True, but if we're not winning many games anyway that knowledge/attitude he imparts will mean volumes to the young guys.
I don't know what the hell is Masai up to in Toronto. Caroll already got $15 mill per. He'll already have a backup in Terrence Ross. Where does Matthews fit? Is he gonna be moving DeRozan? Their front court also seriously needs some help.
I'm tellin' you guys... Love has to be in play. If it's me, I'm out the door over there max offer or not. I'll go take the Lakers' max money and be more of a focal point.
How about going for Tracy McGrady as a backup guard? Maybe he can still play! *Obligatory free agency period Tracy McGrady post*
NEVERMIND! I guess Love is cool being 15th fiddle over there. Good for him though to take the money. I guess he can always try to get traded later.
Monroe's camp was leaning big towards NY earlier this summer, but I'm guessing they're waiting to see who goes where before they make their call. Why throw your lot in with NY when you don't have to?
I'm surprised with Love. For so long he was fighting to be the man, but now I mean really how much is he even going to be a part of what they're doing? They were better with Thompson on the floor than Love.