My question is: When will Sentient Meat understand that military funding does not mean war?
Are we sure Caruso can play 30 minutes per game and sustain that performance? I'm not positive we can rely on a first-timer who has never been in...
Not a huge fan of Reggie Jackson. I think Clippers are way too overpowered offensively that it would take away possessions from guys who are more...
He's only getting $3.5 million this season which is just slightly above the vet minimum. I doubt he gets a contract higher than that and even if...
Being clear to play is a doctor's opinion. We've seen players be cleared to play but you could tell they probably could use some more time to...
It's a waste because we have two top five players and one of them is turning 36 next season. Our title chances won't be higher than it is now for...
NBA did a fantastic job celebrating the life of Kobe Bryant. This league is seriously on another level when it comes to showing appreciation for...
I believe in climate change CREATED by human activity but asking the United States and them alone to try and curb climate change with safer...
2nd amendment is not obsolete. You're too simple-minded and have no ability to understand the intentions of other people. People down South or...
1) I agree with your sentiments about Pete. 100% phony who doesn't seem like he really understands the issues. 2) The problem with Hillary was...
Let me kill your response. Do you truly think if America spent $0 for the military, there wouldn't be war? Seriously, take a long hard thought...
Bradley is playing well but I can't help but notice how many dumb fouls he commits. There are plays where you just wonder why he fouls when he has...
LeBron's jumper has got to improve if we want to compete. That's his biggest flaw outside of his FT shooting. You have to be able to spread the...
I also liked Yang but most of his supporters are well-educated and informed. The problem is, the masses of America are ignorant and do not follow...
Unless there is a better alternative to Trump, I don't care what your arguments are. Trump has done more for this country than Bernie has and...
I never mentioned anything about Democrats. Respond to what I just posted and debunk it or stop spreading falsified news. I didn't think your...
I love how you link an article and then not even read the context. Anyone can read a Tweet or Instagram post and claim something. Here's what you...
I wouldn't be upset if Reyes won but I just felt that no one truly beat the other. Jones was pressing Reyes the entire fight so you have to give...
They're trying to blame Trump for everything bad in the world as if these inconsistencies weren't present during Obama's reign. Heck, Trump didn't...