What do you suppose we do?
Lonzo doesn't talk. He lets his play do the talking. Like I said all the chumps challenging him... nothing better than winning ROY and beating...
I think Darren Rovell was reporting 5 yrs $10mm then after the Lakers got the #2 pick it went to $20mm
Hmmm cheap skate Reinsdorf and his shady drug dealing GM plan to waive Rondo. Seriously Reinsdorf paying a guy to go away .... Wade + Rondo for...
$$$$$$ Straight cash homey! Bet you Nike or Addidas would offer $40-50mm for a 5 yr shoe deal after that type of media
But $8mm is easy to move especially 1 yr
I saw Koufos has a player option for next yr at abou $8mm. I'd take him back if Kings want to send something
@therealdeal I was thinking about this yesterday in the trade thread. I would add Sacramento to that list. Lots of young guys in that team that...
@therealdeal to bypass the LA Times maxed out articles. Go to google and search for the story. If you use a search engine to access the article I...
It was those Lavar pancakes that closed the deal! BBB pancakes!
Clipper fan mentality. Hahahha
You're being selective. PG13 would be here now if he had an option on his upcoming year Very very different situations
Atlanta could be an interested trade partner. They have to increase their salary and also need to make the youth movement. The team has $60mm in...
Just a feeling but a Laker Ball jersey will be top 5 this coming season
Fake sweat
To chime in that's why it's one big waiting game on Hayward. The technicality on what Boston can and can't do is based on the timing and order of...
Wow 9:01pm tomorrow.....let the games begin!
Hahaha so we're rooting for Hayward to sign with Miami or stay in Utah and for Biff to stay with Clippers or go anywhere but Boston hahaha
Interesting Lonzo has been practicing with Ingram and Brook
I always liked Brook Lopez