Not sure what you meant with that, but IMO the fact that he said what he did no a tv show, only makes it 100 x worse.
I haven't really seen anybody overreacting here. Dwight's problems have always been mental and the main one was his inability to accept his own...
I was never a fan of how Kobe treated his parents, but this is exactly what Zo should do to his father. Dude is full of himself, completely...
Lamar Odom says hello. He may not have met the huge, initial expectations, but he was huge during our title runs.
I Like ist, but personally would vote for RonStu's Hairless Wonder :Noddingyes:
Why would you hope that? I hope he doesn't know and struggles the entire season trying to understand why chucking at will isn't working anymore...
Feel bad for the fans, not the team or its owners in particular at all. You can't be cheap and have success in this league. They lucked into some...
Didn't rally want him, couldn't be more happy to have him lol
My new favorite villain. I don't even care if he acted in good or bad faith when negotiationg with the Lakers (the jury is still out on whether...
I hope the Lakers crush those fools in each and every game this season. I .not objective, but I still fail to see how they are supposed to be the...
@Wino that was a beautiful post man! I grew up as a nerd not giving a s**t about any sport. For some reason, I started watching the NBA when...
Saw Spider-Man today and I enjoyed it a lot. The only thing that was kind of meh for me was Gyllenhaal - I expected better but he wasn't bad...
Yes it did, a lot actually. To be honest, I really believed we would get Kawuss. I was planning to write a lengthy "thank you" post where I would...
F**k Kawhi, his entire family end all their animals. I haven't ever been this pissed about anything BB. And to think it is done to us by none...
No way in hell is Toronto No. 2 most probable champ without Kawhi, so there's that.
But we still do have a separate proper English thread in the Open section :Magic2:
I am fine with the trade considering everything, but I wouldn't be so sure about the definitely thing. Ingram can become pretty special. And I...
The funny thing is, Lavar and ESPN are perfect for eachother. Quality of content wise there is no other human being on earth more qualified to...
Yeah, I'm pretty sure they'll love him down there. I will certainly follow his career and root for him as long as he's playing.
Thanks, that's enough for me, wouldn't want him on the team either then. We have something potentially very special brewing, let's not f**k it up.