film. It's not a quick watch, it's a slow burn and it took me multiple viewings to catch everything.
    The comparison is relatively simple: one is a luxury and one is a necessity. Right now the kids are a necessity to our rebuild because of their talent-to-cost ratio. And the point isn't to trade a Lamborghini in to get a house out, it's to trade a house out to get a Lamborghini.

    The kids right now are essential to our rebuild and shouldn't be let go for anything short of a sure thing. @abeer3 and I got some flack earlier in the year for suggesting trading some of the youth for Anthony Davis, but that is an example of the kind of trade that makes sense. Moving these kids for a guy not on an extended deal, not healthy, and watching his team go down 0-3 to the Warriors from NY is a move that doesn't make sense. It's trading a house for a Lamborghini.

    And yet Bynum went to Philadelphia and we traded for Thomas. Every trade is subject to a physical, but sometimes things go through or the team waives the physical or the team is overconfident they can make the necessary changes. It's not something you can so easily dismiss.

    As for the rumors, you're right. They're relatively new ones that came after I'd made my initial comment. However, I don't believe Woj or Sham or Ramona (the three I trust most with this type of thing) have said anything about Kawhi wanting to be here. We've heard plenty about the Lakers wanting Kawhi, but not the other way around.

    As for suspended belief on George, I don't know where you got that from. George made it expressly known he wanted to be a Laker. No suspension of belief needed, it came from him directly.
    Nope. I'm not making that move unless he signs an outright extension. I want no part of losing half of our young, promising players (a team that could potentially make the playoffs next year without any major additions) for a guy who still could leave in FA the next summer. He's finishing his 7th season. He must sign at least a two year deal to finish his 9th year where we could offer him the most money due to his Bird Rights. The trade is contingent upon that happening, if it doesn't, I'm not moving. I'll take my chances.
    Oh c'mon. Don't try to drag Dr. Buss into this. This isn't a bet Dr. Buss would make. If we sign LeBron and George, sure let's trade for Kawhi because Kawhi would be stupid not to sign an extension and we'd be silly not to give ourselves the best shot at a title at that point, but let's not pretend like Dr. Buss would be out here making the Dwight Howard deal again.
    I don't disagree with any of this, but you said before that he projects as a 6th man. I don't think that's true at all. I think if you're a team evaluating Kuzma, you're definitely thinking much bigger than that. He's got tremendous offensive versatility, has a great feel for the game, isn't afraid of the moment, and is still just a rookie. Teams would love to have Kuzma and they wouldn't be putting a ceiling on him of "6th man".
    Yes we are because Ball just had one of the most unique seasons a rookie PG has ever had. I don't know why you're determined not to see that. I also don't know where you're getting this "Westbrook and Wall projected way better than Ball" nonsense from.

    Westbrook: Ortg 99 Drtg 111 PER 15.2 TS 48.9% USG 25.8% AST 27.5% TOV 17.6% TRB 6.9% WS 1.9 BPM -0.1 VORP 1.3 STL 2.1% BLK 0.4%
    15.3 points, 5.3 assists, 4.9 rebounds, 1.3 steals, 0.2 blocks, 3.3 turnovers, 32.5 mpg

    Wall: Ortg 100 Drtg 110 PER 15.8 TS 49.4% USG 23.8% AST 36% TOV 18.6% TRB 8.6% WS 2.2 BPM -0.2 VORP 1.2 STL 2.4% BLK 1.0%
    16.4 points, 8.3 assists, 4.6 rebounds, 1.8 steals, 0.5 blocks, 3.8 turnovers, 37.8 mpg

    James: Ortg 99 Drtg 104 PER 18.3 TS 48.8% USG 28.2% AST 27.8% TOV 13.9% TRB 7.6% WS 5.1 BPM 1.9 VORP 3.1 STL 2.2% BLK 1.3%
    20.9 points, 5.9 assists, 5.5 rebounds, 1.6 steals, 0.7 blocks, 3.5 turnovers, 39.5 mpg

    Kidd: Ortg 103 Drtg 109 PER 15.1 TS 47.1% USG 19.0% AST 33.2% TOV 20.4% TRB 8.7% WS 3.7 BPM 1.7 VORP 2.5 STL 2.9% BLK 0.6%
    11.7 points, 7.7 assists, 5.4 rebounds, 1.9 steals, 0.3 blocks, 3.2 turnovers, 33.8 mpg

    Ball: Ortg 97 Drtg 106 PER 12.5 TS 44.4% USG 17.4% AST 29.2% TOV 18.6% TRB 10.8% WS 2.0 BPM 1.7 VORP 1.7 STL 2.4% BLK 2.0%
    10.2 points, 7.2 assists, 6.9 rebounds, 1.7 steals, 0.8 blocks, 2.6 turnovers, 34.2 mpg

    Ball is within spitting distance of all of those numbers and is better in some cases. You can try all you want, but you can't minimize the impact this kid has on the game. He's a tremendous prospect, efficiency issues and all. And again for the record Jason Kidd's rookie season (2 years older than Lonzo) was strikingly similar from their efficiency splits: 38.5/27.2/69.8 for Kidd and 36/30.5/45.1 for Lonzo. The difference of course being Lonzo's horrifying FT% which needs to increase at least 20% this summer. He shot 67% in college so I don't consider this some unfixable problem. Not to mention, improving FT% is maybe the easiest thing to do as a professional basketball player.

    :D :D :D :D :D :D

    This is such a horrible argument for efficiency and for Lonzo in general. All of those players also played 20 more games than Lonzo and went to the FT line a RIDICULOUS amount more than Lonzo.

    LeBron James- 460 FTa
    Russell Westbrook- 428 FTa
    John Wall- 393 FTa
    Jason Kidd- 275 FTa
    Lonzo Ball- 71 FTa

    You don't think Lonzo's thin, physically weak body had anything to do with it? Do you forget Lonzo was one of the most efficient and effective offensive players in college basketball at 67.3 TS%? You think that all just disappeared? He shot 33% from outside from December to March. The kid can shoot fine.

    2 week period? He shot over 33% over the last 4 months of the season. All three could get into the lane and finish? Westbrook shot worse than Lonzo did at the rim as a rookie, only Wall and LeBron were significantly better at the rim (both at or near 60%).

    What that tells you is basically what you want to learn from the stats. It's far less about ability, Lonzo can and does get into the lane, he just doesn't want to try to finish over the top because he's basically a noodle (like most of us were at 19 years old). He instead passes up those shots for open threes which is why his USG is far less than those players and his AST/TO ratio is far better than those players even as a rookie. The kid needs to get stronger and more aggressive at the rim, but your conclusion that he a) can't shoot and b) can't get into the lane are false which should have been easy to see when watching him play.

    The point I'm making in regards to Ball is he's on track to look like his own version of these great players. His efficiency is literally the only minor concern, but nearly every great player in history has had trouble with efficiency as a rookie. It's a common theme. In every other facet Lonzo is a tremendous player, historically one of the best, given his age. He is without a doubt our best prospect right now. By the way LeBron has shot 35% or better in six of the last seven seasons so he's turned himself into a fine shooter. Jason Kidd shot over 35% in seven of his last nine seasons. John Wall is still a young guy but finished this year over 37% and has shot 35% or better in three of the last five seasons. All three of them shot worse than Lonzo Ball did from outside as rookies.

    And sure they didn't take as high a percentage of threes, but like you said the game has changed. Wall, LeBron, and Kidd couldn't shoot a lick from outside as rookies, that's their weakness same as Lonzo's is FT shooting. They all turned out just fine.

    I'm now convinced you didn't watch Lonzo play basketball this year. Same as you didn't really watch Last Jedi either. This is categorically false. I wish I'd just responded to this portion earlier and saved my time, but I'm in it now. Might as well finish. This'll be the last response though. If you watched Lonzo play 50 games this year and truly think he's "not super athletic at his position", there's no point in continuing this because that's just empirically false. Not to mention, I've never really seen someone be so flippant about a player who understands the game at a higher level than 99% of the world.
    Ingram didn't show that ability as a rookie much either. Go figure. A skinny kid not able to score on grown men regularly? It's wild! The truth is, that's not Lonzo's strength and never will be, but he's shown he can do it on occasion. As he gets bigger and stronger, he'll be able to do it more, but I don't want that from him anyway. Jason Kidd is in the Hall of Fame, I never really thought he'd be the guy to break down the defense for his own shot in the Playoffs. Lonzo needs a guy who can create his own shot, that's what makes he and Kuzma so complementary. That's not a weakness and Lonzo has shown he isn't afraid of taking and making big shots as a guy who can work off of a player like that. But I suppose this is the first place we can just agree to disagree in terms of valuation. All other aspects of your breakdown are just mostly wrong in regards to Lonzo's value and abilities, but this is just a preference in what a player can do. That's fine.

    He didn't actually. Our team switched pretty much everything. A lot of times Randle ended up on the other team's best players because teams like to design ways to get bigs on smalls in isolation situations. He may have started the possession on them, but that doesn't mean he guarded them exclusively. I'm also not saying Brandon is a poor defender, I'm just saying Lonzo is a better, more natural defender. Brandon also has good instincts, just not as good as Lonzo. That's no insult. But the stats bear zero fruit for Ingram defensively:

    Ingram: Drtg 109 DBPM 0.3 DWS 1.8 STL 1.1% BLK 1.8% STLpg 0.8 BLKpg 0.7
    Ball: Drtg 106 DBPM 2.5 DWS 2.5 STL 2.4% BLK 2.0% STLpg 1.7 BLKpg 0.8

    Ball lead in literally every defensive category. Again, this is no insult to Ingram, he's got potential to be a great defender, but Ball is just better at it. Ball was one of the top defensive guards in the entire NBA.

    So a higher number is moot compared to a lower number now? Really? What kind of logic is that? How do you explain Lonzo's better Block percentage?

    Games in which Lonzo had 4 or more blocks: 2
    Games in which Ingram had 4 or more blocks: 0

    Games in which Lonzo had 2 or more blocks: 15
    Games in which Ingram had 2 or more blocks: 11

    Ingram played 195 more minutes (7 more games) and had the same number of blocks total in the season, but it's moot for some reason that Lonzo is a better shot blocker than Ingram?
    So again Lonzo's better number is moot for no reason other than to suit your predetermined conclusion?

    You're going to tell me that because Lonzo had 0.1 turnovers more than Ingram per game despite having nearly double the assists, that Ingram is better with the ball? I mean Ingram had 149 turnovers to Lonzo's 136, so I guess by your logic Ingram was worse with the ball, right? This is a terrible and reductionist argument on passing ability between the two.

    The whole point is that Lonzo is BY FAR a better passer and creator than Ingram. You want to compare the numbers individually by year, they look WAY worse.

    Ingram as a rookie: 166 assists and 116 turnovers (1.43 assist/to ratio)
    Ingram as a sophomore: 230 assists and 149 turnovers (1.54 assist/to ratio)
    Lonzo as a rookie: 376 assists and 136 turnovers (2.77 assist/to ratio)

    So not only did Ingram have more turnovers, but he had WAY, WAY less assists than Lonzo. How in the world could you possibly argue this is a moot discussion? Lonzo is almost literally twice the passer than Ingram is. It's incredibly easy to see both in the numbers and when they're playing.

    Except for two things: 1. You're comparing a rookie to a sophomore in terms of effectiveness in their own strengths and 2. Ingram plays a half-way-decent PG, but not anywhere near the level of Lonzo Ball as a PG and there's zero evidence to suggest otherwise.

    If you're going to compare Lonzo's scoring ability to Ingram's, it's far more fair to compare their rookie seasons in which Ingram was one of the most inefficient players of all time, just like Lonzo.

    Ingram shooting splits as a rookie: 40.2/29.4/62.1 with a 47.4 TS%
    Lonzo shooting splits as a rookie: 36/30.5/45.1 with a 44.4 TS%

    Both are abysmal, but Ingram turned it around in year two. And that's Ingram's strength. Meanwhile, Lonzo excels in all other areas besides shooting/scoring and somehow he's a lesser prospect? He's a better defender and passer, those things are not close to moot. They're inarguable. Give Lonzo another year to prepare like Ingram had and why should we believe he won't improve his efficiency?

    BECAUSE HE'S ON A ONE-YEAR DEAL! It's like I'm taking crazy pills!
    HARDEN AND DAVIS ARE ON LONG-TERM DEALS! It's like I'm taking crazy pills! And if you suggest you'd trade Lonzo and Kuzma for Durant or Curry or LeBron on one-year deals, that's wrong too! It's the wrong move.
    I'd love to, if Kawhi passed a stringent vetting process and signed an extension.
    How in the world can you figure that? Kawhi and LeBron aren't PGs and Ingram is a wing! We'd have all our players playing the same effing position, especially if you brought Paul George in to the equation. A team with Kawhi and LeBron makes 1000% more sense with Lonzo Ball who doesn't need the ball to be effective which is again categorically proven by his low USG% and high AST/TO ratio. Ingram on the team would make way less sense. With Kawhi and LeBron, why would we need another wing who scores/gets to the rim? We'd have 2-3 of those on the team already. That's like saying GS should get rid of Curry for Leonard too. Why? They've already got Durant and Klay.
    So more players that don't pass the ball as well as Lonzo? Is LeBron the PG? Why would he want to do that at his age?
    And again, I'm ecstatic you're not Rob Pelinka. That team make up is just awful. If you make the same deal contingent on Kawhi signing an extension you can have: Lonzo/George/Kawhi/LeBron/Lopez with Hart off the bench which makes way more sense than the team you built.
    Juronimo and ElginTheGreat like this.
  16. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    1) did you read his reasoning in many of his arguments against Lonzo? Not good.

    2) again, if Kawhi passes through all the processes necessary to guarantee that he is right mentally and physically, I (and most others) are back in the discussion. There's a dozen questions though and not a lot of good answers are likely to come of those questions.

    I have no problem distinguishing top talent having watched the Lakers for a long, long time. That doesn't mean I'm selling my soul for the chance to get ripped off.
    Juronimo and ElginTheGreat like this.
  17. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
  18. therealdeal

    therealdeal Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 7, 2014
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    The tldr version:

    - Lonzo is our best prospect and his efficiency issues (while needing to be addressed) do nothing to change that.
    - We shouldn't trade our best prospects for a 1-year deal, no matter the player.
    - If Kawhi is healthy, has his head on straight, and is willing to sign an extension contingent on the deal going through, we should be more willing to trade kids.
  19. LaVarBallsDad

    LaVarBallsDad - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    What's up, dude? Hope you're good. :).

    On topic, if Leonard is willing to sign an extension, we can guarantee he is healthy, then yes, we need to have a conversation about trading some of the kids for him.

    I'd be gladly willing to offer anybody (within reason) on our roster. We need top shelf talent. And Leonard is a perfect start...am I worried about where his head is? Not really; I think he just wants to get out of SA.
  20. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    So Cal
    "am I worried about where his head is? Not really; I think he just wants to get out of SA."

    That should be cause for concern though. That he would just pull the plug and tank 2 years early on a contract and quit on his team .... IF that is the case. Kind of unheard of really. Would sure love to know the real story on this.
    Juronimo and Cookie like this.
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