He needs to come off the bench until he is 100% healthy. You could make an argument for Lonzo to come off the bench right now with how we are...
Youth movement in Cleveland. Yea Lebron is leaving and the Cavs are preparing for it. Writing is on the wall.
Excellent trade. Props FO. Well done.
When is Luke going to make decisions faster than arm chair coaches on here? Don’t play Ennis, Start Randle, simple it’s really simple. It took him...
I'm on the other side of the argument on this one, but just wanted to follow up with another "source"... From CyberX on the Rockets forum... "I...
[MEDIA] 2019 plan!!!! (Fart noise)
This is our FO right now compared to everyone else. [IMG]
2019 plan!!!! Almost as good as the 2018 plan. Stop having an insert year here plan FFS. Morons.
- Kevin Love was fun like 5 years ago, no way I’d give up Randle for him. if I’m paying > 20 million for a player it better damn well be for a top...
Two questions I’d like to know the answer to if I were part of the Lakers FO... How far does this drop Boogie’s trade value? If the answer is...
To get Kawhi/PG on the same team, anyone on the team can go including Lonzo. Two prime elite two way players, yea I’d figure the rest out after.
The Pacers are looking pretty smart with that PG13 trade. Traded for an all-star. Paul George didn’t make it this year. On the surface not a big...
[MEDIA] Randle fans waking up this morning reading this.... [ATTACH]
[MEDIA] Another game, another series of Randle clutch plays to go along with 23/15. Keep changing the FO opinion on whether or not to keep you.
[MEDIA] Keep it up my man!
I bet Zu is on the block as well. It seems no young player aside from Ingram is wanted from the past regime. It sucks all these players are...
Is it too late to go back in time and sign Thibs? Or at least change his resume to say he was a part of the Lakers at some point so the simple...
How much improvement/progress has been made since 2013-2014? Yea we’ve gotten some better players but overall we are still the same crappy team,...
And they didn’t alienate their young players in the process. Amazing what you can do when you aren’t following a 20xx plan. Who we cannibalizing...
2018 cap space has sucked this season. He needs to be benched.