I know and I remember Kobe wanting Rondo to come to the Lakers. But man, I cannot stand the guy!
I understand the move but c'mon. I can't freakin' stand Jiminy Cricket! I remember that shot he took at Kobe while Kobe was trying to get the...
I was on my way back from my daughter's wedding reception in Utah. We had just rolled into Orange County.
Don't you just love it? Ainge the genius GM who was universally lauded for taking Williams. This is great and is gonna prove to blow up in Ainge's...
Just imagine this guy with passes from Lonzo and LeBron... he is very quick-footed for a big and is exactly the kind of lob threat the Lakers...
My son and I watched a lot of the Warriors this year because we are basketball junkies and I’m in agreement with SeasonVet24. Javale is a very...
And he didn’t do it in a douchey, narcissistic way... I told you Weezy... maybe he’s matured. Plus, he did it early so the Lakers can secure...
Yeah, I understand what you are saying but I’m hoping it will be different this time. Weez, you’re probably right but I hope he takes a different...
I could see this when he was younger but now I don’t see it especially with the backlash he got for the decision. Plus, some of the media heads...
That was a really interesting read. I cannot stand the guy but if the JBA succeeds or helps some of these kids realize their dreams then it is a...
The first quote makes it seem that Windhorst was planning to meet with his advisors in the Decision Cave (lack of LeBron as subject in the...
LOL Ox you crack me up! Not sure what a dillhole is but it made me laugh! I actually know a Dong... he’s Chinese!
With that one move we can call this offseason a success!
Every time I see that gif of him flapping his gums, I just want to punch a kitten! I cannot stand that fool.
I think it’s not because Lonzo isn’t a transcendent talent but because of LaVar and the circus he brings. Period.
I’m not getting all the hate for PG now that there is the potential of getting Kawhi. They aren’t mutually exclusive. I love what PG brings to...
Vash, I’m siding with Time on this one. #RespectTheElderly #GeriatricsAreAlwaysRight
As much as I would love Kawhi on the Lakers, I believe that scenario is the least likely. It feels like a low probability scenario. It feels very...
I agree with you. I posited that theory a couple of pages back. I’ll just leave this thought... If PG really has chosen OKC he could’ve just...