I know this is dated by a few weeks and Joe could not be telling the truth here but not sure why he would need to lie about this? [ATTACH]...
Amen! With all our hearts and souls
Welcome! We appreciate your kind words but your honestly not seeing us in the greatest of light right now, which I'm sure you can understand...
I agree Vogel is #1 on my list too. If I'm any of these coaching candates the first 2 questions out of my mouth are 1) Can I hire my own, hand...
Are the Lakers Management running Game of Thrones too... [MEDIA]
ESPN being right across the street will certainly be picking it up I bet. At least I hope so [MEDIA]
I'm still reeling from yesterday's news [MEDIA]
The players he was coaching scared me.
Looking forward to this one as well. lol @ Pete [MEDIA]
Really well done piece by Bill Oram. Hit the nail on the end.
Honestly, this is for the best and reading the comments in the reddit thread its picking up a lot of steam. [MEDIA] There is a reason I have...
What's worse is Jeanie or Rob do no damage control.
Lakers Front Office, minus the scouting and draft department [MEDIA]
All the wrong reasons [ATTACH]
Haha (crying and laughing) [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Take me back in a time machine so i can watch Kobe and a well run Lakers franchise again like the good old days..... Can't take more of this mess...
Why would Kawhi or anyone come here after yet another mess of a franchise with the news that came out today.
The world may be coming to an end but I'll be dead before I believe or take this guy's word.