No idea why we didn’t get him more involved in the offense in crunch time. Lebron did great overall, but it felt like a huge step back to revert...
[MEDIA] I love German doctors! This is very promising, for him to be gearing up for this return immediately after such a big win against OKC...
Those two threes in the first half were big at the time to help develop that early cushion … but man he just STINKED out there the rest of the...
He might have earned a shot at supplanting Beasley in the rotation. So much respect for him coming through with this performance in arguably one...
Yeah that was very encouraging. A lot of quick reads and immediately attacking on instinct rather than catching and spending too long scanning the...
Terrible game. He obviously just had a flukey run lately, but this game showed his true colors. He’s just not a good basketball player. If I was...
I wonder what his fourth quarter stats are on the year, feels like there have been so many games where he kept us afloat by catching fire in the...
We had some other players with flashier statlines, but I absolutely think Vanderbilt was the MVP of tonight’s game. Basically eliminated Booker...
Buying his jersey the second he signs a long term deal
The way these past two years have gone, THT and Westbrook are going to put a dagger in our play-in aspirations in that upcoming back-to-back... This article seems to...
I have a question about how the “poison pill” structure works. I was originally under the impression that only the matching team gets the...
Reaves is averaging more playing time than Beasley this month. I don’t think it matters that much who starts. I’m fine leaving the rotation as is.
[MEDIA] Lebron, if you truly care about the Lakers, you’re primary goal this summer should be to use your power to ensure we re-sign Austin. I...
Even if he gets some ridiculous offer that would poison pill us, we HAVE to match and bring him back
I will not allow any Bynum slander around here "Lebronshame"
The crunch time free throw misses is absolutely a concerning pattern. But I don’t agree with the idea that he’s shown a consistent pattern of...
A week ago, I was left scratching my head with why DLo had so many detractors from his time in Minnesota. Seemed like a legit max player the way...
Yeah, honeymoon period is starting to expire. Still absolutely love the trade and the value we’re getting out of him, and I expect there will be...
One of the worst parts about this loss that will fly under the radar… Wenyen having a good game. I’d bet the FO will point to this and say “See,...