You're absolutely right. They were able to get that geriatric squad led by Steve Nash and what's his bucket to be healthy. I remember Shaq even...
Not even the late Craig Sager would’ve worn that ...
LaVar's latest boast... Ugh, this guy chose to reference himself as a "bad mama jama"... mods may I change my username? LOL!
Where my son has his b-ball workouts, he had the opportunity to be on the same court as Shabazz Napier and his best friend, who is a pro in Europe...
John 3:16 does have stones... no need to prove it! [IMG] Too early to start "Free Sirron" or SLM - Sirron's Life Matters?
Cookie, you crack me up with your commentary! I love the brokeback mountain reference. My wife is asking me what I’m laughing at.
Sirron the Ox whisperer. Yes.
Because he didn’t “measure” up to prototypical standards, e.g., arms too short, didn’t average a ton of points, etc. plus, I think teams look for...
I believe, according to Jaguar, the appropriate word to describe a woman like that is "husky"... however, I wouldn't know about such things!
Agreed. He's going to freeze his balls off. I lived in upstate NY for 8 years (graduate school and job) and that air is frickin' freezing and it...
Same reason BI had really red lips during the season... it’s whatever drink they’re consuming. It might be Gatorade but who knows.
Kenzo I tend to agree with you but you can't always have a 20/10 guy... however, these guys all play a role. I'll just leave this here... [MEDIA]
I'll put my opinion out there to make it abundantly clear... I would prefer that we keep Ingram to see the jump he makes this coming season. The...
I’m not afraid to put it out there... my favorite player is a Laker.
He definitely looks like he has put on muscle. His jumper looks so effortless and smooth. I hope this guy isn't traded and that we get a chance...
Okay, so you explained what a dillhole is... what’s a “slap a hole” owner? LOL!!
We need Neck Samson back! [ATTACH]
Well, Felton is a load... like a two ton load! Dude looks like he went on a Krispy Kreme diet for about a decade. [ATTACH]
Exactly! You nailed it...
Actually he is from California (so no, thank goodness!) but he and my daughter are both going to school in Utah. Plus, both families have many...