Yikes, do you really dislike Trump that much that you're willing to ignore Clinton's past? He lied about a sexual relationship that he had as the...
I fully support Black Lives Matter as a saying but people who think BLM, the organization, is truly trying to help black people are just ignorant....
I can dig that. Problem is, you probably know what Spotify is. Joe Biden has no clue. And it's scary when someone is so old and out of touch with...
It's not hypocritical at all because they're calling out Clinton's relationship with Epstein in regards to underaged and sexual abuse of females....
Democrats are really pathetic if they are willing to support Biden and Kamala at this point. Biden can't even remember what year he is in....
It's funny how deep of a trench you are willing to dig to imply that Trump had a close relationship with Epstein in order to frame him for...
Epstein was friends with a lot of people. Rich people hang out with rich people. The problem is, Trump has never been accused by any of these...
LeBron is out there talking about justice for Breonna Taylor. I want justice for having to watch Danny Green miss wide open shots.
This dude AD is not getting enough bashing. 8/24 from the field (sorry but this is not the 8/24 Kobe wanted) -20 when he was on the court. Once...
For all the hate Rondo gets here... He's likely our best option. At least he can create for others and hopefully give us solid minutes while Bron...
Not a very good excuse. Lakers were up 6 late into the fourth and blew it. LeBron+AD missed four straight free throws. Lakers looked horrible...
There are Lakers fans who thought it was just a bluff and that the Lakers were suddenly going to start draining threes when the playoffs began....
I'll give KCP the benefit of the doubt because at least he can still hustle defensively. What is Danny Green doing on the other hand? Costly...
Vogel didn't cost us the game even though his coaching wasn't great. Blame the players for once. 1) AD is simply way too talented to be standing...
Thanks. I wasn't planning on sticking around any longer anyways. Tough to be a new user here when it seems other opinions of the contrary are not...
Sigh... Maybe reading is difficult these days. 1) What does KD or others saying something about Kobe have to do with anything I've stated? It...
It was the unknown that people feared. Knowing what we know now, of course we would as humans around the world acted much differently. But not...
Looks like the Spurs won't make the playoffs with LaMarcus being out for the season. That's what Popovich and the Spurs get. By far the franchise...
UFC has done a great job restarting their league but they don't have as many people to deal with. I believe only one fighter has been caught with...
I love how you didn't really answer the question. Presumably, because you can't. Now you're questioning whether or not I watch the games. AKA,...