I remember they had Upshaw listed at 215 lbs during the game. Pretty funny.
Hey, it wasn't nothing! That pick cost, like, 50 bucks!
They were complaining because Reggie said their scrub couldn't guard Clarkson. Reggie was right
I thought this was more of a long term solution to the Embiid injury. Not like he reinjured something, but his docs saw this as a more permanent...
I'm terrible at these, but there were some gems in the 76ers realgm forum.
With no Randle this game, I wonder if we'll see black at PF. Might be nice to go bigger with Upshaw/Black.
Thanks guys. I did catch chook's highlight video do I saw JC doing work. Just wasn't sure what LaVine did to match his output.
Unfortunately I couldn't watch the game, as I was at work. Saw the box score and saw LaVine and Clark were nearly identical stat wise. Who was...
Here's the thing about the KD situation: EVERYONE's gonna be offering him deals. This means waiting for his response. Therefore their only max...
Is she the blonde?
I just informed a friend on Facebook how much of a jerk move the dj thing was. He thought he just simply resumed with the clips.
I hate both parties. Karma for Dallas. More losing a 3-1 series lead for Clippers. Lose lose. Couldn't happen to better people. Edit:...
I was just watching that practice video, and yeah you know what? He looks rail thin. Even compared to the young guys who haven't entirely grown...
That beard does look an awful lot like cotton candy. Cotton candy that's crawling with ants.
So what do you see our projected wins at with this current team? Lowest/Highest?
Happy Holiday indeed.
Ah gotcha.
Isn't he a bit smaller than Randle? If he can't play the 3 then neither can Randle.
I'm not mad at the FO for not picking up one of these guys. LMA isn't as good as Gasol now, much less in his prime, and DJ is dumber than a sack...
^What they're not happy with the millions we're already giving them to subsidize their terrible decision making?