I simply dismiss the talking heads and so called journalists that spout their ignorant, hateful views about Kobe Bryant. Look around the league at...
Ed Davis was a steal, grand larceny! Another feather in Kupchek's hat. Rim protector, big that runs the court and finishes, gladly plays P/R, even...
I think Kupchek hit a winner here. He has all sorts of skills on offense, but his defense has looked great for a rookie. Except for some ill...
I'm always amped for a new season of Laker basketball, even in the down years, and I've seen quite a few over the years. This team is young, full...
If this Laker team was a contender for a title I would not be that enthused with Lin as the starting PG, but in a rebuild mode he looks like as...
What I'm noticing most about Randle is his physical play. Last night Cousins and Evans had their hands full with him, got frustrated with his...
This site looks and has the feel of top quality. Looking forward to following the great Laker Legacy and this years team with you fellow fans.
Once the news on Price's knee is known what their needs are will be as well. This exception still has to go through NBA channels and be approved...