Vegas baby [MEDIA]
If we win it we be king of Bricks!
It is pretty ugly but I didn’t want to be the new negative Nelly lol
Yeah definitely poor choice of words there lol
James Harden therapy session continues [MEDIA]
It’s just not a good idea for his kid to play Basketball. If there is a god almighty Above, he gave LeBron the warning, it’s up to LeBron if wants...
he just mad he got caught. It’s only cheating if you get caught!
that kid should be nowhere near a basketball court ! He might pull a Reggie Lewis! It’s just dangerous.
Is LeBron going to shutdown during the NCAA TOURNAMENT too ?
Obviously we are not very important to LeGM, he will ditch the team to watch his mediocre son play on a school that’s only known for his Football...
Because they both have no business being a head coach and will likely be promoted rather than demoted .
Deion Sanders just won SI sportsman of the yr! For finishing dead last ! Lol!!!