I was actually extremely impressed by an assist he had in the first quarter. Caught the ball in traffic into a double team while rolling, kept the...
His statline doesn’t stand out as anything too crazy, but I thought he won the game for us tonight in the fourth quarter. A few crucial buckets,...
Welp, that’s why I couldn’t get myself too happy about yesterday’s comeback. Hearing him talk about “I heard it pop” sounded very bad. It’s...
I didn’t start paying attention to the game until OT, and sure Westbrook’s box score looked decent… But apparently the Clips were up 14 with less...
Absolutely! Gotta give credit where credit is due. This was an incredible game from Westbrook for us, truly a joy to watch the Lakers when Russ is...
I know this is going to be unpopular… But if you gave D’antoni: The version of Nash that played for Phoenix the very prior year, instead of the...
Well we still traded him originally to Brooklyn. Yes we had our reasons, but if our FO was high on him then they probably wouldn’t use him in a...
[MEDIA] Cool to see Dennis being so understanding, especially because moving him to the bench just makes so much sense! I think this also makes...
I certainly hope Vanderbilt can refine his offensive game and shooting working with Handy and the development staff, but I didn’t really notice...
I actually would be surprised if we got Love. Wouldn’t mind it, but don’t think it makes much sense. Not really any room for him in the rotation....
[MEDIA] Yup, this is what Pincus was saying. Since we were the last team to trade him, we can’t sign him for a year. Only way around that would...
Even Pincus seems unclear [MEDIA] I hope we can bring back Stanley, but if we’re still not allowed to then I’m not sure if there are any...
That’s what I thought, but Pincus isn’t so sure [MEDIA]
Not gonna lie, after primarily hearing about him due to the scandal with Pippen’s wife, I just assumed he was going to be pretty immature but I...
The Pat Bev reunion tour and redemption arc next year is going to be so sweet!
I was watching on Spectrum last night so I’m not sure if this was shown on TNT, but towards the end of the second quarter Reaves was jogging in...
This is an interesting question. On one hand I do think our organization is classy enough that they would want to do something like that for a...
So uncalled for how Minnesota media is throwing DLo under the bus now! He’s already off the team, they should be professional and let bygones be...
McMenamin’s choice of words was corny and a sleazy ploy for clicks. But I 100% buy the underlying point he was making, and what has been echoed...
I have always liked the idea of Mo Bamba. A center who can block shots and shoot the three. But over the past year I’ve heard a lot of critiques...