Lakers in 6 [ATTACH]
Are you kidding me ? Ever since guys like Kobe / Clyde Drexler , Karl Malone , Tim Duncan went away west got soft as … there is no way this lakers...
Paul Pierce was on tv laughing at us for playing Denver again ! He was saying Cancun this Cancun that Lakers Lakers Lakers
Maybe we should call this guy ! I heard he made a man get up from his wheelchair and walk again
Nohing will happen but we will get spanked by a team that has beat us 8 straight ! We just don’t match up against Denver. There is no magic potion...
1. I got no beef with Clippers, you have a huge beef with the clippers, idk why ? To each its own, maybe Ballmer always stole your lunch money....
[ATTACH] I am 33 and I sell water for a living
Every single Kings fans want to avoid EDM. I am truly surprised it’s totally different on here . I am sorry guys I am just having a hard time...
And they want to avoid EDM so what’s wrong with that ? Is that a b**** move ? But hey Atleast KINGS will lose 4-2. Getting swept by Den again is...
I don’t care ! I already have low expectations from this team ( as long as LeBron is on the Roster ) I’ll be watching the LA KINGS playoffs over...
You’ll feel the difference when the media starts calling LeBron “ Denver’s B**** :ADnaughty:
imagine ending your playoffs by being swept by the nuggets, then start your playoffs by getting swept by the Nuggets.
We are already Denver’s B****It’s not a b**** move, it’s a strategy.they do it in NFL/ NHL all the time .
I am rooting for the Nuggets! I don’t really care how far we go( which isn’t far ) . Denver is the only team that can stop Boston .
we are not getting thru Den . It’s pipe dream .they get extra motivation when they play us .
I hope Harden& Russ get their ring ! This place will blow up :Brows::Brows:
Russ deserves his ring, sick& tired of every stupid fan base harassing him every night. Those A holes should be arrested . Oh I forgot only LeGM...
Clippers will win it all !