Neither does ball.
I had a really long diatribe about my hate for LeBron here, but I realized I shouldn't devote any effort to replying when the writer of the...
No wmc this game? I couldn't watch, unfortunately.
Does that mean Lou is the starting PG? Or Clarkson?
It lead to that really nice Randle putback though.
I think the confusion is coming from this being such a late game. It'll be 12 midnight on the East Coast by the time the game rolls around, so to...
I thought you were taking about Mr. Bogdanovic there.
Upshaw I believe. They're both Robert, right?
I need more.
I thought Nash was retired?
Aren't they already paying JaVale McGee to not play?
Do these writers not get that the Lakers have faced unprecedented injury losses the last two seasons? It's literally the only reason we were able...
Damn. Now I want donuts.
What was this a photo of?
I wonder how many fans he lost.
He means shooting for three weeks. Straight.
He changed his Twitter handle finally. Good.
Jordan shots to much.