On the other hand the cheapo FO won't sign one until the last day of the season, and Ham won't play them anyway. Need someone that Ham is...
"They believe that Green would be the piece they have been missing on the defensive end of the floor." Ah yes, the missing piece that the #1...
Messieurs & Mesdames, might I proffer the following eloquent translation, that being "I am very good, if not the best, at this task that I am...
Yup, what a great turnaround. Also, LMAO @ playing Matt Ryan more minutes than Austin Mother f***in' Reaves. Also playing PatBev, Nunn & Walker...
Russ is unhinge . You're an NBA player, gotta ignore fans heckling. Dude can't even handle being called Westbrick. But what is that area - why is...
Agree, do not want Kyrie anymore, but even more so, STAY THE f*** AWAY FROM DRAYMOND!!! How would that even work, you can't play LeBron/Dray/AD...
I want to keep as many of our guys as possible, but as long as they keep all the core guys you listed, I'm good. Our top 7 is the core of a...
I can't stand the way the media is talking about Westbrook, that he's the savior of the game bc of 1 good play, despite going 3-19. Did he make...
This play deserves re-posts [MEDIA] And another angle [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] :o
This list is ridiculous company. [MEDIA]
I'm catching up on tweets. Seen some great ones posted in threads here already, gonna post some more I like, in the relevant threads. Apologies...