[IMG] Look at all those defenders trying to stop a 35 year old...
I love how LeBron took this game personally and Giannis had no answer for it. Every time Giannis went to guard Bron, Bron took him to the basket...
Wow, some people are just stupid as hell! And these are the people who are supposed to be giving us the 'news'? No wonder Trump got elected!
Thoughts on UFC 248? Super excited for Zhang vs Joanna. I got Zhang via 2nd round. I dislike Israel but he likely wins. Romero hasn't used his...
I agree but I think we owe Rich Paul and LeBron enough respect in that they wouldn't jeopardize this team just because Waiters is a Klutch client....
Again, worst-case scenario, we drop the guy and he's out of the NBA. People like Dion don't learn their lesson until it's their last chance....
Rich Paul is his agent? Damn... Rich Paul is running the Lakers lol
I just found a thread here for this: https://lakersball.com/threads/online-streaming-links.92/
Worst kept secret in sports. I just hope this man can prove himself to be worth it. This might really be his last opportunity.
It may or may not be against the forum rules so I don't want this forum site to get into any legal trouble. If you want the link, just send me a...
[MEDIA] At the beginning of the season, AD said he wanted to be the MVP. Now, without hesitation, he says LeBron should be the MVP. I just love...
That would depend on if small-ball is being used. They could play PF if so but if other teams go big, he could transition to SF as well.
I understand your concern but there are MANY teams who if they don't win a title, it would have been a failed experiment. Bucks, Boston, Clippers,...
https://hoopshype.com/salaries/new_orleans_pelicans/ Lonzo will also be a free agent after next season. If he keeps up his level of play, he...
It's funny you don't realize why comparing it to a one-for-six trade is irrelevant AFTER this season. Ingram will be getting paid the max which is...
I'll send you a PM. It'll have to be through a web browser but you can easily chromecast it to your TV. The site works great!
In other words, "He caught me cheating on my wife"!
What do you hope to achieve by quoting their win rates? I don't get it. It's a team accomplishment and there are a lot of factors going into it....
Anthony Davis has the ability to be a lot more marketable once he wins a ring. That was a very nice commercial.