2019/20 Players' Transactions: Breaking News , Trades, Free Agents, And Rumors

Discussion in 'Lakers Discussion' started by LaVarBallsDad, Jan 5, 2017.

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  1. Purp n Gold

    Purp n Gold - Rookie -

    Oct 9, 2015
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    I think those are all valid points, I just disagree with the first statement because I am generally happy with the team. Other teams have improved, but based on what I've watched this season, I still think we can challenge anyone in a 7 games series.

    When it comes to the Lakers making moves via trade, a deal never seemed likely because Kuzma makes like 2 million. The options and suitors are limited. This is not after-the-fact because many people were pointing this out weeks, even months before the deadline.

    Agreed, the Lakers need to secure Collison. For the reasons you listed and others. He would improve the lineup and affect the arms race with the Clippers. But it's a matter of perspectives - to me, going after Collison and buyouts are the only realistic option the Lakers have. I don't think it's worth losing our minds over trades/signings that were never possible or available to the Lakers.

    If Collison ends up on the Clips, then I will point the finger at Rob & Co. If he ends up on another team (not the Clippers), I would be disappointed but not fully. If he's on the Lakers - that's another impressive acquisition by Rob.
    Cookie, sirronstuff and SamsonMiodek like this.
  2. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    If your goal is to see us become a good team then guess what... Mission accomplished

    If your goal is to see us win a title there still is work to be done.

    I don't get why some people get so defensive when posters suggest improvements.

    Some of us saw this rough patch coming.

    Doesn't mean we hate the team, doesn't mean we aren't true fans... just mean that some of us see weak points that can be improved.

    I'm a Rams fan but I see that due to bad luck in terms of Gurley's health and stupidity in overpaying Goff that the Rams will have some difficulty with their salary cap. Doesn't mean we hate the team... just means that they went all in on two players who didn't quite pay off.

    This team is good... it can win the title but it needs to have one more reliable creator or it needs to retool its shots from two point to three point shots

    Imagine if you only got 1 point for shots within the key... would you keep shooting the majority of your shots within the key?

    Or would you attempt to go for two points and shoot outside the key instead?

    This is the stubbornness with which we are trying to win games.

    We are living in the past trying to take the most superior 2 point scoring team and trying to beat the more superior three point teams.

    Funny thing is, we have the ability to make that adjustment.

    The question is will we, or will we continue to try to trade two point shots with the Bucks, Rockets, and Clippers that take more 3 point shots and make their free throws.
    DaveMack80 likes this.
  3. Weezy

    Weezy Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    People don’t get defensive they get annoyed or sick of it. Can’t even watch a game around here without hearing the entire time how we need to trade this player for that player. Sports are entertainment, it’s meant to be enjoyed and an escape, if you can’t enjoy it in the moment when can you? Wanting to improve is fine, but saying it in every single damn comment on the board and in game time is ridiculous. We blew out the Kings and Spurs, yet we aren’t allowed to enjoy that according to some here because they’re not great teams. Then we lose a close one to the Rockets where Westbrook goes off and it’s almost like a gleeful I told you so from fans seemingly wanting to see us fail so they can be right, rather than see us win with a roster or in a way they don’t like. It also kinda irks me that people gave these guys like 5 days to get over what happened with Kobe, and after that they’re back to being bums and aren’t allowed to still be affected by that. Along those lines I’m sure Rob did his best to find deals to improve wherever we could, but dude lost one of his best friends and his goddaughter a week and a half before the deadline, yet there’s no slack cut, it’s “get back to business, bunch of losers!!!”. I come here to escape the real world a lot of the time, but god damn even with the best record in the west all I see is whining and lamenting how we’re gonna lose to the Clippers in 3, so over the top my eyes hurt from rolling. I’m taking a break, you guys can enjoy yelling back and forth all day every day about how much we suck and talk about how you’d be such better GMs or whatever until the end of time, completely ignoring and being ungrateful that we went from winning 15-20 some games for years into being instant title contenders in one offseason. Bunch of spoiled, never satisfied fans.
  4. ThizGuy83

    ThizGuy83 - Rookie -

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    completely agree with you weezy. I dont post much but I do read a lot in here and one thing I noticed are a few posters with constant trade ideas. I ignore it but yes it literally is like every other post and annoying. Real fans would be happy with how this team is doing, especially considering how the past few years had been. Im happy how this team is doing. some so called experts even said this team wasnt even a 50 win team but yet top seed in a tough western conference. Even before the death of Kobe, i didnt even want anybody traded, other than signing a player who was bought out. This team right now has so much adversity. And considering how they have been doing since, is incredible.
    Big Mamma Jamma likes this.
  5. Sentient Meat

    Sentient Meat - Rookie -

    Nov 4, 2019
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    People enjoy things in different ways. Some people like to just watch without a critical eye... that's fine, but some like to analyze where we can do better. You say it's grating that people complain... fair enough... but to others it's grating to watch people stick their proverbial heads in the sand.

    I personally took no joy from the Rockets winning... I have my doubts they can duplicate that performance in a seven game series... but again at some point we need to start winning those marquee matchups.

    I've posted a bunch of positive suggestions that might help the team play better... I don't think that's being negative... I think that's being proactive instead of saying everything's okay.

    The reason some are being hypercritical is because we know how short LeBron's window is.

    It's not good enough to make the conference finals or the second round. This may be his last stand as a dominant player and that was the risk we took when we went all in on winning a title now. We aren't the old Clippers where winning two rounds would be considered a good season. This year is our best chance at the title, at least until LBJ retires and we reload with a different star. The Warriors will be back next season... Denver, Portland, New Orleans, Dallas are all younger and improving teams. We may lose players like Dwight and Boogie because of lack of cap space.

    I think Rob did a good job signing vets and rebounding from Kawhi's indecision. I think he did a good job showing restraint and not overpaying for Marcus Morris. That being said, we still need another creator. It's not an ideal situation when you are hoping for players to come out of retirement to save your season. That's why the media is praising the Clippers management because they have seemed to be more organized this year.

    Now obviously the Clippers haven't accomplished anything yet... but one can objectively say they've done a good job managing their assets the last two years.

    I'm sorry if reality annoys you... but we went from being a losing team like the Pelicans that have potential... to winning team with a short window of opportunity. Most of you like this... some of us do not. Doesn't mean you are wrong or I am wrong... just two different approaches.

    Some here have told me to go root for the Pelicans. Believe me, I wish I could... but I'm always a Lakers fan first.

    So here I post... trying to make the best of what I consider to be a difficult situation in terms of plugging holes with very few assets.
  6. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Pretty sure he was called a cancer with an adjective in front of it last night during the game to make sure we knew how bad the team was infected. As Weezy said above and I said in WMC this morning, the couple or few of you that do the non stop ripping of players and coaching every night in game time and constant reminding of “your” unhappiness with the team SUCKS to listen to. Often just nasty attitudes the whole game with the insults hurled.
  7. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Not including you in that description, SM, so no need to feel like what you said above for the however many hundredth time is applicable to what I just said.
  8. Wino

    Wino - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 24, 2017
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    That's the problem with being a mod, you can't block people that are stupid. You have to listen. Anyone that annoys me that much, I simply block. I am burned out with having to deal with everyone yelling all the time about what I ought to think or just yelling about their obnoxious view of the world. The block feature is why I have finally switched to this site. I was on Lakersground and they are a good site that has a TON of information. However they also have a ton of negative and obnoxious voices that won't ever shut the F up. It gets really old for me. This is a smaller community and it can even get to be a problem here. But if you block people, it goes away and there is still plenty of good conversation. How many angles do you have to hear about anything going on. I started watching videos a bit more and between the two, I have plenty of information to stay up to date.
  9. LTLakerFan

    LTLakerFan - Lakers Legend -

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    Does the blocking work in Game Time? I’ve yet to do that on any forum but if it can be turned off and on and delete that constant **** from those few posters in GT I might be persuaded.
    sirronstuff likes this.
  10. Wino

    Wino - Lakers Starter -

    Jun 24, 2017
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    good question, I don't know because I have not really done that section
  11. Purp n Gold

    Purp n Gold - Rookie -

    Oct 9, 2015
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    @Sentient Meat

    I am not sensitive to people wanting the Lakers to improve. I'm just aware of how a negative outlook can totally ruin what I'm witnessing this season.

    I'm not satisfied with the Lakers' current weaknesses. The only option the Lakers have now and before the trade deadline is convincing Collison to sign here. Maybe signing one more guy, but there's nothing else. Sorry for everyone impatient, but improvement is probably not going to come a roster change. It's going to come from player growth, coaching and adjustments.

    It's stupid to care so much for a "trade deadline" when the Lakers had almost no good trade offers for months. This is a product of the trade market and the (lack of) assets the Lakers currently have.

    The amount of wishing and hoping for a trade (no matter how frustrated you get) has absolutely no correlation with a trade happening in reality.

    Excuse me while I go off on a tangent here, but: The reason why NBA basketball sucks now is because of the enormous hype. Stop buying into this.

    The way the NBA handles mid-season transactions and the deadline is arbitrary and stupid. It's currently set up for teams to go into a flurry of activity for 2 days and create a ton of hype for reasons that I don't think are warranted. Teams are in a panic to move around picks, money and bad players. I'm sure Silver loves the coverage of the groundbreaking Shabazz Napier trade, but I don't give a ****.

    NBA views are down because the hype is bigger than the actual basketball product. Highlights, likes, and trending hashtags are more important than watching the game. Debating sports (which consists of arguments that usually can't be proven) is more important than the outcome and the winner. I'm exhausted from entertaining a million hypothetical situations. I just don't care. I'm exhausted from hype.

    Watch the game, see the winner, and that's what happened. Let's talk about what happened.

    When our team plays at this level and wins at this pct, spend less time imagining lineups that don't exist and spend more time watching the basketball. I guarantee you will have a better time.
  12. Jaguar

    Jaguar - Lakers 6th Man -

    May 26, 2016
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  13. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    Game Time last game wasn’t a good look. Usually only one or two of us at a time and highly discouraged and expressive, but we had more dissatisfied people than usual leading up to the trade deadline.

    hopefully that changes and things are evened out

    after seven years of sucky basketball, you’d think we were going to be pretty happy being number one in the west. But I think the overall issue is we see our potential, and the fact that we are not reaching it. It’s frustrating especially when you see avenues available for us to approve.
  14. karacha

    karacha Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 6, 2014
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    I stopped going to GameTime recently. I can't stand this constant complaining by the same 3 people... it never stops. I can't enjoy a game like that.
    Big Mamma Jamma, Wino, Kenzo and 3 others like this.
  15. KobeJeterKaep

    KobeJeterKaep - Rookie -

    Oct 28, 2014
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    No Mamba Mentality. Lackadaisical play. Losing to Portland on Kobe tribute night (just inexcusable) and then to the midgets. Of course there will be complaints. See what the lottery Suns did to Houston last night? And Kuzma has skills, but not a competitive will or focus. His play right after the deadline passed was infuriating to watch.

    Sure, the record is ok. But the play is rarely inspiring - and losses to Clips, Raps, Sixers, and Bucks provide for more fodder. If Bron and Ad are coasting through the season, fine. Let’s see after the Allstar game. Holes on D and playmaking are still glaring.

    But complaints about ways to improve the team before the deadline are fair. This is championship or bust.

    Collison, Reggie, and Harkless would put them ahead of the clips. Would they waive Cook and Daniels?
    johnnyboy likes this.
  16. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    None of that changes the fact that hearing constant complaining while you’re trying to enjoy the game dampens the fun a little
  17. KobeJeterKaep

    KobeJeterKaep - Rookie -

    Oct 28, 2014
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    I get it. Some forget that even the Shaq Kobe lakers lost regular season games to scrubs all the time. But those teams proved they had a switch to championship level. Bron looks washed often. Green and Kuz are often ghosts. So there are concerns. But I hear ya..

    I am angry about the Kobe tats and then total lack of care. I would have liked to see a 10 or 12 game run after that. But...maybe we will see playoff modes soon.
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  18. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Kobe raised the bar so high from the skill and effort standpoint, that even greats like LeBron shooting 50% racking up triple doubles at the age of 35 fall short of our expectations. And we are in first place in our conference. That alone is a fascinating thing all by itself.

    I think 2/3 of the time I’m watching our games it’s very ugly basketball, but it has been mostly effective when you look at our record. I think we all see the flaws in our team that will get exposed by the best teams and good coaching when it’s time for the playoffs. It just seems like we simply don’t have answers or the right mentality to overcome those weaknesses with our strengths.

    as much as I have strangely not enjoyed this Resurrection season, I felt like I had to make a choice to quit crapping on certain players because my attitude affected the enjoyment of others on the board. I was appreciative of one member in particular letting me know, because it changed my attitude and how I expressed myself.

    like others have said, this is a hobby and something we do for enjoyment, so if I’m constantly being a negative Nancy, I’m stealing joy from others who incorporate NBA games into their life as a means of enjoyment, entertainment, and escape. I hope others can evaluate themselves, take in some of these comments as constructive criticism, and temper how often they voice their displeasure.

    maybe we leave it for the whine moan and complain thread, and not in every thread so that those who want to have a pity party can do it all together LOL

    So in summary, I blame Kobe LOL

    Big Mamma Jamma, Wino, Cookie and 3 others like this.
  19. JLaker17

    JLaker17 - Lakers Starter -

    Oct 6, 2014
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    The team as it stands will continue to be a good one, and have plenty of fun games to watch. I just fear that we are not good enough for a championship, especially with other teams stacking up their rosters. I think if we really want to win a title we are going to have to make a move or two.
    LTLakerFan and sirronstuff like this.
  20. sirronstuff

    sirronstuff - Lakers Legend -

    Oct 5, 2014
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    Your time is running out Ham
    Laker Purgatory
    I think it’s obvious this window of opportunity is closing fast, so we better take full advantage and do everything we can to maximize the end of LeBron’s prime.

    relying on buyouts and people coming out of retirement is a risky proposition for sure, but with limited assets and people trying to take advantage, Rob probably did a great job by standing pat.
    Kenzo, Cookie, LTLakerFan and 2 others like this.
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