This whole board is melting down including myself. Sucks cuz you and I are looking at it from you're hurting the team by not signing and getting...
This has pretty much went according to the plan that supposedly kawhi's team laid out. He was gonna meet with everyone and have a decision by the...
Jalen said he was going back on a 2 year deal though and this says the opposite that, "no 2 year deals were discussed".
The Klaw and Black Jesus both better all day everyday.. FG% tells a huge story. When it takes you a 1000 shots to average 30 points a game...
That's to be determined. I would take Kawhi at the same age/stage now over Kobe all day every day. Hes much more consistent, shoots a better fg%...
Exactly *shudders..
She looks like the crazy lady that wants you to get her pregnant lol
I'm crying mane lmfao
Woj doesnt' know s*** as usual. There's no decision yet which is actually good for us because more then likely had it come right now it would be...
Not necessarily if they didn't want the Lakers to be able to load up on other FAs. I'm just sayin wouldn't surprise me we've been duped before
I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't NBA executive collusion to block this from happening. Hell they did it right out in the open...
Mouth is dry
Damn my palms are sweaty
Still all speculation though and I think if they had a concrete answer already they would have spilt the milk as soon as they became aware of it....
Supposedly Woj is gonna make an announcement soon.
If he is resigning with Toronto why hasn't there been any announcement yet? Its not that big a deal at this point amirite? Makes me think twice...
I'm the opposite. In all of this though I feel like Cris Carter is more tuned into Kawhi's camp than anyone else.
THank you and I hope he's wrong