Don't worry, Cookie. I got my boy Ball Handles here to handle this (posted elsewhere by Zen Master). Set my boy up with Dave for some one on...
I get that, I shoulda been more clear. When he said he's down to pay the 5, I'm assuming or hoping he meant when the team really needs him at the...
Took a while to get there, but yeah. For my friend, that is.
BTW, Belli is my 16 yr-old boy’s favorite Dodger. No one else comes close. He has two Belli tshirts and a blue WS jersey. It’s gotten so bad for...
I can’t keep up with this dude, but at least my Angel fan dad updates me every weekend when we see him. He’s already at 20+ steals already,...
So what’s the new 58? Asking for a friend.
Yeah, with the batters in a collective funk, we need every hit we can get, especially against playoff teams like the Braves and gints. Why is...
Yeah, I was skeptical when I heard that about AD at the 5 and still am. That would be so fun him at the 5. Here’s hoping.
You’re right. This is a calculated but clumsy pr move, 100%. The rest of the league is just sitting back laughing and enjoying this.
Karacha, I don’t lol much, but goddam that got me lolling. Bravo
Here we go. Hang on. Treinen and Jansen solid. Mookie is back. And Robert keeps putting Bellinger out there. The team’s struggling as it is. We...
:ShaqOh2: Seriously though. Rondo-Lue Beef? This is a good thing. Beef, plus Rondo knowing Lue’s playbook and tendencies. That’s another reason...
Lol. Oh mama. Thanks for reminding me. Time to get back into game shape. A few weeks in Reddit should get me ready.
Why should the Sixers FO want to accommodate Simmons by dealing him to a preferred destination after all the drama he caused them? Granted the...
"I'm actually looking forward to not being the oldest guy on the team anymore. I'm actually bottom five." Damn. Playoff Rondo AND Comedian...
:Laugh: Oof! I can imagine the crap y'all gave him for that. Wow.
100%. Vogel et al keep this stuff in house. That's what good organizations do. Sixers deserve everything they're getting. Fine with me. I'm...