I won't ask you what it was that your buddy told you about DAR (you've made it pretty clear you won't tell, and I respect that a lot), but would...
What was your nickne @CL? Not Crucifido by any chance?
Wanted to ask you this for a while now. So you are the Wino from Lakersground? I registered at the same time there and on CL many years ago and...
Mad respect:FishPoint::Pwf::Beertoast2::Kobejerseypull::Sunglassguy::Noddingyes:
But can we expect them to be realistic as regards the assessment of their own value? Should we in the context of a group of them being worth...
^I'm pretty sure the smirks were not intended for the fan base. Besides, the same fan base seems to be happy with the trade and giving away our...
Agreed, but on the other side, I as much as I would love to keep the kids, AD will turn into my favorite Laker since Kobe the nanosecond hes ours lol.
Heay, but! Now we have Bron on the roster. On the other hand, we have the Rambii. I almot pity the free agents we target in the off season.
So now BI is a worse prospect than Hart?:Laugh:. To be honest, I love it. I am pretty sure we're going to get fleeced and give NO any player they...
While you are probably right on al accounts here and I can't wait to see your data, I guess the reason why a top pick is valued much more than...
While I agree Kuz has the qualities you just described as "IT", my favorite young Laker Brandon does as well ;). A shame we will probably lose both.
Trade the farm for CP3 and give Boogie the max. Do it Linda.
This so much. This current FO is so unversally, laughably incompetent at everything they do, every action is guaranteed to end in a disaster. I...
The source of all the Earvin criticism is not his feud with Jeanie. You will have a hard time finding anybody defending her on this board. He may...
This so much. In the beginning I was trying to understand, to find a reasonable explanation for what he did. The only one that could potentially...
Me too, it almost makes me want to check how the Rockets' fan base is doing these days :D
First of all thanks for the very detailed explanation and apologies for my late reply - it was a very busy few days for me. I guess after the...
I know you were joking, but I just can't stop thinking about this - Kobe is known for picking the brain of the best and surrounding himself with...
Why would you hate to say it like this lol? If Kawhi does join, I literally couldn't care less about his reasoning. I just mentioned Bron because...