My a** he wouldn't be interested in getting out of that overpaid contract from Lavine.
This is unacceptable. I demand change.
Thanks for ruining my point LT. Maybe next time you can wait behind a door while I'm walking by and stick your leg out as I'm about to go down a...
Last two games continues to prove that availABILITY is the most important ABILITY in sports.
You just did..
How much is a 1st round pick worth in a trade?
Hey hey hey!!!! Take it easy.
I don't deal with credit. Straight cash homie.
Too bad Lonzo is a walking corpse.
This is the stretch that will likely determine the season.
Lakers need reinforcements to enhance Lebron and AD. If Pelinka doesn't get this thing done, the Lakers are essentially saying they don't want to...
Bev earned my respect. Ayton Button kicked Reeves. Bev should have Robert Parish'd him like Parish did to Laimbeer.
Can't trade Lebron this season. Provision in his extension.
If the cops gave me immunity, I would gladly handle it. Someone needs to help her.
AD hit a game winning 3 in a crucial playoff game. I'll let him throw a few a games.
I watched that 81 point game when it happened. I actually fell asleep the first quarter or so because I was getting sober from the Steelers going...
You serious Clark?
One of the many reasons Kobe loved Pau so much.
Salley has been saying some stupid s*** lately. All that dope is starting to f*** up his brain. Weed isn't bad like coke or H, but I've seen...