I was speaking about Rui posting Klay up , Klay isn't going to post Rui up ( my bad If I wrote it wrong). You're probably right about the screens...
You have the ballhandlers to have Lebron to catch the rock closer to the basket at a higher frequency ( at the elbow would be great by instance )...
Yeah I would go for the kill but by playing AD and Bron less than in Game 1 in the 1st 3 quarters .. and if you still have a good chance to win at...
Sure but you know the Lakers , they don't even hide it in their comments " Game 1 was a must win , we got HCA back" , you know what's likely...
Game 2 will be an easy Warriors win , Lakers got the split they wanted , will load manage during the game and study GS adjustments for Game 3 .
One of the keys of the series , Warriors always want you to adapt to their style and match their small ball lineup. I think we should stay big...
I think he doesn't want to go to the FT line too much down the strech and/or he knows he won't get mant calls , this is why he's chucking many 3s...
RFA , maybe Lakers don't want his value to skyrocket haha
Will be a long series but we won the game despite defending the 3 pts line poorly in the 1st half ( playing drop on Poole was bad ). They will...
Looney can grab all the rebounds he wants , he didn't have a huge impact on the game imo. The only path for the Warriors to beat the Lakers is...
He was great defensively though
Fortunately we won the game cause these 2 lay ups missed at the rim in the 1st were terrible gifts to the Warriors . Was BBQ on D as expected
Boy I was wrong thinking he couldn't stick with Curry on screens . Locked him up better than Akon
Don't be shy
Should shoot when in the post , not force his passes in traffic to Jared and Gabriel either
Yeah Ham should have given him a 3 minutes rest , he was gassed , the reason Wiggins had these offensive boards and AD going away from the...
Lakers will use a high drop coverage ( AD on the level of the screen) on Curry by Cranjis , this is what "we" did in the regular season . I agree...
Looney is very good , a good part of his offensive rebound clinic is due to the chaos Curry creates on offense though ( his offensive rebounding...
Don't you think they're going to start Draymond on Vando so he can help everywhere ?
Klay isn't good anymore on D , Austin should go at him and try to get him in foul trouble