if it's not Russell, would you rather package Randle or just wait until 2018? even thinking about the perimeter defense in a Lonzo/Ingram/George...
Magic saying "Clippers are still the Clippers" has to be one of the most defeating things for anyone involved with the LAC franchise
if he ends up staying, I think he stands to be the biggest beneficiary. D'Lo wanting to be a 2-guard is an obvious one. If Randle is relieved of...
If Indy takes back Deng or Moz in a deal, I find to be a huge win for this front office. At this point I think the highest price I'm comfortable...
I want PG here as much as you guys, but lets be clear hes from Palmdale :rofl: Not sure if he knows the streets of LA
I agree with this more than anything. I can believe a shred of intent was there... though I don't think it really matters. What's clear to me is...
As much as I hate the green team, seeing Olynyk hit those shots was pretty impressive. I don't enjoy watching him, but he stepped up in a huge...
Zaza's goofy a** took out Leonard. Last time it was Durant. Intentional? That's impossible to prove. I got no horse in this race. But as a...
and one more for good measure :) [MEDIA]
John Wall is very entertaining. He's sort of like Westbrook-lite considering the speeds he plays at, yet he does a few things that Russell...
It's been a while since I've seen American TV but I distinctly remember an Adidas TV spot where Harden was dancing around doing that cooking...
D'Antoni is such an overrated coach. We all know he doesn't coach defense, I think the Rockets have an assistant who is a defensive coordinator of...
didn't they change the S&T rules? player has to be on the roster until December 15 or something? not entirely sure.
I think it was Cowherd who mentioned that, Bird is/was willing to trade PG - but Pacers ownership is looking to sell in the near future, and wants...
Pretty sure that Hayward will either remain a Jazz man or sign with the C Bags. The Brad Stevens connection should count for something
I am not 100% on board with Griffin becoming a Laker but consider the following... The Clippers are cooked. They've been cooked for some time...
I'll go out on a limb and say that our starting lineup next year is: Young Guard Ingram George Griffin Mozgov
i wish it was a closer game... but at least we got this : [MEDIA]
Lavar Balls dad could take Oscar Robertson 1 on 1 And he converted to Islam before Kareem And tripped more acid than Lukewaltonsdad
I think Harden will win it just because the media loves D'Antoni and they're infatuated with his playing style. I'm not hating on MDA but let's...